In theArmy!!, now
Hello everyone!! tehSam!! has reEnlisted thanks to theMilitary raising theAge of Enlistment (theSam!! is 41currently and will turn 42 in Aug). WarriorTransitionCourse / WTC Will be in Fort Sill, Oklahoma and then I will be sent on to Fort Benning, Georgia for OneStationUnitTraining / OSUT Today , Mon 13 July 2009, in Anchorage I made it through the final phases of MEPS / military entrance process station processing and after taking theOath of Enlistment, along with several other militaryService bound young people, I was given my "Package" papers and my flight Itinerary and alas, was NOT Given any meal voucher checques to WriteOut, theShippingAdvisor / Taxi driver to theAirport told me, us PriorServicemen, that "you prior service are on your own for food". Uh... Ok Now I sit at "UncleTed's!!", TedStevensInternationalAirport in Anchorage awaiting my flight Out of AK and onto Atlanta, Wow, it's going to be a long flight. ...