Googled Village & Other Stalkings of theAlaskanPrincess!! theSam!! fell asleep listening to his Idol!!, ms loreena McKennitt while accessing his youToob video account on theInternet, man she can sing. (Unlike another of Sam!!'s fave music diva's who's name rhymes with "In ya", she just has loud background music and when "Inya" sings her mouth just opens. ) But getting back to talking about theLoreenaMcKennitt videos, like all good musicians, she can play a variety of instruments, just watch her on theSam!!'s youTube account. I think she even takes over theSoundman's duties for a second, and then disappears behind theCamera for a second or two and zooms in on her Harp!! then pans her piano.then she goes off stage into theAudience and takes over Spectator duties as well, sitting there staring at theStage!!.............. Anywho.. she's got a big head alright to be a big new age music star and have literally thousands of MassageTherapy stude...