One Year
At the prodding from a friend I came back to my blog and now I post something. Not much to say cos I say it all on Twitter ( SLFlyinghorse ) and on faceBook, and in chat and Email. October is a good month, because one year ago I came back from Iraq. Freedom is something we all take for granted. And freedom is something we all don't have at times either. But we Americans have it more than most people on the planet and in our current possession of Democracy we want others to have it too. One year ago I stepped off the plane at HunterArmyAirfield in Georgia and couldn't believe I was "home". Days, Weeks, Months and hopefully still YEARS after, I would walk all over base or out theFrontGate and across town of Hinesville GA to Walmart or to eat at a restaurant, to play pool & drink & smoke, I looked all around me and saw the beauty of things I took for granted. Leaves fell from trees, grass seemed greener, I walked in the rain and loved it, the cars zooming ...