Love Quotes

I was city, she was village.
in fact, she led the rioting crowd and carried both pitchfork and fire.

I was fat free, she was seal oil.
her kisses of salmon berries and sugar,
stored frigid as mother-in-law and a heap of salmon whipped in
just to make things taste...

I was McD's and she was a moose leg.
Long, lean and sinewy and hard as road kill.

Though in "town" she ate like she was in famine.
"With Photo ID" read my credit cards.

I was a CrownVic and she was the rider in back.
in cuffs and spittle on her shirt,
softly singing to herself and to her friend,

I love you's on the machine, Come see me,
her dad loved me too by taking my valve stem cores.
I was her dozen roses and his 90 days!

she was my Village princess
in jeans and t-shirt,

my spruce hen feathered hair clips
held her reddish brown tiara upon her head.

my t-shirt would bounce up and down when she got mad at me.
In fact, all my shirts were pretty much mad at me.
Full, swelling, anger.

And I was her Native pauper pied piper
With dozens of swarming kids each summer.
I, lord of the flies.
One hand on the cradle, one foot in the grave.

I was smoke, she was fire,
and the village always knew when to act up and put us out!



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