Serving those....Who Swerve!!
theVPSO Sam!! SERVING those who Swerve!! serving stuff like, arrest warrants, court subpeona’s, restrainingOrders and my personal fave-an OverhandVolley baton!! theVPSO Sam!! by Wearing Brown & Gold, he makes YOU look good!! but then again, your Bling-bling bySmith&Wesson or zipTieWite actually makes HIM look good theVPSO Sam!! more Rattled!!-Mind than Battle-Mind!! Yes......... it’s babySeason!! it must be something in theWater, even I been putting extra stuff inside theFront part of my BallisticVest and some Adults called me fat!! oh... gotta go, some newMama’s are strolling along outside theOffice, I gotta go peek at theInfants they’re clutching, yikes....... Let’s hope they’re not Breastfeeding!! *blush!!* theVPSO Sam!! villageRelaxation!! and reportMisRepresentation!! Seriously!! you should settle down in theVillage!! and get away from Life. No one works out there, they all Relax!! and then in drunken diatribes to me, or in Pot induced haze, Some accuse me of arrestRepor...