
thePrincess!! Dodges,

her Employees have escaped.........Completely!!

erhh. (again!!)

Escape to an AK JobBank reEmployment Ctr before your budget is gone!!

$94 web rate, $134 In person. Book your Release now!!


no Thanks to an 2004 lawsuit-we Now feature wireless Internet in ALL guest rooms, an Stapled!! business Center in every Conference Room and via an 2006 lawSuit, an Princess!! staffed FitnessCenter.

What chafes her majesty!! and her 5 sisters to no end, is that now each time theLodge!! is open for business theFitnessCenter / FC has to be staffed by an actual AlaskanAthabaskanPrincess!!

NOT just an employee whom “technically” IS Princess when ever they’re in uniform and working. Allegedly representing theCompany and speaking, doing, acting for and behalf of, NOPE!!
And Not just by an BodyDoubleEmployee either whom is speaking, doing, acting for and Spying!! on behalf of...NOPE!!
None of that crap either.

But now the 6 Princess!!’ are up in arms that each one of them now has to ACTUALLY be there during 9 to 5 hours (AK Day Time) for the upcoming 2008 SummerTourist season,

we can at least look forward to future photos of our LustyLodgeGurls!! as they slim down and melt away, losing the fat and shedding pounds, getting firmer and fitter and foxier....
meehh. Whom are we kidding!!

Those girls are sooo OLD, and have had more plastic surgery than all of the entire US west coast, and if you don't believe me,

Go back into YVC archives, Summer of 2005 and READ about theAlaskanAthabascanPrincess!!'s, there's 5 of them, and number 6 is theLeader in her Palatial-Glacial!! NorthernLodge high up in theBrooksRange!! - nestled firmly in Brooks Cleavage, ample Glacial Overhangs with Pert.....

these Hot dames are old, but they run their corporate conglomerate TouristTrap Lodge empires like fine tuned machines. Albeit, flabby, excess prone, imbibing machines as of late.

And Gone!!, (hopefully anyways) will be the all night drinking binges and Crab & Steak Feasts complete with hefty slices of Decadent ChocolateCake and all variety of CheeseCakes too,

erhh. At least FOR thePrincesses!!.
Poor girls will have to slow down thePartying and Feasting and Drinking, even if they do it all alone in their respective Lodges ExecutiveSuites after hours till just before sunrise!!

Gone will be (hopefully anyways) theLove handles, theSaddleBags!!, theBackFat!! and theExtraChinz!! of each Princess!!

At least know that eachPrincess!! won’t be losing her Breasts, (they’re Gel or Saline Implants!!),

and the genuine leather motorcycle bags for each HarleyGal!! actually WAS too tacky,

Cos one can only put So-Many!! steel rivets in shape of a GrinningSkull and Lightning bolts out of the sky stabbing...

anyway, give ‘em back!! Besides, theSteelRivets all added 30 extra pounds to theBikes and even though theExtra weight actually “SAVED” one of theHarleyGirls!! life as she literally-sped Through an Entire Caribou herd on her way home to theLodge!! last summer,

and she didn’t know about it until after she got back to herHomeLodge!! Pulled her face from theRoadCam view screens "Hooded shroud" and stepped off theBloodyMachine, wiped her wet helmet and thought theMosquitos were back in force!!

The PlayBACK!! of theBikerCam showed thePrincess!! topping out at 150mph and slicing hapless Caribou in half, but since this One particular Princess!! was so small,

she was protected by theMachine she rode from Bodily contact with theHerd as she sped past (and through!!).

As for the returning of theBacon, well. At least 5 Princesses!! won’t be protesting THAT anytime soon.

Cos bacon is for eating for breakfast and since when did any of the 6 Princess!!’s ever ever end up being Up so early in the morning or having to wake up before Noon!?

Besides, every good Princess!! knows that a proper nutritional start to any ones day begins with a stiff BloodyMary and a fresh cut Carrot!!

We’ll certainly see what theChinFamily has to say about being evicted from theLodge!!

gee, thePrincess!!Lodge finally found an equitable, Profitable source for keeping her Servers IT systems all in a pretty row (Online) only to have to evict theIT savvy, Chinn family that was illegally imported just for employment out in theAlaskanWilderness,


But rumor has it that an “certainSecurityOfficer” and his coWorker friends will still have such wild food parties and video views pretty much every night of the 2008 summer Tourist seazon.

And though the 4 current Lodges that are NOW open year round, much like thePrincess’ Thighs!!, don’t have to meet these Repetitive fitness requirement right now, they’ll all be strong armed into such Levered-Circular action and whipped into shape by late May 2008.

Oh well.
at least while the 6 AlaskanAthabascanPrincesses!! and their Guest AerobicInstructor - theSleepingLady!! friend are up in Arms!!, they can be doing MilitaryPresses,

or sitting on theMachine bench reaching UP and then pulling down theWideBar & building up their Lats & backs,

heh heh heh, Let THEM do some “sweating” besides just their ample bosoms "appearing to be sweating" when thePhotographer uses an spray bottle with oil and water, to give that “Sheen” appearance onClevage!! during Promo-print and video ads for theLodges!!

An “anonymous” person asserted that the 6 Princess!!’s could make $ off this new Requirement and offer up DodgeBall Tournaments betwixt Guests and each LodgesPrincess!!

Upon seeing this unsigned Note, all 6 girls immediately fretted over their long FrenchTipped fingers and started to cry.

ohhh bother.

I’m theSam!! and that’s theLatest!! news from theVillage!!, and I have NO idea where Chelsea Talker is, Cos lately she’s been irritable and moody,

Kinda like a few years ago when she used to drink heavily. Maybe she’s gone back to that, I dunno.

A lot of things have changed here at YVCInc!!, even news feeds are sporadic and instead, everyone just skips out of theOffice Bldg and carpools down to theRestaurants to FEED!!

Rumored to be "One" of theLoveHandles that thePrincess!! needs to get rid of!!
but wait....

she already did back in '05!!

theRegions silliest and most Tazed & Sprayed VPSO to date.

Not to mention having been clipped by an car in theCity!!, having an huuuge gorgeous Samoan GF sit on him, AND he now took up drinking too,

happy New Year 2008!!
May old acquaintance be forgot!!........
-like that idiot who borrowed my snow machine and still has it,
-like that yahoo that took my outBoard props and still has them,
-like that Council man's son whom decided to.......

still trying to decide if actually having an BloodyMary would be worth it, cos back in theVillage!!

the"Other" BM's were really sad to have as company, and were upset and complaining but their company was worth it when putting their mean abusive boyFriends in jail.

more CChheeeeseeeCaaakkkee!!
and buy liter bottles of Pepsi too, quit teasing yourself 20oz at a time you Ninny!!



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