theForum Sam!!

theForum Sam!!

Hey, theSam!!, what theHell are you doing back here again!?
It's only been 3mins since you LAST logged off, don't you have a girlfriend?!

I mean, you keep posting about "VillageChicks!!", or "VillageChixxx!!".
Or is that just a play on theRestaurant industry, service notes on when people order,
say for instance,

a basket of chicken and freedom fries and theServer!! writes these notes:
Sam!! want's 2 Chix & double FF, Hold theSalt but go crazy with the3 spice seasoning!! (his words, not mine)

anyway, you and your silly girlfriends.

Show unread posts since last visit. ....SsssAAAAAmmmmmm.
it's 0300hrs and no ones read your inane posts because,

Show new replies to your posts. "0".

Total time logged in: 1484.5 days, 16 hours and 58 minutes.
Good gawd man, Not even the legions of Online help with MSN's have this much Online time COMBINED!!

* Home: yes, go back!!, or at least, clean up this messy room!!
* Help: yep, you need some buddy. Per your 3rd street buddies, try Listerine!!
* Search: nope, just get lost.
* Profile: Ha!!, lately your Nose has been standing out from theFace,
you wearing Contacs again!?
* My Messages: you mean, besides Go to sleep?!, and "leave my damn forum alone-go blog on YOUR blog!!" ?!
* Members: and they all blocked your Nick!!
* Logout: they keep petitioning me, theAdmin, to oust you,
but then again, when I keep getting snippets of email from lil' MoselyMoose, your stuffed toy!!,

even he keeps reccommending "OUST" too, as in theOust air freshener!!
Clean your damn room!! or I"m sending my kidz over there pronto!!

News: No trees were destroyed in the sending of this message. However, a large number of electrons were significantly inconvenienced. giggle
(as well as a number of innocent forum members being annoyed by one former publicSafeties babble!! d:oP

Board Index- General Discussion, Mi Phone!!
Pages: [1] Go Down, Go Up!!, Lefthand-Blue 7 w/Rightfoot-Yellow 9 and arch your back!!-You're starting to crush 'manda!!
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Author Topic: Mi Phone!! (Read 1098.28 times, and laughed at 3 dozen times)

theSam!! and 0 Guests are viewing this topic. Honestly Sam!!, get offline and go get a 3rd job, quit watching theForum like a hawk!!


theAmused-Bouche!! What's that Sam!!, why's your mouth "Happy"!?, oh yes.
You probably got free food again today at work.

You keep teasing me with emails and phone messages showing burgers, ice cold cokes,
Cheesecake!!, and btw, You're a cheeseHead!!,
....erh... Could you resend another photo of that GreenSalad drizzled in Balsamic!!

Karma: -120
Online Offline!!

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Hey you!! it's me, theSam!!

View theSam!!'s stupid Profile!!
look at his silly Blog!!WWW
Send theSam!! some Email
Send theSam!! a Personal Message

Mi Phone!!
« on: January 07, 2007, 12:48:04 PM »
Reply with: Cursings!!, "quote-Quote" in order to give theVerbose!! a good does of his own wordy medicine!!,


Hey everyone,

didja see the news reports of the iPhone!? Wink

One chick was filling it up with Milk and then she drank it!! tongue-out

And another video showed the iPhone popping PopCorn!! Happy
and a chick dug her fingers in and pulled some kernels out & ate them,
then she dumped everything out!! Uh Oh

....and in other news,
2 chicks held the iPhone up to a Butt and it filled with IceCream!!

Can't look!

But seriously,
what's technology doing to us as a society!?

besides bringing us all closer together and sharing in "reaction videos and such".
I mean, come on...


Yesterday I wandered around, a nomad,
a vagabond,
Cast out from work!!

But it was my 3rd day off and so I meandered my way south to the Dimond mall late afternoon and store shopped,

After getting some music books (to play from!!) at MammothMusic, and picking a little on theKeyboards & acoustic guitars, Cool

I wandered over to WalMart and ate some McDonalds,

saltiest fries I ever had at an McD and certainly the worst service ever!!
as laKeesha was arguing with Corporate about her taxes and using company phone all the while standing in Line and hogging counter space!!

finally she moved away from theCustomer line, or rather,
Stood aside. glaring

I then wandered over toDimondMall and enjoyed the Crash & burn snowmobile Video's playing in storewindow of that clothing store,theMadHatter!! that used to be theSamGoody place and then,

was an halloween themed store,
And after seeing one too many riders crunch their 'boys' in too many scenes of carnage involving drops of steep cliffs and landing in alders,

you know... Smashing el Crotcho againsto el snow machino!!
I limped away timidly. WTF

Then I went to AKDigital and queried about my being unable to send out Picture messages & stuff.

So they took my number and name and will get back with me, Grumpy
and you'd think the counter kids would have helped me out by taking a photo and sending it to me just to see if it's my phone or the AD's server instead.

But no.
so I texted a couple of peeps to help out and phone send something to me,
but none did. Sad

So I got tired of waiting and then waited for the next bus north and ended my evening over an Piping hot serving of Pie & Cold "IceCream!!"

I was looking forward to listening to theOpenMic nights too, but they were cancelled.
but one ServerGirl!! sadly shook her head at me and said,

"what happened?!, controversial things is what happened Sam!!" and she swayed away under an heavy load of steakDinners & salad plates upon her arm!!

Gnarly Grin
Well. at least I can shout out about the dessert & pop I had.

Then I bused back to theApt and took out my guitar and have been practicing.

I'll tell you, from my perspective at least,

how far we've come and how much we can rely upon, and perhaps, depend TOO much upon technology today (2008) verses (1980)

Back then in 1980 my Grandpa had a nice Jazz guitar and I was practicing / playing on it all summer,

and I had no text books at all, I had seen my uncles play since I was an infant, and by 5yrs of age, could fathom that an hand position change / finger change meant a different sound on their guitars,

by 8 I was strumming a few chords, had some Note placings pegged in my mind too,
and had made my own guitar strap and tooled it with theLeatherTools at grade school arts & crafts,

and later on in high school, I retooled myself another guitar strap (which Mother, here in AK still has and hangs on her wall) It seems that as we age, we get "Bigger" too,

But I'm happy to say that I'm not much bigger than I was in high school,
meehh... not much!!

But at 13yrs / 1980 I was once again practicing & playing daily, and had to rely upon my Grandpa & my great grandpa for chords, and inspiration,

cos If us Grandkids didn't use it or Do It,
theGrandparents didn't help us, show interest or took something away from us g-kids.

And I don't know HOW we ever got ahold of an cheap upright standup piano, but we did have one in our small, humble house.

That was a fun time, those short years when Two grandparents were staying with me, my mom, my sister & little brother.

And Grandfather used to Ragtime and Jazz improvise.
What you hear in an much better, often studio mix on the radio with piano music in the pieces,
my native Gfather was belting out IRL,

albeit, he was playing stuff from his era he grew up in.
And I too learned thePiano a bit more from Grandfather,

my point!!

Back then I never had theInet, like I have now.
Tonight I looked up some "Barre chords" online and looked through the extensive search results lists to look at and settle on "One" site that interested me and was easy.

And I decided to play some barre chords since I never did learn barre chords.
It's easy enough, Just play what chords you already know,

and there always is a but.

With each Major chord, Minor chord, 7th, sharp, augmented!! Big Eyes

nnnooo... Not that kind of "Augmentation" ( . )Y( . )
etc chord.

You only move your hand about 2, maybe 3 different spots on theGuitar fret board.
And I was experimenting with a few barre chords.

Yeah it would have been great to have Inet access back in the 1980's, but looking back on things.

At least for me, I had an guitar & piano in the house,
and 2 blooded by war, WWII veterans that also knew a thing or two about music to help me, their grandson.

And my lil sister?!
well. I'm 40yrs and she's 3 or 4 yrs younger than me with 5 boys!!

Back then in those good times of the 1980's when our Grandpa's were alive and teaching us,

My sister was encouraged to sing and she'd sing along with the radio,

as all big brothers do, they bug and bug and bug their siblings.
But my lil sister ignored me and kept on singing.

for today, My head and heart was into music and upon some good memories of the 1980's,

back when U2 first came out with their songs,
Back when Michael!! was black and had a nose,
Back when cassette tape was the latest media player rage,

back when theRollingStones.......
well. They pretty much haven't changed a wrinkle or lurching dance step in decades,
even the boyish leers are there on their faces!!

I think I'm gonna get an Harmonica next, especially after recently hearing their "Love is strong" song. I like that one.

at least It'll go with theNeck brace, next time I get in an auto accident, or next time theGirls!! decide to be mad at me.....or something

I can use that harmonica holder, held right in front of my mouth and wail away!!

time to sleep and then begin another 5 days of working 2 jobs and being awake 18hrs of the day.

later tators!!
anchorage, alaska

Report to moderator: that theSam!! is sending you personal message again-"Hey You!!"

-theSam!! STILL NOT wanted in 300+ Villages and 48, 49...50 States!
-theVillage!! take our VPSO for free please!
-theBottle!! Throw out theBarrel and Tap me!!
-theVillage!! Still good (mostly) and still for sale!!, 4doz VillageChixxx!! included!!



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