a Dedicated and Medicated followUp!!
erhh. and now Unemployed!! d:oP ----------------- ------------------ theSam!! staring at theGuitarChord Diagrams hour after hour and smiling, cos theVerticalLines!!-which represent theGuitarStrings!! and theHorizontalLines!!-which represent theFrets!! all resemble theJailHoldingCell!! bars back in theVillage!! and sam!! quietly pencils in prisoner hands and sad faces peeking out at him!! d:oP theSam!! Building chord progressions while destroying Reputations!!, cos, somewhere in WesternWashington!!, an InternetGuitarInstructor!! is committing suicide after seeing theSam!! 's Latest musical installment. LOL, relax. theSam!! this is what happens when you're on existing Meds for injured shoulder muscles, and you finish left over Vicadin and then, you buy not one, but 2!! cans of Bawls guarana cherry flavored energy drink!! and stay awake for 2 days. In anticipation for next Winters cold and flu season, theNativeMedicalCtr!! will be issuing sugarPills (literally!! and aptly labeled...