YVC Press Release!!
YVC Inc Press Release (YVC Inc, theCity, Nov 30, 2005, Chelsea Talker PIO - Public Information Officer) Item 1. VCU Alaska! / Village Credit Union-Alaska! will now be hosting Quarterly press releases on the YVC Inc website. Press releases are now available in ViDT (Village inebriate - Delerium Tremens) format. Viewing them requires the free ViDT InterCranium software available after serious drinking bouts. Just access your account by Internet. Helpful information reps are standing by to IM and argue with you. IM-YVC-Billy224: Don't call me a snoggy head you drunk, and learn how to spell. Your account says that last Sat 12 Nov 2005 at 2318:38hrs you withdrew $620 from Checking leaving you with a balance of $176. I didn't take that money you moron, I was out with my frien... oh God. *sigh* IM-Customer Lefty112: ddded so! I was at the Elbow Rrrom looking at my... your chist and I said to you.. Irene. Will you mary me! Then I barrfed and fell off the floor and you stole my monkey!...