
Showing posts from March, 2006


Well, Alaska winter is Over. You’ve all caught theCold, you’ve caught theFlu, now catch theSam!! in your Inboxes or better a Blog near you!! Aachooo!! “gushundeit!!” theSam!! who got stuck in his CrownVictoria once because the reading magazines, newspapers, extra handcuffs, poptarts and boxed milk in theFront of his Outer Ballistic Vest shifted-pinning him for several hours outside the home of DV victim *name deleted*. theSam!! considered by many Villagers to have been recipient of one too many spongy practice baton strikes to theHead at VPSO academy. theSam!! considered to be 'a God' by his VPSO colleagues because he took his 5 second Tazer Electronic Weapon ride in front facing theVPSO Director/AST Sgt. The other wimped out Officers just got a panzy ass jolt from having an electrode taped to their leg/butt and shoulder for a quick ON/OFF. Losers. theSam!! who's all about Not censoring or black marking anything, like ...

YourVillageCalled!! (doh!!) Goes Postal!!!!

YVC had a Hiccup HICCUP-Highland Interior Council of Chiefs (under protest). Lend a warm welcome to our newest committee on Tribal affairs that was appointed to represent the YuViC (upper Yukon Villages Consortium) region for the upcoming FAN (Federation of AK Natives) gathering in Anchorage this coming fall. We're hoping to have a Booboo as well in time for the FAN gathering. The vaunted "Behemoth" bowed out of negotiations at the last minute and will remain in limbo until Upper YuViC Villages can sort out their respective issues with each other. Behemoth is; Beaver Lake, Eastern Summit, Highland, Eagle Feather, Mt Black, Owl Creek, Trapper Lodge, & Hans Mill And you Outsiders thought the Federal Govt cornered the market with alphabet soup agencies and acronyms didn't you?? More Rave Reviews from around the YVC Inc (doh!!) Nether regions - "The only place in Alaska the Dept of Tourism DOES NOT want you to see!!" theAlaska Dept of Tourism -"Gourmet...


EVP Electronic Voice Phenomena. Making recordings and listening to them later on to hear "dead people speak". Just a few hours ago I saw the movie trailers on a new movie about EVP that will start playing in theatres everywhere, even up here in Alaska. My Own Meddling's I had stumbled upon such things as a VPSO when sent to a remote Alaskan Native Village. I did it with just a cheap $30 Sony MCR (micro cassette recorder) As I had daily contact with the "criminal element" in the village I had a duty to be fair and honest in my interactions with each person so I always carried at least two MCR's and 4-blank 60min micro cassette tapes with me plus extra batteries. I hid my MCR's throughout the Lodge where I lived, taped up under tables and in the potted plants that were hung up. I even taped an old MCR that the previous VPSO gave to me. I covered that in white paper and taped it above the EXIT signs, as the white would match the white painted walls. Th...


theSam!! says, When I left grade school I thought that I would Never EVER have to write anything and tell Who, What, Where, When, How & Why. Guess I was wrong. It seems that theHand of Fate reached out and took hold upon me and I'm still writing various reports, log-book journals, personal journals, PC calendar journals and various E-mailings and blogs. I found this latest Police Reports posting on the Internet and considered it good enough to post here. Now sometimes, after writing so many reports & documents you just want to change gears and write; Dear (Hustler) (Penthouse/Playboy) (National Enquirerererrer) (Mom) It was a (Dark & Stormy night) (Big giant polka dotted flying purple people eater!!)...... and continue from there. But in this profession of Public Safety people tend to take us/me seriously, especially when things are put in writing, so I'm afraid that such monumentous tales will have to wait awhile to be told. I'll get to theVillage version of t...


WAG THE DOG III Flea Bit Mutt I’m the “Go To Man“ around here when everyone else runs away from theVillage for extended stays. I've adopted "Motel 6"'s motto because I always "leave the light on for ya'". I’ve watched Kids, Vidz, Uncles, Aunts, Don’ts & Cant’s , Boiler plants, House plants and yes-Even shirts and pants. I’ve also watched people’s Parents and Grandparents, and notably; even a House or two. You know that you’re a bad steward when a House runs away on you.... darn HUD home kept hiding from me for two days!! I couldn’t coax the 3 bedroom Run-away Shelter back with enticings of new buckets of paint. Not even new cedar shakes and promises of edging the log corners with a chainsaw and applying a urathane sealant would get the Building to budge from hiding. I finally got it to come back "home" after threatening a 3.8% Refi, along with not one but TWO 30 yr rollovers and... NO new roofing for next summer’s Village Housing project i...

Happy ST. Patrick's Day!!

Crown Vic Tricks theSam!! says..... after much wrangling, cajoling, crying, shouting coaxing and threatening (and that was on theVillage Councils part-not mine) I was issued a new Village patrol vehicle. Well.. it was "new" in that we've never had one before. And it was a fairly new model car as well. TheVillage Council got it at a discount from theState DOT, as they are an arm (or some other appendage) of theAK State Troops, or perhaps it's the other way around?? I inspected theCrownVic when I first got it and was a little suspect at the small, slight flaws on the door paintjob and part of the front quarter panels (both sides) My suspicions were correct, as far as I could tell, when I looked on theState website and hit theAchives lists to see what shenanigans theState Troops had been up to. What with harrassing good little Tax-Payers that obeyed speed limits and Obedient jaywalkers and happily married couples and live-ins alike!!! I was intrigued by a late July 2001 ...

Somebody's Fool

A question was posed about "who's your favorite comedian?" And several examples were answered, typical responses included most of todays hip and very talented tv stars and stage, movie performers. I like them too but I have to point elsewhere . theTribalAdminz Assistant is my fave comedian. She gets so frustrated with unclipping and Loading up her stapler and then one day she asked me how to spell "credit". She thinks she's still back in grade school sometimes because she treats her $25+ a Hand!!, Silk-tipped nail extensions like Lee-press On nails. Brunette, pale-skinned, so Hot and sooo dumb. theVillageChief is a riot. One day I asked him how come none of his people the AK Natives were ever photographed (historical in books, museaums, movies)) with long hair? He said that "we're civilized". Then I saw a grandaughter of his blind drunk, she jumped into the midst of a local Construction crew and was operating some heavy machinery. Civilized?...

Works in Progress

Some Trailers or Teasers, if you will of upcoming Blog projects. These will appear later on in no certain order. But it should give you a view of how things work with me. I still stick with the report writing style as dictated to me by theState Troops. Every organization, entity, has schedules to follow and keep. And I do to. Title; SUFFER THE CHILDREN or We Are We Are-Youth of theNation or Are You My Daddy? Introduction: Oh God, look what I got myself into. having to write another post. I need sleep. Body: 20+ yrs ago it was my time to Prepare for Today. Today it is our Youth’s time to prepare for Tomorrow. Will develop a good sense of self-worth and of being loved. Parents need to express love and affection. We all need to feel these things; to be Loved, Respected and Appreciated Even if they groan, sigh, pull away, when you show affection or in my case, Tease unmercifully-Deep down inside they love it and want it, Gotta have it! Recognize efforts, Counsel Don't control. Hug the...


theSam!! says As some of you know, I was taught the LDS Church Doctrines in my youth and chose to accept this form of Christianity in my life. It has helped set my life in order and has given me much to believe in, to believe in myself as a son of God and potential heir to God's Celestial Kingdom. I look back on my life and see that I made it ok to here-Today-just fine. I couldn't have done it as successfully without a Christian religion. I believe that everyone should have an opportunity to look into a Christian belief system and should live by it strongly if only for awhile, as I know that not everyone will ever accept or stay with Christianity in whatever form they found it. It is hard, it is inconvenient to live apart from the rest of theWorld at times. It is lonely as well to not follow the practices of drinking, drugs, wild living, delinquency & other criminal living. Personally , I'd rather be the way that I am than to have my house full of drinking & drunke...