Looking Ahead!!

theSam!! looks ahead by LookingBack (at what he's done in life). I went to KregsList on tehNet!! for inspiration on this blog post, besides, I might be a Civilian sooner than I think!! and it helps to always be prepared for the eventual transition.

-theSam!! Looks Ahead,

Looking for a dedicated, hardworking, clean and dependable dishwasher for a great downtown fine dining restaurant.
There are responsibilities outside of dishwashing like janitorial and minor groudskeeping.

competetive pay, friendly staff and great working environment.

please e-mail with resumes
Experience in dishwashing required!!

theSam!! Translates theAd for You!!

Looking for a careerDeadEnded, Desparate individual who at least wipes his nose on his shirt and combs his hair (nothing else in required!! unless you apply for chef'sHelper then you must zip your fly and have your shirt on outsideOut and front forward)

Must only be dependable in as much as you can depend on Us to feed you daily at shifts end and that you won't drink from our boxed cooking Wine until we throw it out after 3weeks

(besides, you'll have plenty of daily FRESH glasses of unConsumed wine, vodka gimlets, champagne flutes and tallPints of beer to pick from when trays and trays of the stuff come to you for warewashing)

theSam!! sez, as for theFineDining part, there were a couple places he stepped into and then RAN Out of coz, what with the Roaches, bugs and rodents zipping around all over the place, THAT was "Monetary FINES" enough just waiting to happen.... again!!

As for the "Other"
responsibilities outside of DishWashing, let's just say that you'll be HeadGopher!!, you'll be fetching this that and the other for everyone else in your establishment where you'll work

Now don't get me wrong here, but it's pretty darn funny to be working at one of the hottest places in town and yet, 4 times a week ALL kitchen and wait staff pool $ together and order out for Pizza or else, send YOU down the street for appetizers or else across theAlley way for chicken wings-it's funny, sad and true.

You'll be Chauffeur for Owners & Staff on all major drinking holidays and if you don't have a drivers license don't worry. After management drops their wallets when you all BarHop, just flash SomeOne elses I.D. when theBoss slurs at you,

"you do HAVE a drivvers lushenz... yahhs!?", just smile and nod as you slip 'em his wife's I.D., or theSousChefs photo then hit the gas pedal!!

As for theGroundsKeeping part, don't tell ANYONE that you used to do Cosmetology, cos then you'll be doing "maintainance" upon eyeBrows, mustaches, beards as well as bikiniWaxing.

Trust me, I used to do everything like that when I was Cosmetologist, and of course, when you work around "entitled" Food & Beverage Industry people, you'll be expected to still do anything and everything you once did in life, trust me.

The only thing I have to say about the "Friendly Staff" info is that theStick that Management will beat you with won't hurt so much after fellow Staffers share their drinks with you or offer their weed,

Why'd you think I decided to drink when I turned 40 in 2007!?, cos I had to make a hard, final choice in life regarding the restaurant work I had started, so I decided to Imbibe and to do it with food and later on, perhaps include Cigars in the mix.

It's a choice I am proud of and that I didn't partake of pills and weed from a few staffers I met along the way, seriously.


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