More of theSam!!'s topCountry
more CountryTunes from one who's not only OUT of tehCountry!!, but he's still out of tune!! =:oP 1. highway20Ride!! ....going down MSR and seeing that poor bicyclist giving about "20" of his countrymen a ride.....down tehHighway. 2. AmrikanHoney!! ....we peek atchoo in your CHU, we leer atchoo in your sleep.... you should shut your webCam off. 3. a lil' more Country thanThat!? it's not hard to imagine a dirt road, or even potholes, hell. Our potholes will blow your ass up!! 4. temporaryHome!! just another stop, right here i'll flop in my temporary... erh, in my CHU!! 5. tillSummer comes around!! in fact, it's already here, even at christmas and newYears!! i should know, i spent both midnights footPatrolling and laying in garbage watching for insurgents to mortar the FOB!! 6. ain'tBack yet!! yes, i feel like i been gone forever too, 7. gimmieThat girl!! the one in theBlackHijab, w/ black gloves to give me handJob or you can use mine!! 8. ain...