from theVillageEnd!!
More Inebriations From theVillageEnd!! (bare Girl!! that is) *Hic!!, Hiccup!!* theCity!! Officers Report: After theSam!! partook of his regular portioned fare of, in his words, "Hot eehhy quizeen!!" of an plate of "Kay said Adios!! and a side of Gwawked Mole sauce, which, btw I had tooo much of sauce to dink!!" theFromer officer meandered South instead of staggering East north by NorthEast, He was later on discovered to be hiding in theCommunity Library still Hunt & Pecking his way through a very Tersely worded email to himself!!, We, my partner and I, Closed his browser window, looked around briefly for the Smelly Czech boy that owned theLapTop, but he had long since, taken off scampering away, We kept theLaptTop as evidence and after running theBabble!! through NCIC / APSIN and a ton of other Networks we subscribe to, we discovered that, quite frankly, we didnt' have time for his shenanigans, So another officer, an Female acquaintance of Sam!!'s b...