You Might Be Having Too Much Fun If.....
-As VPSO you look for Villagers!! to take to theCityJail that's over 200+ miles away. Even though you've been awake 4 days, you're so Exhausted and the trees are starting to walk around!! *sigh* And people still don't believe you when you HouseSat for two families one summer and actually Lost a House when it ran away!! -As an FlightStudent when doing "S" turns over an imaginary 2mile long line you ask your CFI / certifiedFlightInstructor if she wants the "S's in Cursive, TimesNewport or WingDings!! and she shows you the bottom of her shoes. In fact- You can relate after reading that one flightMagazine article on "Flight Students Most Memorable Experiences", and one man wrote in, "that at 5,000' my CFI wanted me to do steep "S" turns and steep turns Around an Stationary Object, Basically we bank theAirCraft Steeply left or right and "Put" theWing tip "Upon" an object on the ground as we turn," ...