Village Country Gold!!

Village Country GOLD (schlager!!)

Oh Fiddle Faddle!!

This months publication from theVillage!! is brought to you by theSam!! of whom it can be rightly said,

“He thinks his Trash is Sexy!!”
In fact, it really turns him on.... Dowwhh!!

Actually it’s theVillageChixxx!! that thinks theSam!!’s Tazer’s sexy.

A sneak peak into theOfficer’s tiny cabinet files where all theReports are stored reveals these words.

“They think my Tazers sexy!!, It really turns them on,
they’re always Swearing at Me!!, While they struggle and groan.

They really like restraining and cuffing of their hands,
and they’re even kinda crazy ‘bout my Village tan!!

But I really don’t understand how or why and this is what gets me,
They think my Tazer’s Sexy!!”


Further reading of theSafety’s!! babble reveals this Village conondrum.

“Patrolling theVillage in the hot summer sun.
Out of theWoods, she stumbles then she runs,
backpack of Vodka and pockets full of MaryJane.

Holding cell room, she gets sick and throws up
then opens up her blouse and pulls her hair up
look at her face, she’s trying to fool me!!

She thinks my Tazer’s sexy!, it really turns her on
she’s stripping, Staring at me, while I’m typing along.

she likes the way she twitches, kicking, muscle spasm hands
she talks with a lisp, cos she bit her tongue tip off!!

I’m the only one who really understands she’s kooky,
she thinks my Tazer’s sexy!

Her parents pace back and forth, theCouncil I fight,
we take it to theState, theTroopers roll their eyes.

Go back to theVillage, Up to my room
and turn the telephone OFF!!

I get a little sleep then I dream, wanna know what it is??

I want a crazy Village and a school full of kids

I wake up screaming, run down theRoad,
600 miles home!!

she thinks my Tazer’s sexy!, it really turns her on
Always swearing at me, on her, theSpitHood I don.

she likes the way she twitches, kicking, muscle spasm hands
she’s even kinda crazy bout her boy named Sam!!

I’m the only one who really understands she’s kooky,
she thinks my Tazer’s sexy!

Well she ain’t into Batons, or nickle plated Cuffs,
but if it buzzes and it crackles man, her eyes light up!

she thinks my Tazer’s,
she thinks my Tazer’s sexy!!”

And we think
this report is stoopid. anywho, Moving on.
Yeah, guess I’d better take out the trash when I leave my lil Apt room later on today.

“Cos my trash is Blinking aahtt meyy!!, while I’m typing this Blog!!” Doh!!

This message is also brought to you by theSam!!
whom we all know, likes his Village

“just a little on the Trashy side!!
cute Village girls with clothes too tight and pale skin so White!!

Clown makeup lipstick, Domestic Violence Rouge,
bra-straps tugged, hair yanked & pulled.

Oh, I like my Village just a little on theTrashy side”

yes, yes people.
That darn plastic grocer store trash bag, the same one that first flitted and fluttered in the breeze past my Office during my first summer in theVillage, is STILL THERE fluttering in theTrees at the end of theVillage.

Believe me, nothing’s changed at all about theVillage.

Which reminds me, “that I’ve got Friends with Clown Faces,
shootin’ Whiskey down and Vodka chasers,

Oh I got friends!! (really, I do, honest!!)
with clown faces!”

Oops... Gotta go now.

“I’ve got Mush cooking in the Microwave.
Fired from my day job, haven’t been paid.
yet I’m doing alright!!

It’s a Great day, to be alive
...that stupid sun shining in my eyes...

Meh!!, I’m going back to bed”

Other Village Country Gold
from various Safety Officers throughout theRegion!!

Officer James is from theVillage!! of Highland Summit,
a quaint little snow bound hamlet in theUpper YukonVillages Consortium.

And before we get to “OJ” as we call him here at theOffices!!,
we’ll re-aquaint everyone with a morsel of AlaskaVillageTales history.

Highland Summit is an avid member of “BEHEMOTH”,
a subregional group of neighboring Villages that nestled themselves “face-first”

deep in theBossoms!! of theYVC Inc (doh!!) region,
and for obvious reasons-refused to come out!!

Other than mailing out, faxing and the occasional E-mail no ones ever seen any member of theBehemoth group,

they just completely, Udderly!! refuse to show themselves.
Well, other than the fact that over half theCuteOnly HS girls are on theNet via paysites and all... but that's another Blog!!

Guess those Bossoms are too good to leave.

Back in the early 1980’s an US Army SpecOps team was doing winter training close to theBehemoth region,

and every night theSoldiers would report hearing a strange sound.

An accurate comparison of this sound could only be duplicated by placing one’s face into theBossoms of an attractive girl and with your mouth, going “hbhbhthtbbhghhtbbthbhbhtbth!!, back and forth.

But no further contact was established by theSpecOps team.


“Like theAbdominal Snowman and various “As Seen on TV“ late night appliance ads, we know such people exist.” quipped a YVC Inc (doh!!) board member,
who was eagerly tongueing and lapping at his foam topped Vente-Grande Latte.

“Besides, I am from Behemoth!! region, but I was taken from them as a small child.

Ever after I’ve heard theRumors and all theBoogeyman stories of each Village from that region.”

“all told to me 2nd and 34th hand by-the-way”
theBoard Member suddenly stopped and stared at theYVC Inc (doh!!) reporter, Chelsea S. Talker!!

“what?!!, oh.... “ Wiping his chin and nose.
“got a little messy did I?!, and to think,

I dunno where on earth I ever got that habit from anyway”, shrugged theAdmin’s weary shoulders.

“weary from what?!”, nodded Chelsee Stalker,
adjusting her turtle shell framed half lensed shades upon her nose.

“I dunno,” dodged theYVC Inc (doh!!) admins bored member.

“Dodging questions, evading responsibility, pushing my luck, even weary of being just weary for no reason comes naturally to us Leaders here at company HQ!!”

>>>>>>Begin Interview>>>>>

Chelsea S. talker, Reporter ExtraOrdinance!!:
So how about “OJ!!” as your people call him?!

YVC Inc BoardMember:
Well, an wonderful import to theYVC region, from CA he is, or FL??

He’s so tanned he’s almost yellow orange, slice him, squeeze, even Zest!! in your Vodka,
your Iced tea or plain old water as Chaser!!


But seriously, OJ was at first, to us here at YVC, our utility Officer.
We could send him into any Village and he’d get along famously with anyone.

Did his work and was effective in stemming alcohol importation, quelling Assaults and other Violence, even stepping into theVillage roles of caretaker and provider to some of theChildren and Youth,

as pretty much all of our Officers do at one time or another for us.

OJ, or Officer James was from Florida incidently and at first, when we interviewed him for employment with us he had a wife,

but she didn’t last 3 months out West along theYukonz River.

A city gal she was, but you couldn’t tell that by looking at her, so quiet and intense she was.

But the work, as many of our Officers call it, comes first and before even themselves out in theVillages,

I mean, Chels,,, even you’ve seen how those Officers are.

Chelsea Stalker:
yes I have.

I saw you a few times as you grew up, met your parents, knew your Grandparents,
You too know the responsibilities that each of our VPSO’s and theVPO’s bear.

This work isn’t for the fuzzy bunnies and milque-toasts of society.

You go to various Assaults, various Domestic Violence Events- A/DVE,
and each one is often bloody and everyone present is in a state of hysterics.

The pain, whether physical or emotional, mental, that is experienced by Everyone party to such events is very real.

It stays with you for life. You have to make snap judgements and live with the consequences forever.

You have to deal with theViolence on an intense personal level, and you have to deal out Violence too when necessary.

Nothing prepares you for such things out in theVillages,
though some hard experiences that most of our Officers go through before working for us DO come close,

but nothing prepares you for Village life.

You have to experience it to know first hand.
That a seemingly innocent place, be it a Village, be it a house in That Village, theSchool,

theEntity of what ever group or place we speak of, can be so dysfunctional behind the scenes.
And theBig City police and state Troops might see much of the same dysfunction in a 20, 30yr career span, but for all of our Officers.

They see that much in months, and a few short years.

Here at theCompany, we also take Employee pictures upon first hire,
but our VPSO’s we look at them every year.

There is a noticeable difference each and every year too. And some of us company members even get to look at an occasional Arrest report now and then just to see how each Officer is doing.

Those Officers go through so much out there in theVillages,
WE both know that Chels,
and OJ,.....

*YVC Inc BM takes a moment to drink some water and gaze out thePicture window at theCity skyline.*
Sun glinted off a distant Jet liner slowly lumbering into theWintery alaskan sky,
the soft chatter of 3 employees grew, then subsided as they passed the semi opened office door.

OJ did a lot for us in the places we sent him too.
He was ex military, had been to war and had pulled the trigger a few times.

We had a heck of a time,
us here at YVC Inc, fighting with theState to get a couple of Vials of strictly controlled medicine for that young man because,

one of the places he had been before coming to work for us, was over in Bosnia.

He’d been in those refugee camps after those people fled theWar,
his medical battallion set up camps there and worked in absolute filth for many months.

One by one, OJ’s team mates got sick, until one morning, he too was feeling very chilly and was too weak to sit up.

It was hard to believe that healthy people would just literally go from healthy one minute to deathbed ill in 5 mins,

yet that’s what OJ saw and experienced.

And he lived, through that horror while a few of his battallion members died.

So we at YVC helped him with his Medical recovery and fought tooth and nail for medication that he needed and quietly shipped out a vial to theVillage Health Clinic where ever he stayed.

The State glared at us and stated that such medications were for 3rd world countries,
where disease is present that ISN’T present here in America,

we produced copies of OJ’s service jacket and proof of employment, they grudgingly sold us theVials.

Chelsea S. Talker:
What happened to OJ?!

YVC Inc Board Member:
After sending him to different Villages every 4-6 months we sent him out to Highland Summit.

People were stand offish at first, as always to any stranger in their midst,

but like all good Officers OJ gave his time, his $, his talents and that won over a lot of people in that Village.

Even though that Village is hard to get to by Air, you hook left through thePass and then literally have to dive for theValley floor or else you’ll miss theAirstrip runway!!

Have 4 seconds after that row of fallen spruce trees to climb or else you become part of theEastern Ridge summit.

Part of “Marys family” as it were.
(Marys Family story is that Over a hundred fifty years ago, a group of Village women went berry picking in late August up above the snowline and got caught in a sudden snow storm.

No one ever saw those women again.

And then about 50 yrs later during every winter a hunting party from theVillage of Highland Summit could see human tracks in the snow,

Every decade or so a new story is told from people that visit that Summit face.

In 1972, one group of men who camped out told of how one night, a group of females approached their tent and started to poke and prod the shelter.

The women spoke in the old Athabaskan tongue, and they were angry.
The men flicked their flashlights on and glimpsed faces and hands,

all pressed against theTents heavy muslin fabric.

Hands moved, mouths opened and eyes, or at least the outline of all the above could be seen and then were chased away by theLights.

One man, a recovering alcoholic that decided to attend the hunting party as part of his sobriety, lost his mind and took off after theWomen,

crying and carrying on, shouting out loud to them as they drew him away from the still sleepy, still in-shock camp of men.

No one ever saw that man again. It turns out that grandma mary was an ancestor of theAlcoholic and she drew him away from his camp to join her and her family.

And still, every winter up in the mountains, hikers, campers, even some big-City scientist Climatologists spoke of being followed, being watched and even a tent of theirs being turned over by a mob of angry people.

And when they’d step out to investigate, they’d see tracks in the snow.
That’s the common denominator, theFamily attacks took place in Winter. never summer, spring, fall.)

But OJ went there to Highland Summit and never came back!!

YVC BM: *laughing*,
They loved him there. A 2nd family, 2nd most Infuential in theVillage, took OJ in and he married a Native girl.

Sent his kids to theTiny Village school, where he helped tutor school kids in and where he helped with other social events and special occasions.

But that high altitude climate soon took OJ’s health from him.
He fevered badly one winter, an Village Uncle of his found OJ wandering around in his flannels and boots late one night on one end of theVillage.

He was talking a language that turned out to be Croatian / Serb and at the time OJ was gesturing to an unseen figure on the ground, trying to set up an IV or giving stethescope blood pressure readings.

OJ’s wife, watched him for the next two weeks until he passed away.

Everyone figured that those diseases that OJ was immersed in years ago overseas had finally come for him halfway around theWorld.

Even theState sent in health experts and quietly took blood from every Villager,
but nothing bad turned up in peoples test results.

Even to the end, OJ was a VPSO. Wearer of theBrown uniform with Gold lettering.

His Village family buried him in his Uniform accented with leather and fur Boots and Gloves,
an elaborate beaded & bone vest and a heavy Diamond Willow Cane.

He had two men in the Holding cell the night he died at home.
His younger Village niece was being beaten by her boyfriend and no one told OJ it was happening.

He just quickly sat up in bed and hastily got dressed, his Mother in Law intervened but to no avail,

Rumor had it that when OJ’s MIL intervened in affairs, even theLeading Family obeyed!!
OJ went to help and investigated, detained, arrested and held his prisoners.

The Village Chief himself was Jail guard and everyone finally got OJ to go home.
Even his prisoners at the time were begging him to go sleep.

I swallowed lots of Dramamine and vodka and endured a long plane ride to Highland Summit for the funeral.

Even a few of the Old timer State Troops joined me on that one flight, and it was they that had the vodka.

Were’nt you there for the burial??

Chelsea S talker:
Arizona that winter, Journalism conference trying to get funding for 3 Villages by winning debate rally and then support speaker for Youth Group delegates. I sent ‘Manda instead. She did a great piece, theObit.

yes she did, did you know that she helped dig theGrave?
Her mom was mad when I stopped in that night after flying into theVillage.

She cooked for me and theState Troop Officers that were with me, had just come from theVillage cemetary and Amanda was totally hammered along with most of the men,
all bare chested or at least T-shirted from the exertion of digging.

They had a big bonfire going, drinking and talking.
The StateTroops just laughed and took it all in.

Chelsea Stalker:
What’s this I heard?? The State Troops were cutting down trees next to the Grave yard?
Someone mentioned it but I never asked about it?

oh... well, those 3 men were Veterans at Bush living and travel.

Two of them had those big 3’ by 6’ fold out Solar Panels and they used them a few hours a day to keep their portable radios and their Satellite phones charged up.

One Troop, he got his panel stuck in the tree, he tossed it up 10’ high and then couldn’t get it down a few hours later after the Sun set, so he got out his small Berber field axe and....

what started out as just cutting a few branches off the tree turned out to him completely cutting down a small spruce.

Everyone thought that was so funny, everyone except him.

You’d never expect those clean uniformed men and women to stay in theVillages for long when they have to fly in, but a few State Troops did and still do from time to time.

It’s a novelty at times to look at them.

Look, he’s got a speck of dust on his pants.
Look, he’s eating Food!!,
I wonder if he likes Gramma’s moose stew!?

That one State Troop Director, he ate two sticks of Muktuk and then promptly threw up on Granpa Ben’s boots.

Chels & theBM laugh and take a breather.

YVC Moard Bember continues:
It was at least a year before I got the nerve to send another Officer out to Highland Summit.
They pretty much took care of themselves after OJ left them. And they quietly accepted the new VPSO too.

Some times theState Troops get a call here in theCity and then a few Officers rush off to theCity Airport to wait upon arrival of a prisoner or two and the Paperwork.

But good Officers like OJ.

You can’t train people to be like that, and now that I think of it, I don’t think OJ ever attended theVPSO Academy.

As he was always out Winter hunting with theVillage men at that time or else attending summer fish camps.

Even he too, experienced theVisitations from Mary’s Family one winter as he camped with theMen.

Later on he told his Father-in-Law that some of theFaces he saw by flashlight were of his long-dead military buddies, and that of a few of theRefugees that died in his care.

Every Village and person in it has it’s ghosts, their forgotten.

<<<<<<<<< End Interview<<<<<<<


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