Celebrity Sam!!
...or at least CelerySam!! since he's pretty much easily amused and entertained by the small celery sticks, carrot "stars" and asparagus stalks at theChippedCup!! where he works, he keeps throwing FreedomFries at his favorite ChefGurl!! theSam!!’s Rep he did not get Lip Injections!! instead, one of his disgruntled VillageChixxx!! smacked him in the mouth!! Check out more of theSam!! at AlaskaVillageTales!! Most Recent Happenings!! -theSam!!’sRep It’s been tossed out like last weeks Turkey carcass!! oh.. I mean. theBoi!! did not get Lip Injections.......... but he did get a HairCut!! an really, really extreme high-n-tight military fade. in fact, he left it longer on top and creates a little forwardFlip of cowlick!! ha ha ha ha ha ha!! now he's cold standing at theBusStops!! -theSam!! some of Sam!!’s friends and one lil’ ToyDog share ThanksgivingDinner!! and later on, theSam!! wanted to walk over theHill with theToyDog & a Stick, standOn / strangle theDog with...