Out With the Old!!

And in with theNew

theSam!! realizes that with every day that passes, the Year 2006 fades away and 2007 approaches, but not one to dwell upon theObvious, eh, at least for too long.

theSam!! has a few things to say once again, to close out theOld Year.

theSoldiers are Coming!!
theSam!! would just like to say that November and December brings good blessings in disguise.

Lately I’ve been working in Security and though I want to do something else with my time, each day brings someone into my Life that I talk with and share something positive with.

Twice already this Month I’ve seen some Villagers from here and there. A few I’ve not seen for over 5 years, others I’ve not seen for 2 to 3 years now and it’s good to see that they’re still alive after I left employment as VPSO overnight so long ago in one Village.

One angry young man from theVillage is now dead. Shot during an argument over drugs. It was said that he was a murderer of another Village youth long ago, and that now Justice has come round for him.

Another woman that had Cancer is still with us. She was a strong Villager, had talked with me from time to time and had even helped us Officers when she knew something about our Investigations that we were doing.

Not very many Villagers would step up and help us Officers, or me for that matter, but a few Villagers did and I respect them still.

A few youth did get away from theVillage and are in the bigger Cities working and going to school and sadly, a few youth are still in theVillage carrying on theCriminal and Immoral activities that afflict Village life so badly.

And before Novembers Thanksgiving I was out at theCity’s International Airport and after working a double shift I was left without a ride back to theApt in North Anchorage.

I had walked such a route many times that month albeit grudgingly and at times just hating God and every one else in my state of temporary Pity.

Once, a Cabbie stopped for me and waved me inside his cab. He was tall, dark haired and talked like he was Ukraine or Czech. He gave me a ride into theDowntown Anchorage area and I walked the rest of 2 miles back to theApt.

Listening to him speak I wondered if he wasn’t from the same Refugee camps as my one girlfriend I met while I was a VPSO. As she too had been from a war torn country and had to leave and eventually came to America.

Funny isn’t it? That almost every kind of people’s throughout the years had to run from theInvaders. My old friend Natalia ran from theSoldiers in her country, my friend theCabbie ran from thePolice in his country.

My own people theLakota once ran from theSoldiers too bent on exterminating them. And here I am over 200 and 300 yrs later living in this country and am a commissioned Public Safety Officer. I wear / carry a fire arm, a blade always and at times an impact weapon.

But you know what? My people of long ago can see me now, as they can see and know of others that live NOW. For our ancestors, our dead are not far from us and they do watch us. And my pain is nothing compared to what my ancestors felt.

I really am an ungrateful man sometimes I guess, and it’s good to have some hard times like my employment woes, of having to walk over 6 miles each way to work and to have certain friends say that they’ll call me, invite me over and feed me and yet they never do.

We are all so close to helping each other and yet, sometimes we never do reach out and lend a hand.

It was cold that morning and it was good that a Cabbie had stopped for me. As I was ready to stop working out at theInternational Airport and look for something else to do that was much closer to my Apt.

But just walking away from work isn’t the thing to do unless outright abuse and neglect occurs to You and Others. And none of this was happening to me. I was just hired and put upon theSchedule and did ask to do some extended work as well.

I asked for that. Though probably not the walking around and having to leave theApt so early just to get to Work on time. And having to live without a pay check a few weeks was hard too.

Good thing that I had saved up a few canned goods and staples in my Apt cupboards for days such as what I recently experienced. And another blessing is that I did lose a good amount of weight and body size. I’m still Big and huggable, just smaller and even more bothersome to cute Girls!!

See, I had to have my Cell service cut back to just local calls and everything in my service package was taken away.

And my PO Box service fees were due too very shortly for another 6 months and I didn’t have the $ to pay for anything except my December rent.

And later on when my 2nd paycheck arrived that was a relief for me. I got to buy food and get cooking utensils and finally to wash my 2 weeks worn uniforms and to pay my cell phone bill.

Life is easy for us today in 2006. We have nothing to worry about. Soon it will be 2007 and I’ll be hanging another Calendar upon the wall and marking it as days go by, I just can’t decide if I’ll get a “Suicide Bunnies” calendar or else a “NASA” theme calendar so I can look at Space.

In todays day and age I ask you, dear Blog readers. When theSoldiers come for you, what will you do? Will you give in and die? Or will you stand up to these Problems and fight for your survival?

I feel so damn good that I’m not going to the grocers and paying for my food with my Quest / Food stamp card anymore. I’m paying for that with my own money I earned.

And granted, at various times of my life I could have been blessed by the kindness of others, I could have been treated much better by friends, by fiance’s, by other people and life for me wouldn’t be full of these hardships and trials I now face. But I am here now and I am stronger because of how my Life turned out.

I do not run from the Soldiers anymore, for I am just as armed and trained as they are. What ever your problems are, don’t run. But stand and face them.

Security Sam!!
Some advice from theSam!! don’t take valuables in your car that you can’t part with because more and more peoples vehicles are being broken into around Anchorage. And the police statistics say that the thieves are supporting drug habits by theft, home burglary, assault, etc.

When I patrol around as Security I see a few people standing by a vehicle and a window is broken out, police standing talking with them. I’ve even been assigned by theCompany to answer residential alarms that get tripped.

And this happening when I am not officially trained and armed by theCompany! But since I’ve been in the game of Public Safety and would be a fool if I didn’t look out for myself while doing this work. I’m not Unarmed at all.

I don’t like working at theAirport either because TSA will do random physical pat-down searches of any employee or any other company affiliate employee and I’d get in trouble if this happened and they found my firearm. But every morning that I wake up to work that day, I listen to theVoice inside me and I do what it says, Carry today or Not.

I tell you. That the most unsafest people today are exactly that, the Security Guards. Unless they’re openly armed by their company and trusted, trained to carry the necessary tools to do their job then most armed criminals don’t ever have to worry about doing anything in presence of a “Security Guard” at all because chances are, they’re just some person in a company uniform.

And I bet that the company that they work for has glossy brochures and industry magazines touting the Company’s safety track record. That they’ve been in business protecting this-that-and theOther since 1960 or 1900 or 1186 BC.

None of this matters to me, theSam!! What matters is what theCompany will do for me an employee or contractor. What means to an end will they allow me, or give to me to do my job? My only gripe with NANA / Purcell was that they paid $9.95

That was far too low to live on but at the time I was happy to Guard theParking spots for them and theGarages.

One Lead Officer that was instrumental in helping me work for N/P was later on fired for inappropriate activities with some females around the work place.

At least that’s what the rumors where saying. I never knew, I only knew that being in the downtown Anchorage area was a safe place to be that summer I worked, because this Lead Officer never took any crap from the Inebriates and other Transients that loitered around the Bus Transit Depot.

People were always given an option of moving on within 2 hours and after that, the Lead Officer would confront the people that he kept a mental list of and off they would go.

You can’t have better people than that who care about the work and in the end, care about the working people who park and shop in the downtown area. If I had any say, that one Officer would be promoted and all Officers would be clones of him in Watch standards and activities.

It was good Officers like my N/P Lead that had me doing hourly patrols of the Garage I guarded and when I met any Inebriates / Transients sleeping or passed out in the stairwells. I treated them humanely and escorted them off property or summoned the Community Service Patrols van for them.

We prevented more sex and assaults when we cared about the work enough to patrol and keep active. Now I see that going to certain places downtown is more questionable and the kids hang out at various spots taking up space.

They run around shouting, creating noise and stirring up attention for themselves in public and the N/P Guards don’t really care anymore like they used to when my Old supervisor was employed by the company.

I liked working for N/P, but then another company, Guardian called and took me away from N/P for $10.50 an hour and moved me up to $12.50 an hour before firing me 4 months later after I disagreed with certain Watch Standards protocols at a certain Intl Coast Inns.

It was either lose the Guard or lose the Hotel contract. $ won out over standing by a faithful guard. Thanks Guardian.

Thanks for standing by an employee that went out of his way for the Inebriates found on your Clients / Vendors property, in helping them. I’m sure that the medical emergencies that I kept from turning out much worse for you or theClient will never reach your eyes via report.

And I’m sure that a few Guards that still are employed by you continue to talk behind your back and belittle You, the Clients and each other. I’m much better off without having to deal with a few of your employees that have questionable ethics and standards in the workplace.

Who has to endure often daily comments of what kinds of sex movies that the Watch Commander likes and how he hurts his wrists and arms beating off as a few Guards joke with him and they all laugh together?

Who gets to hear, “hey Flyinghorse, have you met “so and so” yet? he likes to wrestle midgets as they suck him off”, and the comments continue on each day. A Jr officer has to endure that crap.

Who has to endure the company of a Watch Commander and put up with his worldly views putting down women? And as the evening of Ride-along evaluations continue theCommander gets more informal and loose with his jokes and commentary and later on shuts off the radio. Turns to me and says, “Awwe honey... I’m gay!!”, in a joking yet oh so serious fashion.

A Jr officer puts up with that crap because he loves the company and loves the Clients he serves as he Patrols their commercial and residential property, that’s who.

A Jr officer puts up with that shit because it’s not the people around him that matter as much as the People that are out there on the street that the Officer meets each day. It’s the Inebriates and Transients that matter when they need help.

It’s the young mothers that shop and need an escort to their car as you drive by, it’s the shop owners that have a broken door and the Properties Pacific that they rent from won’t fix their back door locks, making their Boutique Shop vulnerable to theft and robbery that matter.

It’s the employees of an adjacent plaza that matter during medical emergencies or even if I just am a presence for a moment and that drives the bad people away. That’s what matters.

And lastly, it’s the Guards themselves that matter when working at a Hotel in the Lobby to protect the front desk staff from robbery and assault. If using the Internet kiosk late at night when nothing is going on isn’t a big distraction then don’t have a cow when I hop online.

You wouldn’t worry about your personal safety to know that, with any given weapon I have with me I have from 50 to 88 little buddies concealed upon my person and that telescoping steel is just a wrist-flick away. If the worst is to happen I will take life to defend you.

Don’t over react when I include the incident in my daily report and don’t blow a gasket when I say that I disagree with not being able to use the Internet when nothing else is going on and all hourly patrols of the hotel and grounds are complete and we consider things as All Secure for time being.

Goodness. theSecurity Sam!! brings years of experience working for you. He’s had violent events that he’s been through. he’s had medical emergencies that the victims lived through. He’s learned the arts of war over the years and all with the end goal in mind of protecting the Public. This is one Security Officer that is just as serious as any Combat infantryman or Crime fighting veteran Police officer.

It’s sad that as our Society progresses we get away from the things that matter most. That being Personal Integrity and Honor.

The words-Loyalty, Integrity, Courage is what theState Troops boast to the world and I like that motto. I also like Vigilance and Helpfulness.

But I’m sorry to say to anyone that will read this Blog, that some Police Officers, some State Troopers, some VPSO’s / VPO’s, some Private Security are just in uniform for the pay and for the prestige and they don’t care about the people they serve.

Everything that we protectors have to do to be Legal is be Academy trained, Weekend trained and Power-Point presented to death and frankly I tire of this. I tire of having to be fingerprinted every time I apply for an Govt agency.

I tire of having to share my life history and of sharing my friends, acquaintances and contacts with people I apply to work for.

I mean, You’re hiring a person, which is Me. Not a Background!!

Granted that my Clean, Goodly background has EVERYTHING to do with my being able to quietly arm myself and to end up with the training knowledge that I possess and it has Everything to do with the work that I apply for, but still. No one cares about the Individual officer as much as they say that they do.

So, if in times of emergency, I know that most people will run to anyone in uniform they will see. If you don’t believe me then read up on some of the infamous school shootings that happened around our country. Read up on what the general public thinks of their beloved Leos and Firemen now.

And I bet that in many crisis ahead people will still run to the closest uniformed Security, Cop, Officer that they see out of fear and a need to be protected from the violence they had just been through. Some school kids and adults had to be pried OFF the Police and other first responders.

The general public, they’ll want to be helped and want someone in their lives to take charge and say that things will be alright. I’ll bet my left nut that this will happen in almost every event. Just watch.

This is one Public Safety / Security Officer that will not let such people down. I cannot let this happen when that day comes, as it has happened to me when I was a child and needed help and ran to the Authority figures in my life and they helped me and my family.

And as it happened to me in the Villages when people ran to me, theVPSO, “the Cop”, for help. Even then I only said no Once out of exhaustion and still, today I often wake up about once a week having nightmare variations of that one event. I pray for forgiveness for that. Believe me, such violence affects everyone in theVillage one way or another.

You non Police, non Security people must understand that behind the scenes of our Cause, this work there lives layers and layers of Bureaucracy. There exists more Oversight and more Legal than what was ever present behind the scenes of Law enforcement and Public Safety 20 yrs ago, even 50 yrs ago.

The summer of 1986, just before I went on my LDS Church mission. I visited my home Reservation in South Dakota and did live there with my family. One of the communitys very own protectors was also in the LDS church.

To me this man Carl was a good man. He had been on the bad side of life for awhile and knew every trick and excuse that Addicts knew & used and he was also the community protector as well. I don’t know his official or Non official Title, but Carl did go around the community at various times Day and Night and patrol on foot or vehicle.

I had seen him many times at some Villages home standing outside with a drunken husband or boyfriend and sternly talking to them. Shaking a big billy-club in the faces of the Domestic Violence offenders or kicking out some other people from a home.

That seed was sown in me long ago, at this time, to live somewhere isolated and to be the one person that would stand up for what was right, to stand against the growing darkness as humanity slipped away into evilness.

I wanted to be like my friend Carl. and in a way, I got my wish. I got more than I ever imagined!! I got heaps of responsibility, I got fragile trust and now, I know no other way. No matter how hard I try to do something else, the Uniform keeps reaching out for me and pulls me back.

Any who... as I was saying. To be in Carls shoes and live locally and help out the Reservation Police was a good thing. His standing in the community, however tarnished or sullied at one time (if ever) it may have been, was accepted by those people that mattered.

And it only mattered if Carls actions and intentions were directed with helping the Elders, the children and other good people that couldn’t stand up for themselves or if they needed Emergency services.

I accepted Carls place, I accepted his role as my protector. And as far as I know, he never went to any formal Police Academy, he never went the training route that most Police go through. He just found himself in the Role and we accepted it.

And years later I just assume that people accept me as their protector no matter what uniform I wear.I realize that a few people don’t accept me. A couple of people I’ve tried to help have been verbally abusive to me and told me to get lost, but that’s just 2 or 3 out of hundreds I’ve helped.

I hope that you People can understand that most Security aren’t even Academy trained. We just sit through an Orientation involving Video presentations on “How Security Guards should be”, and the Roles of Security, Watch Standards, Protocols, etc. And That’s that!!

A few years ago when I researched the issue of becoming my own Agency. I had to have a business name, state license, and what stopped me at the time was about $5000 upfront in insurance.

And even then my hands were tied up with the insurance company list of clients and activities I could work for and what I could and could not do.

I think that theState of Alaska has such hard requirements for Security people that want to be their own agency in order to shoo away competition for theState Troops and Police.

There’s this mystique about having theStates blessing and of being able to use and wear, display theStates official seal emblem that everything is alright with you and your Agency.

And with news of Rapist State Troopers and of Murderous City Police now behind bars that such assumptions of Goodness and Security aren’t so!!

And with news of certain Security company persons being criminal and others being just plain Asses, that also jars the public perception of the people in uniform into an unkindly light. I know that the Security business is just that, a Business.

I know that the Companies just want to make $ and turn a profit in order to tout their Virtues and Prestige in front of everyone. Meanwhile they make their low pay Emps work double shifts and days straight with little time off.

They shackle and tie up their employees with rules and regulations designed to hurt the Emps and if worse should happen, to get the Emps killed. Because the companies are too scared or too apathetic to give Fire arms, Baton, hand to hand, OC training just like State Troops and Police get.

I know this because I have been employed by no less than 3 City security companies and have yet to see any kind of training for Fire arms, OC, Baton, Hand cuffing, Prisoner transport, etc. Not that I need it, but then again, to be Legal and updated I do need all these trainings.

I have called and emailed the State people at one time with many questions when I was researching going into business for myself and starting an Security agency. I had to present a training program for the first year I would be in business. A training roster with appropriate Security related things like, oh, say Firearms training, hand to hand, Arrests and Prisoner transports.

I’d have to list what I would do as an employer to train and educate my employees and I did come up with quite a list alright. But as I said earlier, the Insurance requirements stopped me from going any further.

And yet, all of the Security Guards and Officers that I have spoken to that have worked for years with the same company say that they may have been fire arms qualified at one time or attended police related subject matters appropriate for their jobs, but that most of what material the company trains them by is videos, dvd and a few hours lecture.

Nothing is seriously given or received for that matter. And that news disturbs me as an Security Officer.

If you ever wonder how much you are valued in your Company, what ever company and industry you work for. Just look at what quarterly training you get.

Look at what life taking, life saving training you get. Look at what safety protocols are in place and what freedoms and trust are placed upon you.

It’s not only the lack of seriousness that the companies are guilty of, often I run across a Guard that just doesn’t care about the Duty, to them it’s just another job.

If you stagger out the door each morning because you have so much authority upon your shoulders then I commend you, it is a heavy burden indeed to have (or still have) such a Mantle to wear. Just take a look at what your company thinks of you and you’ll see how valuable you are to them.

But more importantly, it’s how you think of yourself and of what you think of the General public around you that determines your Value and how you look from the Perspective of the Public.

Hopping out of bed one morning and being an expert in any subject matter just doesn’t happen, neither does the taking on of any kind of mantle of authority.

The process takes years, it takes long hours of studying and long hours of doing the work. Your whole being is shaped and formed by this process. There is no other way. And eventually, this Essence, this persona, the Aura that you get from being what you have become just shines outwardly to the World. You can’t hide it.

I say that there are People in this LEO / Security field that are here because the Profession chose them, not that they chose this way. I am one of these people. If it takes having to do things on my own by paying for my own classes and materials so be it.

If it takes having to spend hours at the dump kneeling, lying, crouching to shoot so be it. If I have to sit in my own vehicle and shoot out the rolled down windows, so be it. and if it takes having to sit in abandoned vehicles and actually shooting through the broken glass and run through scenarios of Vehicle mounting and dis-mounting, so be it.

And it goes on with what else I interest in and practice. You read and digest, you muscle memory practice, you spar, you drive, you shoot, you run and shoot. You run things through your head and the heart will also take it in.

You watch people and after just hours, maybe a day, you can judge their medical condition of Heart rate and breathing rates just by subtle looks at their chest and faces, watch the veins on the neck. Watch their pupils now and then, listen to their voices and judge their emotional state too.

Years ago I thought that I would be doing Hair and Massage and would be great friends with all my female clients, their hubbys and kids and that I would do nothing else till I died.

I was wrong.

It took my fiances bitterness & her betrayal that sent me to the streets for a couple of years and then it took my Mothers kindness to bring me up here to Alaska.

My many talents and Keen insight into human nature were focused upon Public Safety and everything just gelled together.

I felt so at home in theVillage. I loved it there as Public Safety and though I eventually was run out of the Village and had to leave for my own safety.

I never stopped loving theVillage and some Villagers never stopped loving me, as I am always told of recent events and I hear of news from theVillage.

I found myself in Alaska and though I’d be loving life now if I had ended up married to an incredible woman and with a family she would have given me while in Seattle, I still would have found myself there as well. Just in a different profession and around a different kind of Clientel, around people that needed me in a different way.

But I traveled hundreds of miles and I Found Myself here in Alaska. I’ve had a great 7 years now and I look forward to the next 77 years up here in this State!! Maybe then I’ll be forced to loosen my Village-Death-Grip upon my telescoping Baton and will have to sell the firearms due to shooting off ALL my toes practicing with the Draws, Unholstering and Reholstering, etc.

So my fellow Alaskan’s, overall you are safe. Because there are Officers out there from Security, Police, State Troops that do care about you. But I’d learn how to take care of myself a bit better if I were the Public. I’ve been here and there and have seen a few companies operate in this Security field.

Bureaucracy aside, it’s what each person brings to this field of Public Safety and Security that matters. It’s whats inside the man or woman that shines through and quietly speaks peace to people that watch. It shows in the Competency that a person just exudes.

The general public needs to take a stand and take more responsibility for itself because the State Troops and the Police and Security are stretched way to thin anyway. The State Troops and Police have way too high standards anyway and that just closes off many good people from joining ranks.

And Security is somewhat overpopulated anyway with part timers and other been there-done that’s people, that most just don’t care.

Just know that where ever theSam!! is, a weapon of some kind is not far away and so is medical care. And know that when you are in an emergency you can always go to him, but he would rather that you also learn to do for yourself.

I do have my doubts about the newest appointees to the Public Safety field, but time will tell. I have had nothing but good experiences when dealing with Anchorage Police.

And I’m glad that their former chief is now in Public Safety. I’ve seen him near and far IRL, he is a good man. My newly appointed Hottie Governess!! made a great choice but as I said, time will tell.

I do know that my fight with certain State Troops in leadership positions is not over, and it will never be over until they’re out of office, and as I have stated in past Blog writings. Some Troops need to put their side arms to their heads or in their mouths and judge themselves.

That is how badly they have acted in their own self interests and not letting me back into the VPSO program. My old regional Director, the State Director, and a few leaders of a few non profits too that kept me from rejoining the ranks I once was a proud member of.

I am also due some compensation for lost wages and potential wages lost. For the suffering I went through and still endure. If Villagers still speak to me then I am not guilty of the Evil that is spoken of about me in theVillages.

For in the end, it is indeed all about US and how we acted in times of crises, and of how we let others help us and we’ll need to be accountable for each other and how we’ll help ourselves when chaos erupts and the many panicked are literally swarming the too few uniformed officers and hampering them.

I should be among such Officers that I once served with and still support. And something tells me that I will get more than I ever wished for. You watch, you’ll see.

I’ll be sharing more Village Public Safety Officer experiences and as always, buffering things with self-deprecating humor.

Samuel L Flyinghorse, private Security, Dec 2006
motivated, dedicated, lethal

he Sees you when you’re sleeping....
he Knows when you’re awake.....
he Knows when you’ve been bad or good....
VPSO get a Life!!

from Cosmetology to Massage-ology!!
from Massage-ology to Village-ology!!
from Village-ology to Blog-ology

Mom!!!!! he’s at it again!!

Village Outsider Tapped for Top Village Post
YVC Inc VSOP Director appoints an Occifer who doesn’t run in Inner circle of non-Profits emps.

Rather, the newly Minted Officer runs around on his own and often in circles yelling, “theSky is falling!!, theSky is falling!!” to No one in particular.

Meet theSam!! a new Village Public Safety Officer with No Obvious experience at all except at a 200+ lbs, he certainly fills out theUniform at least, but that’s about it.

theSam!! is something of an Unknown outside his family’s Village stomping grounds, which is precisely what theYVC Inc VSOP Director likes about him.

That and theWay theNew officer ran amok in theCity’s new YVC Inc offices on his first visit.

He (theSam!!) must have run around theBuilding several times before finally letting theAutomated doors open for him.

Then another two hours were spent inside theElevators going Up and Down. Good thing he didn’t meet our new Hot Barrista, at least not yet, he certainly would have been going Up and...

One YVC Inc Office wokker said. “I thought we had a new Elevator attendant, aside from his 3 clothes bags, his blankie and teddy bear, his guitar and keyboard, he looked kinda lost for a bit. After I took my lunch break at 1400hrs he was slumped in the corner of theElevator sleeping”

theSam!! was awoken and sent to the appropriate floor to visit theVSOP Director. And good thing that Son E.Boy had lots of rest in the elevator, because he had reams of paperwork to do, applications to fill out and various inter depts to visit and be examined by.

Dental, Mental Health, Medical, Fiscal, Psy-Ops, Morale & Ethics, Legal, Human Resources, Village Commerce, IT, and all sub affiliates like MFANG, and other sub-sub of a Sub affiliate office.

theVSOP Director quipped, “I just wanted to find someone without an agenda, and better yet, without a Brain!! But for now this Lakota with a Big Schnozz will have to do. Besides, he’s come from his Parents village after living with them for a year and that Village where his Parents live is quite like our own Region of Village, in that theSam!! comes to us quite prepared for being sent out on his own to one of Our villages”.

“ I mean, what kind of moron arrives in his Parents home Village and completely misses seeing theVillage Lodge and acts so surprised when 8 days later it burns down?!!” theYVC Inc Director bantered.

“It was after 0500 when his Parents arrived at their home village after picking him up at theCity Airport just 6 hours previous. The VillageLodge was lit up like Christmas”,

“And then, after 9 days of staying around his Parents apt, he goes out for a walk on his Ahtna Relatives private land down by theRiver and he rescues a trapped Bunny Rabbit!!

Little did he know that he just disturbed one of many, of hunting traps belonging to his new Ahtna Grandma!!, she-along with other Village Elders certainly broke him in with their Diamond willow canes all year in preparation for life in theRural villages as Public Safety.

Anyone who misses theObvious and then again, misses theObvious certainly Belongs in our Employment here at YVC Inc (doh!!)” theYVC Inc (doh!!) Director laughed.

“Well said!!”, exclaimed the YVC Inc InterTribal Dept Bobble-heads inUnison.
“Shall we go out for Chinese or how about nice juicy Rabbit?”

And theSam!! was left alone in theTall structure of theYVC Inc Offices to ponder his I-9 forms and W-2 statement.

What Ever......
Where ever Truth is spoken......no one talks of Him!!

Where ever Dare’s are made.....He’s on the side lines watching!!

Where ever Drama reigns......He’s in a Tiara and Ball gown griping about his ill fitting pumps!!

Where ever Standards are raised.......He’s waltzing along under theBar!!

Where ever Common sense isn’t........Well, it’s quite obvious by now where He is!!

Where ever Plans call for belt tightening.....He just buys bigger pants sizes!!

Where ever Danger lurks.....He’s far away!!

Where ever Some Assembly is required.....He gets someone else to put It together!!

Where ever there’s a Will......He just hopes he’s on It!!

Where ever there’s a Jacuzzi with cute Babes in it......He’s scuba diving with a water proof web cam!!

Where ever there’s......
Where ever........ Meh.... What ever.

Once Friendly & Safe, Beth Leeham now Grapples with theNew VPSO!!
this news Justin from theVillage, as startled car thief Beth (12yrs old Native female) was taken into custody after stealing her Granmas Ford pinto, her Dad and his friends, identified later on in the Arrest report as “3 nebes Disoriented”, were seen approaching the arrest scene outside theVillageInn.

Ironically, theVillageInn, being totally empty of hotel customers, theOwners not wanting to get involved with anything going on outside in the Village streets, put up a sign that said, “No Room”.

Apparently an altercation took place after someone tried to smoke a rubber cigar, that was originally thought to have been a piece of smoked salmon.

The salmon aka the Rubber cigar was loaded and it exploded, flying off and setting fire to yonder Bar, theVillageEnd Restaurant & Bistro.

We’ll report the news of this event as it happens out in theVillage and now back to you Tara!!....

...Yes, Chelsea. Strange events have been seen around theVillage as of late. Just high up in the sky can be seen a small white object floating, hovering in the air and lighting up the surrounding country side like a Star burning bright.

People say that it could be a Trash bag lantern that theVPSO recently taught theKids and showed them how to make.

It’s just a small piece of wire wrapped around the opening of the trash bag and that skewers a tiny cotton ball soaked in vaseline gel and is lit on fire and the heat rises into the trash bag and as the bag fills up with hot air from the burning gel it lifts up and rises into the night sky.

People aren’t sure what to make of this new site in the sky over theVillage. We’ll see if there’s a connection between theStar, the exploding cigar and the young girl Ms Leham. We can’t talk to theVPSO as he is busy rounding up people to fight the Cafe fire.

Merry Christmas 2006 and Happy New Year!! 2007


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