Beached VillageWhale!!

But seriously, ENUF!! about my hot girlfriends in Bikinis way out in theVillage!!
We'll get to that later....

More Village!! news.

Village base fends off string of Drive-a-Van attacks!!


“those Cute little old ladies and “innocent” kids are importing I tell ya!!, but I just can’t quite put my finger on it and prove how!!”, fumed theSafety!!

“and why oh why is it always , After the 3 days of Witness phone calls theOnly vehicle that ever shows up at theCorrect time that everyone swears to, is the same tan colored Mini Van!?”

“pack it” Stan still unclear if his weapons are safe and secure,

After all, where else?! but theVillage can you attempt to shoot your relatives, chase them around the Yard with your rifle and after getting arrested, charged and serve time,

still expect to return home and see your stack of rifles inside theArctic entry way-to include theRifle you shot at everyone with!? Where else?!

No place else but theVillage!!

4th VillageKid!! suspected in school yard sayings,
“Is he really a meathead!?” Jr gasped aloud.

“And after my mommy threw theSoup at him, she grabbed theCoffee, but my Granpa stepped in just long enough

to pour back his cup that he just Poured from the coffeePot!!” Lil’ Sarina tattled,

“and I hearded, continued Sarina,
That just last week when Sam!! was eating my mom’s cooking.............

a Jeweled red Cross sued by VPSO over rights to cross

“Next witness please... whom ...” theBespectacledTribalJudge looked at his papers...
“Just happens to be thePlaintiff!!”

“Officer, over the past 2 days we’ve heard testimony here from you about your disagreement with that fine piece of Jewelry that still now adorns that,

and if I may say this-

theBosom of my fine Grand daughter,

but why Oh why this Civil suit sir!?”

“It.. it... Stammered theSam!!,
it gets to genuflect her boobs more than “I” do,

Pandemonium broke out in thePacked CouncilOffice,
“and, and.. it gets to be closer to her than ME!!”

“But Sam!!, an spectator to theProceedings blurted out....
“You GAVE her the Necklace!!”

Village!! hurried canes winds near 132mph
Well, at least that’s the latest striking speed of an VillageElder!! wielding an DiamondWillow cane at their latest VPSO.

Usually with theSam!! being struck by his elders, theWind speeds are greater, more like upper 300’s!!

theVillage!!’s Most Dangerous Job?! hint (it’s mine!!)
began the latest diatribe to our affiliate offices from theBrokenDesk of theSam!!

his latest spiel pretty much covered his usual words of “DiamondWillowCanes”, “angry VillageElders”, and finally to expound upon “angry VillageChixxx!!”,

but with them, it’s pretty much either an fist, an unleashed Boob or an shimmied Hip that can bring on damage, hurt and pain as good as anything else,

theOfficer’s report!! concluded that it was much safer to be an GM factory crash test dummy,

or to actually jump out of planes sans parachute than it was safe to stay one more day in theVillage!!

Young man held after attack at salon
“ppsshhaawww!!” waved theOfficer’s hand, after reading theNews.

“he was probably just defending himself after giving theUpdo!! a little too much hairspray”

I mean, how many times can you backComb or tease a bang before your clients hormone level goes awry and she gets suddenly somber and quiet?!

I’ve had that happen to me many times while working on an chatty female, Or... or maybe,

he made one too many “fat” jokes in front of the wrong Stylist or esthetician!?”

theSafety!! stopped talking a moment and shuddered noticeably, before checking out theSports section

as one hand quietly rubbed his leg, perhaps an old salon injury!? and old wound site that healed over?!

Village!! dads create Sam!!proof back packs,
it’s so easy and should’ve been obvious from theStart.

To see that an pack has “outside storage” pockets or even Mesh “dropIn” pockets that can hold things like,

oh.. I dunno. FOOD!!,
PopTarts, Boxed milk, Candy bars, bags of m&M’s!!

or even an candid photo of an VillageChick!!

See!!, after distracting theOfficer like this, he’d look no further in your stuff as basically all his needs in the world would be taken care of,

Food and Love!!

Village!! man blames cat after dog shooting,
“what now?!” yawned TDC (that darned cat!!) after he was startled momentarily by an loud noise.

He always slept alot inside thePickup truck while Master drove everywhere,
then Master would reach under theSeat and pull him/TDC out and they’d go inside theLodge, or inside theHotel in theCity!!

TDC always crawled under theBed or under theSofa and slept some more and dreamt of younger days when he was an kitten,

carefree, cute and cuddled until his owners started to neglect him and eventually abused him,

now his back legs didn’t work too well, he was blind in one eye and he didn’t trust humans at all,

but one winter time in theCity!!, it was well below zero, cold and TDC watched theVehicle drive up to the store,

and theMaster got out and went inside, TDC crept under theWarm, idling vehicle and after he saw boots walking back, he let out an “Meeoww!!”

and the rest is history.

At the beachBoat landing, son’s bad but his waters worse!!

I know I joke about many things that happen in theVillage!!, but many of these things I’m serious about. And wish that none of the problems ever happened to begin with or that maybe,

Long ago, decades ago when an Offender was an infant, was an child, that someone could have been there for that child,

for that person and had shown them some firm limits and rules and lots of Love.

Since summer is here, I can’t help but remember some lazy Village summer days when I’d stop EVERYTHING related to VPSO work and would drive theDutyTruck around and gather up theVillageKidz!! to go swimming down by theRiver,

theCouncil!! had loaned me an Chevy Silverado LongBed, it was so big, you could have hauled theVillage!! in back of that truck,

and I did.

I hauled theVillageKidz!! around every summer for my brief stay as VPSO. One day some teenGirls got into the back of theTruck,

sat on the opened tail-gate and I slowly made my way down to theBoatLanding with all my precious cargo.

One girl was a new mommy and although it was an Cute thing to see,

her with a baby, in another way or from a different perspective it was really sad to see, that a young lady not even out of high school had not 1 but 2 kids!!

Her oldest was being taken care of by an sister of hers elsewhere that day in theVillage!! and for that matter, theFirst born child probably thought that SHE was his mother,

and theCaring sister probably was for all I knew, because in my eyes, if you care for something and tend to it then it is Yours,

As such, every villageChild!! really did belong to theVillage!! as everyone took care of theChildren- even mean old VPSO me, whom decided to watch theKidz swim around one day and I guess that activity just stuck,

So, theYoungmother was holding her baby and after awhile she nursed him, all theKidz were splashing around close to shore in theRiver,

some of the older ones were even swimming a couple hundred yards away on an shallow “Island”.

As point of refernce for you Readers,
I had swum over to the other side of theRiver where this “island” was, an place that was so popular with theKidz,

and halfway across, One day I decided to dive down, took some breathes of air and point my head down and kick, driving down to see how deep that part of the small river was,

Now, I had been swimming for most of my childhood, and for most of my adult life up until the time I had gone out to theVillage!!

I had learned to scuba dive while in theNavy!! and by then, I had learned in an safe pool setting, just how many kicks and leg strokes it took just to get myself down to the 10’ mark, or to the 20’ mark,

and then when diving in the Pacific Ocean using theDepth gauges and breathing bottled or recycled air, I started to know what 10’, 20’, even 40’ felt like while in an neoprene suit,

So there I was in theVillage!! in my BDU clothes and I kicked down into theRiver,
10’, I kept going.

20’, I kept going. And I’m swimming blind by theWay, cos you can’t see anything in that muddy water.

At almost 30’ I got COLD and stopped, then I surfaced.

OKK!! I never went down there again. I only dived under and kicked less than 10’ under to emerge elsewhere, and often doing so to play with theKidz, etc,

And later on I bought some DiveFinz and used those to propel myself around along the River surface.

Up above theSurface, thekidz played and splashed, some Mother’s voices carried out to chide or reprimand an infant, toddler or child,

an occasional Dad or older male would also call out to his children, and below the water surface it was cold.

Long ago, I went diving with a DiveBuddy and when we got down to 70’, broke through an thermocline, an point where cold water and warm water just Layer, and you can see it too,

it got really COLD then as well. and we kicked around for a bit before making our way back to Origination point.

Later on I bought an small Scuba regulator to attach it to an Spare O2 bottle that came with our VillageInitiatives provided - FireBox.

An small red Rail car looking box that held two small Towable trailers that housed water pump generators and hoses and water tanks, other equipment to fight an small fire in theVillage with,

but after seeing an spare O2 bottle, I took initiative and would often Never go swimming without that spare O2 bottle in my Duty truck,

You see, as foolish but noble as that thought may have been, to use my past Training and experience with scuba diving and to plan and prepare myself for a limited Initial search, just in case any Child went under water and didn’t surface while we swam at theRiver,

I did what I could at the time. And after looking at the other O2 tanks that was in our Village FireBox, I saw that there was no means for us, hundreds of miles away from theCity!!

to refill those small spare and the 3 large cylinders back up with O2, or Room gathered air, as that is what is put into those scuba tanks, just what enviornmental air that is pulled in by theCascade air systems, filtered and pumped into theBottles,

So I put into theHead of my current boss, theVPSO director of theNative nonProfit that had hired me as VPSO, to buy some type of Cascade air system or systems for theVillage!!

Well, that idea never came to fruition while I was an VPSO,
but it did happen after wards, as a few Villages were supplied with the necessary CascadeSystems, the pumps needed to refill the O2 bottles for our FireBox,

Something like that, theSystems purchase, started out in theVillage!! and it started from an Officer swimming with theKidz one summer day, after he attempted to Bottom out and stopped at 30’.

I’m glad that I never got to use that $100 mouth regulator that I bought from theScubaShop, You just screwed it on theSmall yellow PonyBottle and had air for less than 5 mins,

and in my SafetyOfficer mindset, that was all I needed if I was close by an Water mishap to do a quick search.

You see,
to some people in theVillage!! they never ever see things like this that go on behind theLives of their Officers that serve in their midst.

They just see an Man or Woman come into their homes each day that harasses them and hassles everyone and takes away their “Harmless” booze and pot, that confiscates their Drugs and even arrests their relatives for Violent acts, etc.

No Villagers want to acknowledge theEfforts done by theVPSO’s.
No Villagers want to comprehend the work it takes to keep them safe, and for me during theSummer swim months.

I had theNavy to thank, I had the best training in theWorld that helped make me what I was in theVillage!! and furthermore, what made me what I am today here in theCity!!

Anyway, back to that swim day when I finally got to meet this One VillageChick!!’s cute kid.

he was very small, very fragile and as I watched his relatives (the other older kids) pass him around to each other,

I finally worked my way into theMix and ended up watching theInfantBoy for the remainder of that afternoon.

Little brown eyes looked up at me, his pale translucent skin was very soft, his small mouth would gasp and gape and his tiny hands would curl and grasp,

he held my fingers tightly and even attempted to suckle!! Good thing that his Mama had breast pumped some milk for him earlier, So I was directed to feed her boy-and I did.

Large dark eyes looked up at free from above theBottleNip and his his mouth pursed tightly as he drank his meal.

I’m glad that no mishap happened to me that swim day, I’m glad that I didn’t drown and I’m glad that none of my kidz drowned either, as I am happy to say that I lost no Kidz ever while I served as VPSO,

I’m just sad that I lost a few Adults, but such accidents and deaths were preventable, but for me in my selfish congratulatory manner am glad that no children were killed or died while I was on Watch.

I did what I could at theTime, under what limited circumstances and with limited resources, and oft times with limited funds to do something to prepare for an emergency,

Never forget that even now, August 2007, there still serves Out There in theVillages!! Many fine VPSO’s and VPO’s that do keep the peace, that do help theStateTroopers and in many instances,

these VPSO’s and VPO’s are theLaw. They are Order. They are Gov’t in places where no law and no order would exist if it weren’t for them.

And there exists many good Villagers that do help out their Officers, I can’t forget about them. As even for me, some of these Villagers where I was an Officer, did keep me Alive, did protect me when I needed such help.

Anyway, we all laugh at Parental mishaps, and this even happened to me a few times Out in theVillage!! when I had to see to theNeeds of theInfants.

a few little Boys decided to “audition” for the job of FireHose operator when it came time to change an diaper.

The boys would stream out Pee really far!!


And last but not least.......

theSam!!, “image is disheartening”

Your’s would be too if all theVillageKidz used You as an model when they were drawing People in school class.

I went to school one day and was talking to an Teacher and noticed many little eyes upon me,
everyone was drawing quietly and I kept on talking,

Even up to an year later, when I had to Enter, Search and often Extricate an Prisoner out of theHouse, I’d find an simple line drawing on the refrigerator or upon the wall of that house, or another house,

So, in return, some kidz felt that I was worth “keeping around”.

You can’t have more than that, the quiet admiration and respect of others, than an visible picture or other token upon the walls of your house, but even more importantly is what You’ve placed upon the walls of theHeart of thePerson!!

and that my friends, is VillageNews worth telling!!

Luvs, theSam!!
theVillage!!, Alaska


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