BarTenderSam!! Wines again

theBartenderSam!! Whines again....

Having recently passed theBarTender!!Exam, a daunting and complex standardized litany for Lushes!!,
theSam!! proudly, if not staggeringly and brazenly waves his theBarTenderSchool!!Exam certificate at everyone.

Among theColorful and Flavorful settings of theBarTendingExam’s debonair lair!! somewhere in theCity!!,
theSam!! was unleashed to “follow his Nose!!” sometime during that first week of class.

unfortunately, theKarateKidz!! in the neighboring businessPark module got to kick Sam!!’s ass when theInebriate!! followed his Nose out theBarTenderSchool classroom,

down theHall, around and Up theStairs to where theKarateKidz!! were posing and smashing and kicking...... things............stuff.

see, theSam!! was just following his Nose when it lead him to “Unwashed, sweaty, salty HOT gorgeous WhiteWoman Instructor!!”

when instead his Nose should have stayed in thePinoGrez bottle that theBartenderInstructor had just uncorked for theFumbleFingers!!,

cos after theSam!! had a hard time trying to cut theChampagne foil, and then pulled his Leatherman and started cutting theCorked Wire cage!!,

several hands and bodies intervened and prevented another “flyAway-bullet-Speeds” cork and saved theBarSchool from yet “another” broken window, Chandelier, splintered wall, concussed Student and deflation of theSt. Pauly Beer-ShowGirl!! that was hiding in theCorner from theSam!!


theKarateKidz fiasco scene was unfortunate for theSam!!, but not for theKidz or their hugged & fondled Instructor!! d:o(

You’ll be happy to know that theIceMachine was fully Up and Running that week of class and theSam!! took full advantage of the soothing benefits of having a couple of IcePacks groinside!! d:o\

-theBartenderSam!! shares this tasty display of Winery subjects that he learned and read and wrote about,
to include those episodes that he Lived!! (or at least bloggededed-ed about!!)

-theTasteProgression!! told us this MidTown Regional selection with MouthWideShut and eyes half Open,

That when partaking of Food & Wine on 3rd ave from a CartVendor, and a Man walks by with a handful of Papers and gives ONE paper to theCartVendor, make sure you have MOUTH completely empty of food before Inserting FOOT,

Cos when looking over theShoulder of theReading CartVendor, DO NOT panic when theHubby of theCheeseCake & Espresso girl that you know is distributing flyers announcing that he wants to sell the business,

to that end, DON’T say, that you “Love her”, (your baristaGal!! friend) cos while you chew down ReignDeer and Moose sausage quesadilla’s (from theCartVendors openGrill), your words spoken, (or mumbled) to theHubby can be interpreted as being you’re “her Lover!!”,

Bad bad news, especially for Sam!!’s, cos they only think FIRST!! with their stomachs, 2nd with their aching feet, and 3rd, maybe from theMisDirection of a couple of Mischievous Friends in tow-
“do it Sam!!, do it, I dare you...”

-theWineGoblet!! also had this to say when pairing up delicious morsels of meats with room temp wine!!

Just make sure that your busStop!! drinking buddies have theReceipt and theBag from theOk-n-Keg’d!! before sharing your deli foods with them.

In fact, make sure that you’re all EATING away from theStore that your buddies RAN OUT of in the first place!!

- theBartenderSam!!
His Indian Name is also “Whines with Turkey”

*his jowls and neck vigorously undulate as he agitates his bostonShaker and theVodka, Juice and Ice convulses within*
d:oD -happy!!-

not only is he “Whines with Beef“, he wonders where it is cos his Manboobs have pretty much covered everything.

not only thinking Outside theBun!!, he’s still outside theTacoBell restaurant, cos he’s still toooooo Poor to go in and eat!!


during theSober!!, quiet times of his work shift, his other Name is
“Holding theGlasses!!”,

his eyeGlasses that is, cos half theTime during happyHour & DinnerRush, he’s too busy juggling theHouseGlasses!!

when he’s not chillin’ wit theHomeyGirls on Evening shift, he’s being locked in theMeatCoolers “ChillingWithWine!!”

and speaking of Soft shoulders and tatted midRiffs, theBarGirls!! prefer their libations at proper Serving Temperatures!!

during inattentive moments on shift when he’s spying on theCheeseCake slices or theSirloinDinners being carried past him,
his other name is “SneakingSipsFromOpenBottles”,


as commanded to him by theBarMgr “HerRoyalHighness”,
“while I”m DrinkingWine, you should be “Storing theWine!!”

In her SUV!! (again)




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