Tribal ID cards.
TRIBAL ID CARDS My Tribe is the best Tribe in the world. Can't be beat when it comes to the Village Council vying with the US military or any other secret gov't agency in keeping up with the times in obtaining the latest in high tech stuff. My Tribal issued I.D. card has a holographic image of the Tribal Seal upon it; "9 little Smokehouses" all in a circle. Why 9? I dunno. Perhaps it's to avoid a stigma like the proverbial "10 little 'dinDins". And smack dab in the middle of the Smokehouse circle is a Shot glass. ??? What on earth for? As if to say that our lives now revolve around... Nevermind. And my neck occasionally smarts where the Bio-chip implant was recently inserted by the Village Health Aide. I'm told the implant is a smart chip. Good! I say. Because sometimes I'm not the smartestsestest...est villager in the vil.. Community. Although I don't like my PC rebooting at random and my toaster suddenly popping when I approach the kit...