villageFrendz!! Villagers Finally Realize Everyone Never Drinks Village!! friends ? ---- More Quotes Ripped from theInet!! and commented upon by theSam!! d:oP -Your friend is that man who knows all about you, and still likes you. theSam!! sez: And that friend sure likes to see you go about daily life totallyOblivious!! and totallyObvious!! to the facts that they saw your PowerPuffGirls!! backPack sitting by theSchoolSwingset when you first played with theKidz!! during summer break, Your "friend" knows this, cos he still has thePolaroid photo submitted to ALL theStateTroops via their monthly PostNewsLetter!! come to think of it, why was an Trooper smiling at me the other day when I was sitting on theBus!? -confused!!- d:o( -A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out. theSam!! sez: if this is "any" consolation to anyone having any hopes of anybody ever ever NOT shedding any last Vestiges / shreds of human decency etc, and still standing by th...