Educate me, on Why we should carry knives?

One Online forum that I visit posted this question. Below is "my" response.

Knife carrying 101; Village style
1. When sneaking around theVillage on patrol and you have to hide in Granma's food cache (smokehouse) you can cut some salmon or moose meat that is hanging to dry/smoke and eat it.

2. When someone that you pulled over absolutely will not get out of the vehicle then you can "cut" them out. (cut the seat belt)

3. When on river patrol and you park your boat and go inland and return to your boat and find rope "purposely" tied around your prop. Cut it.

4. You can pick your teeth gaps free of moose meat or salmon during the down time.

5. You can play Mumbly Peg, or VillageToes, or Yukon Jack (what ever your specific region calls the game) of throwing the knife at each other's feet. The VPO (village police officer) got an extra 1/2" split next to his big toe and I got my arch stabbed from one game.

6. You can impress theVillage kidz (boys) when you give them your time and teach them Wilderness survival. Throw the knife at a tree "theHunted" style and build snares, traps and cool deadfalls.

7. When your patrol vehicle goes "kaput" miles from home, then find the problem; like broken fan belt, broken hose. Just get some old belt or old hose and cut it to fit and duct tape it on, using the knife to cut the duct tape.

8. You can give yourself a reason to change the driver's seat in your vehicle after you (carrying a long-knife SOB style) cut the vinyl/leather/clothe covers getting in and out of your vehicle; especially in Winter.

9. Wearing such long-knifes on your belt especially SOB gives all the lil' kidz reason to talk to you!!

10.When you're finished picking detris and such out of your teeth then you can sharpen your knife during the long down-time.

11.When Granma needs extra kindling for the wood pile then you can use your folder or fixed blade to whittle down some tinder shavings.

12.You can pick your toes or fingernails during the down-time.

13.Callouses are just sliced away in no time from your feet and hands.

14.When eating pilot bread (crackers), meat and cheese with Granpa you have your "own" utensil to cut the meat & cheese with.

15.Sometimes there's just evidence that you don' wanna touch at all with your gloved hands, like the used (filled up) condom on the floor from the party/sex assault cases.

I'm all outa reasons. But there ya' have it.
You are now Ejemacated about why you should carry a knife.


"Why did God give you Your mother and not some other Mom?"

We're related.


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