Fat Village!!

One villageKid!! screamed at theOther!!,
"Your VPSO's so fat, that theNonProfit gave him a Cement truck for a patrol vehicle!!"

Oh yeah!?,
Well, Your VPSO's so fat, your Mom thinks she has 3 boyfriends!!

Sorry, I'm bad at jokes, but who could tell!?


One VPSO screamed at theOtherOfficer!!
"Your VillageChick!!'s so fat, it took you 5 hours just to read theMirandaRights!! to ALL of her!!"

Oh yeah!?
Well your VillageChick!!'s so fat, she's not only her ownVillage!!, she's her own Region!!

Your VPSO's so fat, that when no VillageChixxx!! are around, he flattens his Patrol vehicle tires just to get blown!!


Your VPSO's so fat,
he farts and theSeismicDetectors in SouthAmerica go on high alert!!

Oh yeah!?
Well your VPSO's so fat, when he went swimming in theRiver!!, 18 Villages downRiver were flooded out!!


Your VPSO's so fat,
that when he turned in for theNight!! and started towards the3StoryLodge!!

It gave up and fell apart!!


Your VPSO's so fat,
theVillageCouncil!! awarded him Indian-bread (scones) eater Contest Champ for theNext 20yrs!!


Your VPSO's so fat,
that when he went in for a Medical checkup,
They found two exGirlfriends under his arms and a lost VillageKid!! along his side!!

Wait, I don't get this one either....

Your VPSO's so fat,
that when he went jogging on theVillageRoad!! one day,
The Road got scared and immediately RolledUp (carpetStyle) theEnd up to his feet!!


Your VPSO's so fat,
when all theVillageChixxx!! leave theVillage!!,
He literally holds down thePlace and keeps theNorthWinds from blowing everything away!!


Your VPSO's so fat,
theMagneticNorthPole shifts towards him!!


Your VPSO's so fat,
when Food shipments didn't come in for 4 months,
Everyone in theRegion!! went to his LodgeRoom!!


Your VPSO's so fat,
Seagull's and Raven's follow him looking for crumbs!!


Your VPSO's so fat,
his Parachute pants are actually REAL parachutes!!


Your VPSO's so fat,
when he got lost in theForest,
The Trees threw him back!!


Your VPSO's so fat,
theStork's still trying to settle with his Mom for disability on back injury suffered over 40yrs ago!!


Your VPSO's so fat,
during Moose Hunting season,
The VillageMen!! borrow his Brown Duty coveralls to lure in theUngulates!!


Your VPSO's so fat,
he not only gets 2 paychecks,
But his 3 DirectDeposit accounts go into effect the15th just to get there by the30th.....
of theComing month!!

umm... I don't get this one either folks.


Your VPSO's so.....

Ok ok....

I made my point. Let's try something new!!


Your VillageChick!!'s so fat,
One bra cup's an Trampoline circle!!


Your VillageChick!!'s so fat,
you're still writing that 2 line joke about her,
That you started 7 yrs ago!!


Your VillageChick!!'s so fat,
you even rustle an plastic Grocer bag and she comes a runnin'!!


Your VillageChick!!'s so fat,
she steps into the20' Boat and theRiver automatically parts for her!!


Your VillageChicks!!'s so fat,
she sat on a Coal and made a diamond!!


theVillageChixxx!!'s are so fat,
scientists can actually record theEarth!!'s Axis spin shift when one so
much as blinks!!


theVillageChixxx!! are so fat,
they walked into theGeneral!! Store and when they left
It was an Corporal!!


theVillageChixxx!! are so fat,
they actually have to SlamDance just to button theirJeans!!


theVillageChixxx!! are so fat,
when 4 of them go Driving, they put their arms out theWindow's
and their Armflaps actually give them LIFT!!


theVillageChixxx!! are so fat,
that when they Up and Leave,
Their shadows are still there 6 months later!!


theVillageChixxx!! are so fat,
an Hurricane doesn't even begin to describe their temper tantrums!!

(Or how Sam!!'s room looks like after wards!!, uh.. after theHericane!! of course)

theVillageChixxx!! are so fat,
that theVPSO's now have to wear BodyArmor 24/7 while IN theVillage!!


theVillageChixxx!! are so fat,
that their VPSO boyfriends have to toss grenades and fire some
Shotgun rounds in first before approaching-Just to get a hug!!


theVillageChixxx!! are so fat,
One girl was arrested at 12yrs and when she was 45 theOfficers finished
processing her ArrestTracking forms!!

um... I don't get this one either, ?!


theVillageChixxx!! are so fat,
all theMillions of Love songs on theInternet
are just barely beginning to "Like" them!!


theVillageChixxx!! are so fat,
their Mural full body tattoos of their Boyfriends
Actually "ARE" their boyfriends embedded.....


theVillageChixxx!! are so fat,
that men's clothing sizes went beyond 3XXXL to VC!! (villageChick!!)

I mean, since it's them hot babes that always end up wearing Our t-Shirts anyway and trying on our jeans and...


I guess that only happened to me!!


YourVillageChick!! is so fat,
aahhh phhoooeeyy!!


and that's that!!

luvs, theSam!!

who's not only an former VPSO,
But he also plays one in Blog!!

And sadly, his incredibly Hot villageChick!! girlfriends do wear thePants!! around theVillage!!,

leaving him with just his brown Duty coveralls, no wonder he hides his PopTarts and boxed Milk in his BallisticVest!!



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