Officer down!!

I subscribe to a few "OfficerDown" website links and have joined an LEO forum or two on theNet.

It saddens me daily to see that somewhere in my great country an Officer has fallen in theLineOfDuty,

But it gladdens my heart too knowing that there are Others out there like me, a member of this small closeKnit group of LEO's / LawEnforcementOfficers that bands together in our moments "BEFORE" any loss,

and gathers together in moments and ever after one of us is gone.
This club sounds exclusive, and for the most part It is, but what I think is the best thing about this Calling, if I may label it so,

is that this Profession chooses YOU, it's not theOther way around.

So, my dear Readers. Honor your local LEO's and even your Military for they both keep you safe from harm day and night.

And amongst this group also include those other EMS / emergency medical services, theFirstResponders too,

and don't forget those already forgotten: theSecurityOfficers and "Guards".
For we all have a place in this society of ours as we protect something, as we serve in what ever capacity we are able.

Remember that a child may be watching you while you're in Uniform, so stand up straight, keep your hair combed and always learn more and do a bit more so that someday,

if this Child needs your help, you won't let them down.

I am appalled by an apparent lack of Respect given to our LEO's and Military by those uncaring apathetic individuals that are full of Arrogance & Pride.

It saddens me too that those who are Anti authority help contribute much to our societal problems-as a whole- by conveying to impressionable young people and to their peers that the best answer to Life's problems is abstinence from Commitment,

that if they don't get involved theProblem will just go away all by itself.
But ignoring problems, ignoring crime,

ignoring others-Victims in need, and legions of others so Harmed by crime, by violence, by abuse and neglect is as great as or oftimes worse than actually committing said crimes,

Remember that when you sleep safe at night, that when you leave your home and go shopping or go out partying or go...Wherever.

That those in and Out of Uniform do stand as a Presence to deter crime and harm from falling upon you. Just think that if we did not have any brave men and women in Uniform, Anarchy on a grand scale would be theNorm and bloodshed & chaos would affect everyone and disrupt our "civilized" way of life,

theFollowing words at the end of this days Post could come from any ReadersComments box following sad news of an Officer's death, and in so doing, theFollowingInvocations are also words to live by.

I'm theSam!! and soon I will go out to enjoy my 2nd day off this week,

I'll go ride theBus, will snooze for a few minutes in complete Oblivion!! Trusting that I'll be safe from harm or Attack,

I'll go shopping again!!, forgot to pick up some small items yesterday, but before all of that I'll go sit in a dark movie theater eating popCorn and watching a movie!! and once again going about my day completelyObvious!! to what's around me, but in a sense-Keeping track of things around me.

For I have made some hard decisions in life, To always be Armed!!, To always StepIn and help out when Injury or Violence occurs to someone else, To always stand just this side of that ThinBlueLine.

But even more than all of these Noble and Worthy actions, I will always greet my Friends and coWorkers each day, I'll always hug someone!! and will always reach out and roll an fleshyFemale arm in my hands,

and on occasion, if you're female and I trust you that much and if you've so far welcomed theContact before; I'll hug you longer, I'll peck your face or forehead in friendship or I might smack yourAss!!

that's how I am today in 2008.
My God didn't let one female have me in 1989, nor did He allow others to have me in 1990, or 1993 or 1997 and so on for their sole Exclusive use and benefit,

instead, my God has allowed basically Everyone in need to have my time, my talents and my weak pitiful human strength.

I laugh at myself today, from Yesterdays event at theNativeHospital.
I attended a weekly Gospel music show, an Native style Revival meeting, and was encouraged by a VeteranPlayer to take out my guitar and play along with the 4 musicians up front.

So I sat on the floor up by the speakerMonitor and though I couldn't hear my unplugged AcousticGuitar most of the time, I have, by now practiced hard for over a year and can hear theNotes and Chords in my head,

and one visiting Native family from theLower48 stood up to talk and sing, and a female needed a Guitar, so she walked over and asked for mine and grabbed it off me!!

LOL, Good thing I had UP tuned it back to Normal tuning and that I put a Capot on it as well. "Pling-Ping-Ping-Pling!!" she played and though most people probably didn't mind my guitar accompanying her,

I was quite embarassed by my guitar sounding "out of tune", but it wasn't.
Anyway, it sucks to be Sam!! sometimes, cos everything else passes him by,

like yesterdays music debut when theGuitar was heard by everyone instead of it's Owner!! -played- d:o(

But later on I waited for theBus!! and played outside theHospital where I always sit,
and hummed & strummed.

I'll endure further grief and rejection on any scale when it comes to dealing with God's children on earth, Because it's worth it, as last months bad days when a workerFriend falsely accused me of SexHarassment turned out to be worth it,

I endured false church friends lying about me, I endured false worldly friends accusing me, I endured a fiance breaking my heart and there's much more in life to go through because.......

Everything works out in the end.

Be safe!!
luvs, theSam!!

A Police Officer has died making sure you don't live in fear every shift officers accept the fact that their own death could be near,

The Officer wears a gun and a badge but he also wears a vest most citizens are law abiding this hopefully protects him from the rest,

There are some very evil people out there who don't care if you have kids and a wife letting your guard down, if only for a second is all it takes to cost you your life,

Yet knowing the next call you answer may very well be your last does not stop you from your duty you'll still get there as fast, most people want no contact with an Officer until they themselves have a need they wait until Officers die to Honor them but by then it's too late indeed,

so appreciate your law enforcement Officers before their name is on a granite wall because you know right now you can count on those Officers to make the Ultimate call!



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