Note To Self.......
Note To Self!!
-Note To Self....
Misdirection and USED equipment are your Best Friends!!
It's "Ms Directions" to you btw and her Equipment IS!!
or, rather, They are......
-Note To Self....
Blend In with theCrowd
When theDistrictManager, theShiftManager, theLeadMerchandiser and theChronicFree Loader (of your $.50 coffee refills) of the Day are all vying for your attention at theHandOffPlane,
Hit the "Pulse" button on the Auto Centrifuge Blender and HOLD IT down!!
Those things are dangerous, deadly and NOISY!!
If you weren't so busy getting those pesky customers out of the way you'd sift a few scoops of VanillaBean powder, chocolateMocha and a few sprinkle shakes in one of those babies and see if it would spin hard enough to extract Uranium!!
-Note To Self....
Seeing theTown through theBottom of Your Cup doesn't mean being cheap and unsanitary by recycling the same used cup you bought from us a year ago and then,
after spending another $5!! (3rd time today) for a drink, your cup finally gives in by giving Out on you as you walk out OUR door-"splooshing" your coffee upon your shoes and pants.
no NO, for you sir, Mr Inebriate,
seeing theSights literally means getting mad at us Barista's and poking out theBottom of your cup and "eyeGlassing" things like some madPirate observing from theMizzinine EVERY freakin' time you visit us in our shop.
Your antics scare theBaristaGirls, you annoy me, and yet, you amuse theRest of theCustomers.
Do like I do once a month,
buy a bottle of 151 Rum and a small bottle of Pepsi or Coke,
Sip on it all weekend or Pound it down at once and then go for a long walk (or a BusRide)
Then see theTown!!
and (just between you and me) don't set foot in any "other" coffeeShops ok?!
-Note To Self....!!
the phrase, "theEconomy Is Looking Up!!" can be misleading here in the poor parts of town,
for one, when Gramma, Uncle Pete, lil' sister or even "me" gets a bit of cash and decides to drink,
WE are theFrickin' Economy of something or for someone else,
and I've learned through hard earned experience that when theEconomy Is Up!!
about 2 hours later theEconomy Is (no longer) Up!! anymore,
I'm either sitting down puking in the bathroom or Granma is lying on theSofa wheezing again,
or theEx girlfriend and her New Beau.....
In THAT situation "He's theOnly one working", Working on her!!
Or rather, working on theEconomy, and later on she's Producing!!
Then Supplying everyone else with another mouth to feed
Then her family demands of me, theVPSO, a few more dollars each day to help support
anyway, I know from experience that sometimes I AM!!,
and sometimes I'm Up!!, and sometimes I'm Strong!!,
I often Fluctuate, once I took a NoseDive but that was after 3 days of trying to meet everyone's Financial demands and I waited outside theVillage!! to Intercept some Booze, then I was "Staggering" around for a bit myself (again)
Kidding!!, kidding.
And lately I've been taking a beating but then again,
I'm publicSafety and am everyone's punching bag so What's new!?
And I guess that now, people are working on me!!
Can you fix my prominent Lakota nose!?
Make it smaller
-Note To Self!!....
Be Still my beating heart can be not only a Song!!,
but it can be a religious experience for some and it can be an epiphany for some deepThinkers and it can also be ALL of theAbove plus a medical condition in Coffee circles,
especially when your Dry contactLenses betray you halfway through Shift and
instead of pushing the "One Shot" button on that $20K Espresso machine, You press theDouble, Triple or even the Quad!! shot buttons by mistake,
You miss that youngMother's statement to your BaristaPartner when ordering for herself, her hubby and her toddler,
"skim milk, vanilla latte. a tall Triple shot and not too hot..."
But your pounding headache, or maybe theFrappe blender is whirring next to you, or else that new BaristaTrainee is washing utensils in the sink and is clanging stuff,
but you miss out on "hot chocolate" and by rote, by muscle memory,
by blind experience couple with fevered obedience to theMenuBoard above your head
When it comes to making that little cup of dark chocolate mocha sauce in front of you, into a work of art you do so by steaming up milk and dumbly put theCup UP under theGrindBaskets,
and you double shot that MochaSauce, top it with whipped cream and then your shift manager taps your arm and sends you OFF on an errand AWAY from theKiosk counter,
as you go one way, off to retrieve more Cups and more Milk,
Lil' Timmy and his Mama & Dad go off mayhem and chaos!!
Or at least that's what happens when Timmy's lil' body gets juiced up from your espresso shots, and he gets sugared up too,
he climbed the walls and was walking on theCeiling at his daycare!!
Be Still can be changed thanks to a little thing called "semantics"
Beat Still!!, as in, beat Sam!! still, cos he mussed up a few orders today!!
Beat sam till he's still!!
Then, beat Sam!! till his beating heart stops.
-Note To Self!!....
Don't ever let lil' Sufi, theIndonesian girl write upon the visiting Marketing Advisors personal set of "Sticky Note" pads ever again!!
His note pads are custom made and to the untrained eye,
they look like Prescription pads from a Doctor,
In fact, they're stock printed up in groups of 4 slogans each like Zoloft, levitra, Glucophage and what else!! then the process repeats itself with various Other potent meds and other important medical stuff.
We do know that one day lil' Sufi was in need of something to make a List of stuff, like Milk and Pastries, and the nice, helpful MA man that was directing Kiosk Ops that day, handed her a notePad from his briefcase,
We just don't know exactly "HOW", but what we do know for sure is that our MarketingAdvisor is now so damn Moody!!
he's a ragingBull one week, and the next he's horny and flirty,
then he's all docile and stoned the next month,
We love it when he's between Suicidal and Indecision, that way we can keep him busy on days he sticks around theKiosk to help us do some work and we hand him a Sharp BreadKnife, a Pastry to carve up for Samples and we give him a cutting board!!
He'll want to "cut", but will give pause and stop and stare, thus, keeping him Out of our way as we rack up the $ amounts in the Till and divvy out our stocks to our endless parade of Coffee addicted customers,
We suspect that between theSam!!'s bad penmanship and between Sufi's sanscrit chicken scratch,
that somehow, the two of them fiendish Barista's left a few pages of notes or lists without throwing them away and then theMA man just took that Ball and ran with it-straight to thePharmacy!!
Other days our Director just drags himself to thePharmacy!!
-Note To Self!!....
there's a difference between Blogging and doing Other things that one really loves,
Doing stuff that in essence, "Stirs the Soul!!"
Case in point, don't argue with the 2nd BaristaGirl in Charge (even though technically You're 2nd due to Seniority!!) when she asks what "you're doing?"
as you mash your foot down into the Floor Drain while the detris and funky water is whirling around and draining.
Don't tell the young girl that you're stirring anything, as pretty much any flippant remark from you (by now) pretty much goes over her head anyway,
tell her you're still "Looking for your PublicSafetyCareer!!",
she'll smirk openly and turn away from you and eventually go clean something in or around theKiosk,
Actually, by being honest in your remarks and answering to your colleagues, supervisors and to your customers you'll Bore them,
trust me,
-Note To Self!!....
Where on earth is that Doctors pad I tucked under my pillow!?......
-Note To Self....
Misdirection and USED equipment are your Best Friends!!
It's "Ms Directions" to you btw and her Equipment IS!!
or, rather, They are......
-Note To Self....
Blend In with theCrowd
When theDistrictManager, theShiftManager, theLeadMerchandiser and theChronicFree Loader (of your $.50 coffee refills) of the Day are all vying for your attention at theHandOffPlane,
Hit the "Pulse" button on the Auto Centrifuge Blender and HOLD IT down!!
Those things are dangerous, deadly and NOISY!!
If you weren't so busy getting those pesky customers out of the way you'd sift a few scoops of VanillaBean powder, chocolateMocha and a few sprinkle shakes in one of those babies and see if it would spin hard enough to extract Uranium!!
-Note To Self....
Seeing theTown through theBottom of Your Cup doesn't mean being cheap and unsanitary by recycling the same used cup you bought from us a year ago and then,
after spending another $5!! (3rd time today) for a drink, your cup finally gives in by giving Out on you as you walk out OUR door-"splooshing" your coffee upon your shoes and pants.
no NO, for you sir, Mr Inebriate,
seeing theSights literally means getting mad at us Barista's and poking out theBottom of your cup and "eyeGlassing" things like some madPirate observing from theMizzinine EVERY freakin' time you visit us in our shop.
Your antics scare theBaristaGirls, you annoy me, and yet, you amuse theRest of theCustomers.
Do like I do once a month,
buy a bottle of 151 Rum and a small bottle of Pepsi or Coke,
Sip on it all weekend or Pound it down at once and then go for a long walk (or a BusRide)
Then see theTown!!
and (just between you and me) don't set foot in any "other" coffeeShops ok?!
-Note To Self....!!
the phrase, "theEconomy Is Looking Up!!" can be misleading here in the poor parts of town,
for one, when Gramma, Uncle Pete, lil' sister or even "me" gets a bit of cash and decides to drink,
WE are theFrickin' Economy of something or for someone else,
and I've learned through hard earned experience that when theEconomy Is Up!!
about 2 hours later theEconomy Is (no longer) Up!! anymore,
I'm either sitting down puking in the bathroom or Granma is lying on theSofa wheezing again,
or theEx girlfriend and her New Beau.....
In THAT situation "He's theOnly one working", Working on her!!
Or rather, working on theEconomy, and later on she's Producing!!
Then Supplying everyone else with another mouth to feed
Then her family demands of me, theVPSO, a few more dollars each day to help support
anyway, I know from experience that sometimes I AM!!,
and sometimes I'm Up!!, and sometimes I'm Strong!!,
I often Fluctuate, once I took a NoseDive but that was after 3 days of trying to meet everyone's Financial demands and I waited outside theVillage!! to Intercept some Booze, then I was "Staggering" around for a bit myself (again)
Kidding!!, kidding.
And lately I've been taking a beating but then again,
I'm publicSafety and am everyone's punching bag so What's new!?
And I guess that now, people are working on me!!
Can you fix my prominent Lakota nose!?
Make it smaller
-Note To Self!!....
Be Still my beating heart can be not only a Song!!,
but it can be a religious experience for some and it can be an epiphany for some deepThinkers and it can also be ALL of theAbove plus a medical condition in Coffee circles,
especially when your Dry contactLenses betray you halfway through Shift and
instead of pushing the "One Shot" button on that $20K Espresso machine, You press theDouble, Triple or even the Quad!! shot buttons by mistake,
You miss that youngMother's statement to your BaristaPartner when ordering for herself, her hubby and her toddler,
"skim milk, vanilla latte. a tall Triple shot and not too hot..."
But your pounding headache, or maybe theFrappe blender is whirring next to you, or else that new BaristaTrainee is washing utensils in the sink and is clanging stuff,
but you miss out on "hot chocolate" and by rote, by muscle memory,
by blind experience couple with fevered obedience to theMenuBoard above your head
When it comes to making that little cup of dark chocolate mocha sauce in front of you, into a work of art you do so by steaming up milk and dumbly put theCup UP under theGrindBaskets,
and you double shot that MochaSauce, top it with whipped cream and then your shift manager taps your arm and sends you OFF on an errand AWAY from theKiosk counter,
as you go one way, off to retrieve more Cups and more Milk,
Lil' Timmy and his Mama & Dad go off mayhem and chaos!!
Or at least that's what happens when Timmy's lil' body gets juiced up from your espresso shots, and he gets sugared up too,
he climbed the walls and was walking on theCeiling at his daycare!!
Be Still can be changed thanks to a little thing called "semantics"
Beat Still!!, as in, beat Sam!! still, cos he mussed up a few orders today!!
Beat sam till he's still!!
Then, beat Sam!! till his beating heart stops.
-Note To Self!!....
Don't ever let lil' Sufi, theIndonesian girl write upon the visiting Marketing Advisors personal set of "Sticky Note" pads ever again!!
His note pads are custom made and to the untrained eye,
they look like Prescription pads from a Doctor,
In fact, they're stock printed up in groups of 4 slogans each like Zoloft, levitra, Glucophage and what else!! then the process repeats itself with various Other potent meds and other important medical stuff.
We do know that one day lil' Sufi was in need of something to make a List of stuff, like Milk and Pastries, and the nice, helpful MA man that was directing Kiosk Ops that day, handed her a notePad from his briefcase,
We just don't know exactly "HOW", but what we do know for sure is that our MarketingAdvisor is now so damn Moody!!
he's a ragingBull one week, and the next he's horny and flirty,
then he's all docile and stoned the next month,
We love it when he's between Suicidal and Indecision, that way we can keep him busy on days he sticks around theKiosk to help us do some work and we hand him a Sharp BreadKnife, a Pastry to carve up for Samples and we give him a cutting board!!
He'll want to "cut", but will give pause and stop and stare, thus, keeping him Out of our way as we rack up the $ amounts in the Till and divvy out our stocks to our endless parade of Coffee addicted customers,
We suspect that between theSam!!'s bad penmanship and between Sufi's sanscrit chicken scratch,
that somehow, the two of them fiendish Barista's left a few pages of notes or lists without throwing them away and then theMA man just took that Ball and ran with it-straight to thePharmacy!!
Other days our Director just drags himself to thePharmacy!!
-Note To Self!!....
there's a difference between Blogging and doing Other things that one really loves,
Doing stuff that in essence, "Stirs the Soul!!"
Case in point, don't argue with the 2nd BaristaGirl in Charge (even though technically You're 2nd due to Seniority!!) when she asks what "you're doing?"
as you mash your foot down into the Floor Drain while the detris and funky water is whirling around and draining.
Don't tell the young girl that you're stirring anything, as pretty much any flippant remark from you (by now) pretty much goes over her head anyway,
tell her you're still "Looking for your PublicSafetyCareer!!",
she'll smirk openly and turn away from you and eventually go clean something in or around theKiosk,
Actually, by being honest in your remarks and answering to your colleagues, supervisors and to your customers you'll Bore them,
trust me,
-Note To Self!!....
Where on earth is that Doctors pad I tucked under my pillow!?......