a Lighter Shade of Pale Ale!!

yet not quite as Pale as an Alaskan Native or ME!! for that matter.....

theBladder & theUreters present

More Village!! CountryGold from theSam!!
or at least an light amber pale ale Color!!

More Village CountryGold!!
I saw her sittin‘ on my front porch holding jello;
I can still recall that potato salad I once wore;
She was drinkin’ brake fluid when she kissed me,
and I stopped on a dime ever after, and nothing more;

Her parents knew I’d hate her dog forever;
She said to me, theStove’s broke, the meat won’t fry;
But who’d have thought she’d make dinner 3in theMorning;
I pushed her Mutt off the bridge and waved goodbye.

I met her on the highway when I was walking;
she’d thrown me out theCar a few miles back;
then Out!! went Dad, Gram, Mom & her Sister;
We waved at her in theDitch when we walked by;

She’s got 2 flat wheels, and I’ve a flat butt;
Her sister’s got all theBrains-In HER Shirt;
Mom’s got 2 front teeth and Dad lost his Glasses;
And the Moose has theFront Grill, that’s gotta hurt!!;

My Kidz thought that I'd play 'Go Fish' forever;
When her brother's up and threw me off theBoat;
then she recalled I didn’t sign theInsurance policy;
Guess she wants to say “You Want Fries With that?!”;

Eat HappyMeals, frosty shakes and I’ve caught a cold;
Her sister now lets me dry off with HER Shirts!!;
Mom smiles at me and Dad, he just staggers around;
and Gram starts swinging madly with that frozenTrout!!;

I found her in theHolding Cell all hunched over;
I can still recall how she ate theRemote to my Ford;
She was slurpin' up tequila worms when I arrested her;
I said "Stand up, Lean and Press your side, Start my Car!!";

I told her she’d be drinkin’ Wesson oil forever;
She said "excuse me while I kiss this Guy";
then she went and locked herself in theOuthouse;
hours later she came out, blew a kiss and smirked goodbye.

I met her in my House, her bra apoppin' upwards;
I can still recall the neon Teddy that she wore;
She’d scarfed down all my Twinkies and my Poptarts,
and I started to scream, Get Outta My Clothes!!;

I told her Imaginary friends I'd arrest them too;
She said her FaceBook pals were really bored;
But who'd have thought those Perkies would never sag;
She told her friend Grace, "Dim theLights and Hit *Record*".

wow, this is probably To Date theShortest Blog I've ever posted.


tomorrow I'm working 4hrs at least.

Depends on if I'm sitting 4 hours as StandBy again or if I'll drive for 8hrs in case no one else shows up.

Later Tators,
luvs, theSam!!
Anchorage, Alaska


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