
Showing posts from February, 2008

a Dedicated and Medicated followUp!!

erhh. and now Unemployed!! d:oP ----------------- ------------------ theSam!! staring at theGuitarChord Diagrams hour after hour and smiling, cos theVerticalLines!!-which represent theGuitarStrings!! and theHorizontalLines!!-which represent theFrets!! all resemble theJailHoldingCell!! bars back in theVillage!! and sam!! quietly pencils in prisoner hands and sad faces peeking out at him!! d:oP theSam!! Building chord progressions while destroying Reputations!!, cos, somewhere in WesternWashington!!, an InternetGuitarInstructor!! is committing suicide after seeing theSam!! 's Latest musical installment. LOL, relax. theSam!! this is what happens when you're on existing Meds for injured shoulder muscles, and you finish left over Vicadin and then, you buy not one, but 2!! cans of Bawls guarana cherry flavored energy drink!! and stay awake for 2 days. In anticipation for next Winters cold and flu season, theNativeMedicalCtr!! will be issuing sugarPills (literally!! and aptly labeled...

Running with theSam!!

*what the hell!?* it seems that theSam!! has been commented upon lately by an anonymous person named "LBJ" , Well. LibbyJay!!, it seems that you too, like theLone subscriber to theSam!!'s youtube account are in a league of your own, welcome to YVCInc!!, and thanks for commenting. btw. NO I never mentioned anything about theButt!! to the doctors that treated me for my arms injury, other than that I just "slid" down the steps, trust me, when you're a young man being looked at for entrance into theService / theMilitary, you're poked, prodded and peered at much by theDoctors and it doesn't stop there, from time to time you're poked and prodded again, or at least made to "spread your cheeks" as well when undergoing a full exam again just to GET OUT of service. so trust me, no one ever gets close to theSam!! 's end anymore now adays and we want to keep things that way. aBoi!!, hisButt!! it's a private thing ya'Know!? *ahem.* .....

Dedicated and Medicated!!

DailyBriefing w/ theSam!! d:oP Daily Briefing Top Stories - an Ex Son pledges allegiance to PO, DidJueano?! -- Ex-son aka theMobilCop!!, as his former mother used to call him, Is offering an "unconditional commitment" to a few of his VillageChixxx!! in hopes to start producing from the huge PublicSafety field that is “already” Alaska. and theMobileCop!! is lining up a detaining rig and other Misdemeanant / Felon Capture equipment for the project, theSam!!‘s Publicist & Blog manager “MoselyMoose!! confirmed Friday via his MySpace page. ------------------ Matters of Fate?! > FAMILY DERBY NIGHT: KFC!! cb radio will sponsor Chrisman’s Family Skate / Heelie Night at the RoyalBlue Rollerz Rink!!, from 5 to 9 p.m. each weekend. The cost is $7 and includes skate rental, For those whom wish to let theRollerDerbyGalz!! practice their bodyChecks, Rail bodySlams and theRack!! (only Men get racked!!) the cost is FREE!!, however mandatory insurance and Paramedics fees are $50. cal...

Hazy Field of View!

(theFollowing is Satire, is Spoof!! from theSam!! and is not to be taken seriously. Kudos to the Architects whom not only envision Change, but make it happen) Architects invest in their Fairview Field -of-Vision!! TAKING A CHANCE: Firm owners see the troubled neighborhood's stash of Listerine and buy a building there. Published: February 18th, 2008 12:01 AM Last Modified: February 18th, 2008 03:06 PM Spoofed Monday Frebary 18teenth!! 2008 2137hrs, that’s 9:37.. oh.. now 9:38for you non military folks!! A pair of archtects recently plunked their new offices in the middle of one of Anchorage's most troubled neighborhoods. When asked, “Why plunking!? and not foomping!? or even domping!?, the pair of archtecs said, “Because Listerine bottles go “Plunk!!” when tossed away by Inebriates.” --------------------- Story tools Crass Comments!! I-mail an Drinking friend (Inebriate Male) Finger Prints Mug Shots Whiskey Shots!! ya’ Digg?!, this Seedy GrapeVine!! Send link via Sam’s Blog!! B...

theSam!! vs YouTube!?

GIVE theSAM!! a HUG!! theSam!! still up after all these days. Wait, that didn't sound right. We mean, he's still awake and hasn't been asleep yet since Thu night. anywho.. theSam!!'s other titles for this silly Post were: -2 Blogs 1 Post!! -2 Chefs 1 Dummo!! -2 ServerGirls 1 DMO!! d:oD -2 Glasses 1 Drink!! *hiccup!!* -2 hands 1 keyboard, nah.. 2 silly!! I like that one. -2 Silly 1 Sam!! -2 Pans 1 Scrubby!! -2 Shoes 1 Coat!! ?? -2 Roaches 1 Restaurant!! d:oO !! !!!!!! -2 Drinks *hiccup!!* 1 Sam!! -2 Hostesses 1 Minute!! d:o) -2 Guitars 1 Violin!! .....and 0 friends. d:o( -2 Roomies 1 Apt!! -2 Roomies 1 Fridge!! -2 Miles 1 Walk!! -2 Paychecks 1 Dependent!! -2 Incomes 1 Cent!! -2 Girlfriends 1 Baby!! .........each d:oD -2 Fries 1 Burger!! -2 Complaints 1 Whine!! -2 Heads 1 hairStyle!! ------------------------- Here's some fun Text I pulled off of YouTube!! Sign Up | Help Login Username: Password: Forgot Username | Forgot Password "Again sam!?, it's as pla...


theSam!! whose Youtube video log STILL has no vids!! theSam!! whom like lysol, also kills bacteria, mold & mildew. Cept he does it with a redSanibucket, a clean rag and about 30mins. erh.. right after eating some cheeseCake crumbs pilfered from theKitchen dessertStation!! theSam!! closing bothEyes and hoping it will All go away!! least theLow paying dishWashing job. theSam!! whom at pressTime was still unreachable by Cellphone to verify his whereabouts!! theSam!! his OTHER apt is a bigGreen dumpster behind theChippedCup!! ...or at least his PublicSafetyCareer was spotted there just this last summer drinking theLastDrops from the discarded alcohol bottles. theSam!! now even more easy to Play than ever!! Just give him a few bucks and he'll stack all of YOUR barStools for you after work so you won't have to stay past 11pm, instead you can hit theBars!! while he hits theKitchenFloors!! and sweeps out under theDeepSinks!! better yet, just save your $ and "smile"...