Uncle Sam!!'s Army Guide
UncleSam!!'s Complete Army Guide -How To Tell!! htt that You need Glasses!! You go to every "WiFi Hot Spot" expecting to find yourself a Bride!!, and this while wearing your issued ArmySpecs "BCG's!!" (birthControlGlasses) Bo) -How To Tell!! htt that everyone knows you're broke on paydays!! You're...... I'm theOnly one at theRecCtr / RecreationCenter on base, in fact, I'm the only one eating in chowHall that day...... ALL month too!! -HTT!! that I've been in theArmy all my life. Cos no one saw me back then (a minority) and no one sees me now!! (even when I'm a Minority wearing army digital combat uniform!!) -HTT!! that UncleSam!! wants you to be (and in MY case, to GO BACK to theBar & Grill!!) an professionalChef!! Because your BlackBeret can be poofed up like a mushroom cap on top of your head, just like chefBoydArdee!! d:oP -HTT!! that theArmy DOESN'T want you to have kidz!! d:o( The Dri...