Lost In Transit
As submitted to RECOVERY FROM MORMONISM forum boards under theName of "theSam!!" ---------- Subject: Lost In Transit.... Date: Dec 29 03:43 Author: theSam!! -Sleep was fitful that night, I'd wake up expecting to hear Mom yelling at Daddy again and storming off into theNight but I never did. All I heard was the soft sighs of lil'Sister in the bed next to mine and the quick breaths of my infant brother in his crib, Daddy had taken us Lamanites off theRez (the Indian Reservation), but he couldn't take theRezLife out of Mom, she'd go a few months sober and clean and then, would go out drinking for a few days and would leave us kids with Daddy, Now adays WIC, OCS and a host of other "childrensServices" advocates flanked by Police officers would noKnock a house or an apt if they even suspected childNeglect/Abuse/or otherEndangerment, if they even got an anonymous tip!!, but back then, you could live next door to an Officer and wouldn't know it no m...