More from BristaSam!!

theSam!! d:oP

not only Wearing theOldSpice, but drinking it too!!

if he can't make it, it's not on theStarbuck$ menu board lists!!
(even if it IS ON theMenuBoard lists above his head within theGlare of the HalogenWhite Neodium kliegLights!!)

-BaristaSam!!, Part duh!!
*note to self*
must reRead Barista Level 101 manuals,

thePart about
Putting ON a heatSleeve ON theCup,
BEFORE turning theSpigot to get 200deg F hot water for theAmericano's, theOatMeal breakfast cups, to combine with cold water for anyMother w/Infant that asks for warm water etc....

apparently Common sense wasn't issued to nor a part of theTraining curriculum Sam.

so far Out There with that LegendaryCustomerService!!

even if it means leaving theKiosk!! to walk theCute customerShopper OUT to her car and to ride across town Home with her and carry her groceries AND theMocha for her.....

apparently about as close to a Lawyer / Barister!! profession as he ever could get,

aside from those severalRestrainingOrders throughout theYears and theChild custodyBattles, and that one legal fight with theVillage!!

Barista, Barister, Whats next!?
Barricaded himself IN while theSwat team was outside!?

Semantics schmantics!!

more "Bar" on theWeekends and mostly "Barred" from entry into several more Bars, theRest of theDays of the week!!

and apparently causing more and more em"bar"rassment with every Email and Blog posting!!

and still Sam!! through out it all

STILL bringing theCoffeeShopKiosk experience home with him and hiding Proof of this sordid fact by keeping theReceipts from theCarrs-Safeways "OakenKeg" liquor stores safely out of sight from theLandLady!!

his only reprieve from scrutiny from having various alcohol bottles around theKitchen area "inside" his assignedCupboards!?

(A.) that he took a BarStarsBarTending training course last summer and was faithfully pouring water by theOz every night for that month,

he could pee and know what his bladder held!!, and

(B.) that he washed dishes for a couple summers in restaurants around town and collected a few bottles and practiced his BarTending pour skills in his apt's Kitchen area!!

Hit them (theLandLady and roomies) with enough blandness and routine for months on end,

Soon You too!! Can sneak in anyChick!! after hours and go throughout theApt at any time of the day Nude with out interuptions or visits.

ugh... where was I?!

working in a Carrs-Safeway store as a $t@rbuck$ licensed use Barista does have it's advantages over working for theActual SB company.

See, Most SBcompany emps get a free pound of coffee a week!!,
and theSam!! gets a free (outdated) pastry and a "Mistake" coffee or Steamer a day!!

Most SBCemps get 401K's and stock options,
here's where I am NOT putting in the (!!) exclamation marks like I usually do, mostly cos
I'm not happy about not getting ANY retirement funds and corporate stocks, anyway.

and Sam!?, he gets to sit upstairs in theEmp break room and listen to theHomey's and Sistahs from theHood, or theChica's and theOther Gangstah wannabe's swap sheeeet (shit) about 40 oz malt liquor binges and hear them bitchin' about $401 foodStamp card limits,

and the worst thing is, theSam!! was "40", and now he's oohhh. "1" and he feels like he still weighs a Thousand pounds even though he exercises faithfully every day at theAK club!!

See!?, theSam!!'s got it on.

who's GreenApron (theFamed Starbuck$ green apron) is now on permanent display for theStore shoppers as testament to theFine seafood, deli, bakery, meat dept and produce goods available at theCarrs-Safeway store,

those Grape stains!?

........theMerlot, theZhirocc, theWembley's and SutterHouse!!,
to include theRosallinis carbonated Grape Wines and thePorts,

but, just how DID those grape stains get there?!

*woefully points to the "Club" brand of "LongIslandIced tea" 3rd row up, right next to theHardLemonade and under the 3 blindMoose lagers!!*

cos apparently,
a BarTender "friends" concoction of LIItea in a dingy, dimly lit downtown bar is quite different than THAT same drink from theBottle!!

wayyyy different.
omg / oh my god
om head,
om body.

who's coffeeStained (veneered) smile is a skosh less visible underneath theBlackBallCap at work, but he makes up for it in Whiny, nasal-tone voice over theIntercom when VoyCalling!! (announcing daily offerings and drinks at theKiosk)

who's extensive collection- of "DMO" / dishWashMachine operator paystubs, hairNets, serverGirl!! phoneNumbers and, a recently acquired ballCap w/ greenApron- grows and grows each month!!

whom stopped eating lunch in his greenApron!! due to the fact that theGrocer store DeliGirls!!'s always shake out his pockets when they're running low on SoySauce, Sweet-n-SourSauce and plasticSpoons from "theirDeli!!"

Reserving a table Just For YOU!! tonight at theCarrs-Safeway Deli food court area,
albeit, your table partners and fellow (sitting indolent and idle) diners will be half theHomeless and half theWelfareMoms!!


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