a Pile of Shoes
it's currently 0400hrs, AKDT, I tossed and turned for a while in fitful sleep, then sat up, scooted over on my bed to within reach of my pianoKeyboard, turned it on and attached my Headphones (so I won't disturb any of my roomies in theOther AP rooms) and did some basic scales, now I feel much better that I've done that. It was my first winter with my churchFoster family, those mormons that took me in for one school year to help me transition into a life full of better education & better Life opportunities as well, my homesickness was past yet most nights I fell asleep in tears missing Mama and lil' Sister Jess & lil' brother Allen (Charles, now deceased of Cancer) I was born Lakota, had been infused?! (for lack of a better word right now at 4a.m.) had been given theDNA of my ancestors, passed down to me from my mother, those precious markers and traits that only theWomen can carry and pass down to their offspring, I was taught Lakota, had been given the b...