
“no VPSO, I’m not telling you where my Vodka is, YOU tell ME where it is!!”

“No it’s Not,

“It’s.... under where?!”
“No it isn’t behind my foot damnit, and no I just didn’t push it under the Sofa!!”

able to see into your future and know that you’ll spend at least 1 day in jail up to 6 months!!

also able to see into HIS future and know that forever more he’ll be Pariah in theVillage!!

Except on PayDays!!

often relegated to 2nd class Officer while theVillagePoliceOfficer is around!!

Which often isn’t a bad thing, cos then Sam!! can play “badCop” / KeyStoneCop while the trusted VPO becomes the Authority figure / theGoodCop.

And, no Sam....
You don’t get to wear a Cape as 2nd class Officer.

When his Crystal ball is out of whack,
he just uses his cleanShaven!! noggin’ and it tells him where theBooze is!!

and more importantly, Where theVillageChixxx!! are

able to put 2 and 2 together at the scene of theCrime
and draw together theKitchen Drapes casting a stone deep into thePond

sending out ripples and ripples on Ruffles chips amid news reports of knowing
when he’s in trouble!!


Sometimes, theOccifer gets out of whack too.

Sam!!, Go to sleep. You’ve been up 3 days already.

whom went Into theVillage!!, and came out really Jaded & Cynical.

And really, who didn't see that coming?!

able to see that even though some Villagers commit NO Crimes,
yet some have VillageKidz!! and thus are too Sentenced to 18 & Life several times over.

Seeing ALL, and knowing even Less!!

Is Claire Voyant?!,

yes, she’s also a voyeur and a Drunk and still in grammar school,

able to read from Tea Leaves on the dirty floor that.........

Some one was making Tea, and spilled some herbal Tea Leaves while scooping out a batch INTO the Hot Water Pot!!

sheeesh... it’s so Simple!!

able to discern from how far a Villager cocks his head to theRight.........

Whether that Villager!! spent too much time in the local School Library looking for books, OR,

Whether that Villager!! passed out against theWall again ALL night and just now woke up with neck all tweaked up like so.

able to discern whether or not a drunk is passed out behind theSofa while a childs birthday party is going full tilt in the living room,

just by seeing how Annoyed the parents are, or Aren’t,

And as if the loud snoring, the pungent Off gassing of Vodka & pot wasn’t also a dead give away!!

theOdds of Catching theEscaping Prisoner decrease exponentially if theBallisticVest if Loaded up to capacity with PopTarts and Boxed Milk,

however, theOdds of Catching theEscaped Prisoner increase exponentially if theOfficer remembers the Prisoner’s favorite tv show is on in 45mins and heads towards the prisoners home

theOdds of his POV / Nissan PickUp truck catching fire increases dramatically the closer he parks to theSchool grounds during Mile High RocketLaunch day!!

Yet theOdds diminish greatly when a few of his impromptu passengers need a ride home as Sam!! passes lazily by them while he patrols theVillage!!

but enough about those darn gradeschool kidz and their smoking habits and sitting in back right next to where Sam!! keeps Six 5 Gallon gas jugs FULL of fuel.

able to see with Clarity that TerminalVelocity (170mph) can be achieved by a drunk VillageChick!! as she falls off theHousePorch onto Sam!!

but often those aggravated VillageChixxx!! angrily leap and claw
(see theMovie “residentEvil” or any zombie movie to see an example of theLove that Sam!! gets from his villageGirls!!, especially on PayDay)

and theSam!!’s also able to see that a VPSO ballistic vest won’t stop a VillageChick!! in flight, but theSam!! is able to see theCity!! emergency room staff about every other month or so from being injured while responding to houseParties and villageChixxx!! fights, etc

literally and figuratively able to Play with Fire and NOT get burned.

Because a highSchool friend would light a Bunson burner, let theWick out and turn the burner upside down in his hand!! That totally scared all the fright out of Sam!!

and oddly enough, it prepared Sam!! for when over 30yrs later in some remote village!! he’d have to be an impromptu science experiment for any one Villager!! when they’d breathe ALL over Sam!! just bathing him in alcohol vapor fumes and then wanna light up a smoke.

what happens when a quick villageKid!! palms a packet of Tingly PopRocks into Sam!!’s pepsi while he briefly turns his head and then turns back and takes a big swig from his pop.



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