Fat Village!!
One villageKid!! screamed at theOther!!, "Your VPSO's so fat, that theNonProfit gave him a Cement truck for a patrol vehicle!!" Oh yeah!?, Well, Your VPSO's so fat, your Mom thinks she has 3 boyfriends!! ------------------------------- Sorry, I'm bad at jokes, but who could tell!? ------------------------------- One VPSO screamed at theOtherOfficer!! "Your VillageChick!!'s so fat, it took you 5 hours just to read theMirandaRights!! to ALL of her!!" Oh yeah!? Well your VillageChick!!'s so fat, she's not only her ownVillage!!, she's her own Region!! ------------------------------- Your VPSO's so fat, that when no VillageChixxx!! are around, he flattens his Patrol vehicle tires just to get blown!! Sorry!! ------------------------------ Your VPSO's so fat, he farts and theSeismicDetectors in SouthAmerica go on high alert!! Oh yeah!? Well your VPSO's so fat, when he went swimming in theRiver!!, 18 Villages downRiver were flooded ...