Well, Alaska winter is Over. You’ve all caught theCold, you’ve caught theFlu, now catch theSam!! in your Inboxes or better a Blog near you!! Aachooo!! “gushundeit!!” theSam!! who got stuck in his CrownVictoria once because the reading magazines, newspapers, extra handcuffs, poptarts and boxed milk in theFront of his Outer Ballistic Vest shifted-pinning him for several hours outside the home of DV victim *name deleted*. theSam!! considered by many Villagers to have been recipient of one too many spongy practice baton strikes to theHead at VPSO academy. theSam!! considered to be 'a God' by his VPSO colleagues because he took his 5 second Tazer Electronic Weapon ride in front facing theVPSO Director/AST Sgt. The other wimped out Officers just got a panzy ass jolt from having an electrode taped to their leg/butt and shoulder for a quick ON/OFF. Losers. theSam!! who's all about Not censoring or black marking anything, like ...