
Showing posts from October, 2009

theSam!!'s Top 10 for Halloween 2009

theSam!!'s Top 10!!   theSam!!'s Top 10 reason to do Army PT while in AK, He's awake anyway for pee break at 0430!! besides, his t-shirt & boxers getup isn't far from theArmy nylon PT short and Army "T".   He should stop feeling theBurn from the subzero winds and blowing snow after an hour of Jumping jacks anyway!!   tS!!TT reason to do Army PT while home on Leave in Alaska, they sell Monster Energy drinks at theVillage!!GeneralStore....along with just about everything else!! After 3 of those, you'll be up 2 days and 3 nights as well, So just hit the bike trail and run North 2.5 miles   ehhhh, too bad they don't take militaryStarCards d:o(   tS!!TT reason living out of an Army green duffle bag ain't so bad!! As you pull shtuff outta theBag!!, the top just collapses down a bit..... kinda like your alaskaPublicSafetyCareer kinda did after you first pulled over theChief'sGrandkids for drunk driving way way back in 2001   you...

Village Military Graduate!!

theVillage!!:  militaryGraduate Sam!!   theSon!! just graduated from Infantry training and along the way earned a couple of ribbons for some type of brave & selfless act so next time ya' see him, thank Him for protecting our Nation at home from a Broad!! d:oP   And if you don't see him don't worry cos with unfettered access to his stupid Blog, we're sure he'll keep us all apprised of his military successes so you can join him in pride.... if not Chagrin & embarassment!!   PFC Samuel L Flyinghorse left Anchorage on 13 July 2009 to attend WTC/Warrior Transition Course training at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. The Private First Class spent a few days in reception with 95th battalion before crossing the tracks (going over to theOther side of theBase) and joining up with D Btry 1st Bn 79th FA   WTC course requirements included the following: Basic Rifle Marksmanship, daily Army Physical Fitness, Tactical Foot Marches, Convoy Live Fire & Urban Operations...

2009 Things to do with theSam!!

2009 Things To Do With ArmySam!!   01  d:oP Lick iceCream!! and why not?!, thePrivate has had plenty of practice at theDFAC / diningFacilities (chowHall) sneaking those iceCream sandwiches when theDrill Sergeants / DS aren't looking.   Keep running every day Sam!!, keep losing weight and being able to move faster so you can sneak MORE iceCream ya' fatAss!!   02  Hike theWorld Famous "StairWay To Heaven" After spending a nice relaxing week camping in theWoods around ft Benning, you can strap 70lbs of gear on your back, grab your rifle and head on down the road with your hiking buddies eager to find this stairway of legend.   Careful though that you walk theStairWay on UnSprained ankles and that you didn't injure your hams or knees weeks previous either, else you might fall back from theGroup while roadMarching and completely miss out on this GraduationRequirement walk   Don't worry though, if you have to drop out from anklePain, you'll just hi...