Trivial Village

Village Trivia!!

This message is brought to you by theSam!!
Rumored to be spotted on Bus #'s 45, 60, 1, 1, 60, and 45 on Saturdays & Sundays!!
How many Villagers does it take to get to theCenter of theMoneyPit??
All 245+ of 'em!! including 200 visitors.
Just get $300 in quarters and new dollar coins and bury them under Sawdust in a 10x10 box as part of Village Fun Days!!
Who exclaimed these words?!
"It's so light and airy!!"

after inflating his "girlfri... um. After inflating his air mattress each night in theCity after Trooper RideAlongs were done and theTroopdeJueur!! would escort theMisDemeanant back to his Apt in his own handcuffs.

HollyMooch, after completely sucking all theHelium!! from her party balloon and started imitating theSam!!, after all, he does sound kind of whiney without theGas!!

C-theRegionalVPSO Director!?,
after theSam!! & theVillageVPO!! handed over theBulletVest sans softArmor & sofTraumaPac when theRVPSOD?! stayed overnight in theVillage!! to attend Patrols and participate in Responses to A / SA's & DVE's.

In fact, theRVPSOD got to walk point that night!!
"Gee guys, thanks, I appreciate you looking out for me an' all, er.. uh..
What are all theQuickWipes and Tampons for?!
oh... andSam!!,

what are we doing at your Villagehouse?!"
Culture Vultures
You know that you're never forgotten when, after living in virtual isolation 9 months of theYear, one day a huge 60 passenger LuxeryLiner Tourist bus pulls into theVillage!!

and everyone steps off theBus to take Pictures, to eat out theVillageEnd!! food grill and to mosey on through theLodge!! looking at all theMemorabilia on display:
to see theSports Trophys,
to see theVillageElders Pics,
to see theBloodyBallistic vest from theLast VPSO,
to see theNext to theLast nextest nextVPSO's stuffed body posed to hold theRabbitEars on theLodgelounge 120" flat-screen tv.

In 10 mins flat a Group of Dancers forms a circle and start singing Native songs to theMooseHide drumbeat as Tourists gather round and shutters snap away.
Then a blanket gets unfolded and a young VillageGurl in beads & buckskins gets tossed high
for theTourists delight.

Trouble is, theDancers only know 3 songs and endlessly parade them around and round.

It's like those Caterpillars that marched endlessly around in a circle as part of a scientists experiment, they eventually died of hunger.

and in theVillage!! people die of Alcoholism.
Step right up, Culture for Sale!!
How many days should one Council Intern wear her Floral top & Jr Capris pants?
till her Spittle 'grays out' a nice big spot in front, and theBlood from her broken nose and fat lips blends in with theRed hues of the painted on flowers and until her pants stop absorbing urine.
What was.... nah..
I'll post something short and trivial this time.




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