What Will You Leave Behind......

for theSmithsonian Institute?!

or to any other famous Museum that chooses to gather up stuff relevant to our day of 2007?!

At another forum, some Natives were discussing the Return to theClosestLivingDescendant of chief SittingBull,

some personal items taken from his body after he was killed by indianAgents / ReservationPolice in 1890,

such items included leather leggings, an head bandanna, locks of hair.

And after all these years, the closest relatives to Chief SB requested the items be returned.

In all seriousness, I do agree with the return of such things, since I'm a Native, and as far as Tribes, clans, bands, groups of people go and relate,

I'm of theHunkpapa band, same as Chief SB, so, for me an Native, it's good to me to see something like this happen.

Never mind that there's still legal wrangling over establishing an Tourist Center and whatNot at Chief SB's present grave site in SouthDakota, I'm against that too.

So I answered this Topic thread with theFollowing premise:

Are you all sure that YOU want YOUR belongings to be fought over, say, a hundred or even thousands of years from now!?


dad, what's that!?

*points at an large square object, partially decayed and off white in color, and theRobo camera focuses in where the boy looks*

"it says... eeem. E-Mach... Emachines, son,
appparently those people, your GGG / Great Great Grandfather theSam!!,

would stare at that glass front for hours on end and his mind was a cobweb!!"

Wow, dad,
is that why his hair was kind of curly?!
I mean, he did grow it out and preserve some of it in an envelope for us Piternal order curt kids to say that he didn't belong to us,

"Yes son, he had so many, what they used to call,
VillageChickens!! running around his cubicle,

back then, they lived in small structures and paid tribute to whom ever owned theStructures, not like we do today son,

Today we literally give arms and legs for the right to breathe and ingest our supplements."

Dad, whats that pile of square thin tiles?

"Those my son, they used to receive those from theMilkman an venerated bluecollared Priest apparantly,

brave men and women whom would go Bostal and sacrifice people to theAlmighty dollar once in a while,

those milkman would bring those sacred tiles to just about everyone in the settlement and

after looking at the tiles,

People would exclaim loudly, "What?!, Whom have you been calling!?"
and actually rip their hair out,"

Wow dad,
but what does GGG theSam!!'s tiles say?!

"well son, lets just carefully, ever... so gently,
adjust theProbe and move that piece there to see,

*theCamera Pans in and adjusts focus,
diopters slide and tiny servos whirrr...*

"Hi Tea..
A selection of finger sand..
tuna, fish, cucumber, chee...
home made English scones ser...
cream, blackberry...

What's that mean Dad?!

"well son, Apparently everyone used to "eat".
They would ingest sustenance as evidenced by those "Cook" bottles over there in the corner.."

you mean that one Dad!?
the one that says,,, B - I - C !? on it?!

"yes son, apparently GGG theSam!! used to feed his VillageChickenz!! with lots of those Cook bottles, he'd light their faces on,

on. Fir and then tell them that Smicking was banned in pubic. what ever that meant."

Wow dad, Hey, look. theCamera somehow activated that rusted box,
Dad, I see images on that eMachines device,

who are those people dad!?

"well son, every man had his wives on theInternet back then,
They would "visit" places and download their wives for free!!"

Which one is MY GGGG mom dad?!

" I dunno son,
is she that one being Whipped on thePost?!, or the one bathing in the water?!"

I dunno dad,
I kind of like that one villageChicken!!with theStar on her butt and her Big red combs dangling down....................


luvs, theSam!!
theVillage!!, Alaska


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