Eat at Humpy's!!

theSam!! staggered and swayed from theHood!! into downtown.Darn pebbles and rocks getting into my running shoes.

Up da Down staircase of 5thAveMall to 4th floor and across theSkybridge.Everyone was leaving? and I was entering theMall.........

Follow MsBrunette & friend down to ground level and wonder how much theTribal tat cost on theLowBack while floating on theScent of just shampooed hair!!

Renta-cops in White shirt and hats were escorting someone around, one went UP theEscalators with a female, one was ahead of me going out theDoor with a female carrying a bank bag, the3rd standing up a level talking with someone.

FYE!! didn't have any japanese genre movies on file, as I had recently discovered some great movies that I saw "forFree!!"last year during an Showtime free movie weekend.

"theAssassins", two Jap warriors that met up and were hired to eliminate various local targets, ending up fighting each other and only one walked away, Jap language & english subtext.

"thePrincessBlade", wow, great movie and I had found that one on Youtube. Saved about 10 episodes of it. a young girl, daughter of her slain mother, princess in the family line and future group leader of the band of Assassins she was part of.
her band turns on her and she flees,she later returns and kills her enemies, avenges her mothers death. jap language, eeengwish subtext.

"theBodyGuard", the original BodyGuard,set in early century fuedal japan. an Samurai was hired by one village to protect them and along the way he switches sides, and back again, In some way I liked this movie because it wasn't so fast and furious with violence.everyone was scared, move forward and back, ran then regrouped and then advanced again, sometimes how violence really is before blows are exchanged.

theScene where theSamurai literally walks through a cluster of men easily bringing them down and then swaggering away, was what we saw when viewing Costners movie, theBodyGuard, as he was watchinghis tv in one scene,


I bought some more "CelticWomen" series music CD's. I love hot, cute gorgeous, dreamy angels that can sing!! and theCW series certainly delivers with heavenly voices and fresh faces.

Some young studs walking around with MardiGras beads upon Head, Neck, and shoulders got me to laughing out loud real deeply.

My fave Mall Kiosk girl, theNudeOne!!, wasn't manning her usual post by theBank. Certainly she leads thePack of kiosk girls that hardly wear anything while hawking jewelry, spa&bath products, even internet service and Laptops!!


what theHell am I going to do with jewelry, spa & bath products......??

7, 6, 5, 4, even 1 year ago, theDowntown area was foreign to me. I only knew where theArmyNavy store was, that's where I bought, and still buy, nice CarHardtjeans and boots too.

But after working for (bah!!)NANA!! for a few months last year, I knew all theDowntown area and it was no mystery where every store, bar, shop and alley was anymore.

JCPenns was looking good after being freshly painted last summer, I had patrolled that very parking garage, gotten verbally yelled at, abused by one Parker for walking my bicycle into theGarage,

Some people just take it upon themselves to Police others, even when no such guidance is necessary, Later I trained a newHire, a huge Tongan, in walking thePenns garage and how to walk theLevels.

Round and round every hour and here's what to look for in this stair well and over here in theAlley. That was a good summer afternoon, standing topside, looking down on Bernies, over across at theSalon&DaySpa where I buy myAveda spritzer scents to add to my hair gels and body.

Anchorage moved and breathed, as my Then-coworker huffed and wheezed, coughed on his cigarette, Why do theIslanders all smoke Kools!?

My grandma smoked Kools and she'd huff & wheeze theSame way, God rest her soul.

Now, today I'm passing by JCPenss and my former co-worker is walking theLine at theAirport,
I see him now and then, so big and hard to miss, Like his beautiful wife!! when he steps outside theTerminal to smoke Kools.

Outside Humpy's, I paused.

Glanced at theTransient (BusTransitCtr) down theBlock and wondered how theOther TonganGuards were doing?

Was that oneWhiteBoy, theRacist still stalking people?! Or was he back in jail. He was a hard one to deal with, never did approach me or cause trouble when I walked theTransient Ctr all alone after midnight,

but he showed up on other Watches to bother people and give theGuards some grief, and where were those big white boys I saw my first summer when they were standing round talking?! They had just purchased some FightingStaffs from some sports store and were standing around theTransient Ctr, laughing, talking, they reminded me of some Iowa, Nebraska, Oklahoma farmboys (and girls!!) that I once knew.

Huge people, that got bigger every summer bucking hay in the fields and from sitting on theCombines 12hrs a day. No need for any of them to Enlist in theAirForce to fly, not a single one!!

With theAdvanced technology in combines and tracters since 1980, You sat ensconced in a leather seat recliner, had push button controls via Right & Left hands, Two pedals (per foot!!) and then even thePlushWrapped steering wheel in front of you was adjustable, and with theAdvancement in air filtration,

if theVents started to let dust & pollen into theSpaceAged Cabin, you donned oxygen masks and breathed in theGood stuff while harvesting wheat,Yep.

All that flashed before my eyes before I stepped in toEat!! Too bad that I left before theBand started to play,

theBassist was Hot looking, theKeyboardist's name was KORG, at least that's what it said on his panel system.

On the slow walk home, old KWHL & older theEdge recordings were my entertainment as I weaved and mosquito meandered my way back to theHood!!

peace out.

Long live PeachCrisp alaMode!!



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