Civilian Friends vs Peace Keeper Friends
CIVILIAN FRIENDS VS. PEACE KEEPER FRIENDS CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Get upset if you're too busy to talk to them for a week. PEACE KEEPER FRIENDS: Are glad to see you after years, and will happily carry on the same conversation you were having last time you met. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Never ask for food or drink. PEACE KEEPER FRIENDS: May be the reason you have no food or drink. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr. And Mrs. PEACE KEEPER FRIENDS: Call your parents mom and dad. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Have never seen you cry. PEACE KEEPER FRIENDS: Cry with you. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back. PEACE KEEPER FRIENDS: Keep your stuff so long they forget it's yours. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Know a few things about you. PEACE KEEPER FRIENDS: Could write a book with direct quotes from you. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that's what the crowd is doing. PEACE KEEPER FRIENDS: Will kick the whole crowds' behind that left you. CIVILIAN FRIENDS: Would knock ...