Alaska's Most!!

Alaska's Most....
Dazed & Confused Villager!!, theSam!!
and still unEmployed!!

Alaska's Most....
Oblivious Inebriate!!, theSam!!
his behaviour might be out of Touch sometimes, just don't touch his Liver on weekends!!

Alaska's Most....
Classified Help Wanted!!, theSam!!
is he looking for palatialDigs!? or Speakerz & PA Rigs!?
he saw you in a store last week?! Apply his resume now, file 13!!

Alaska's Most....
Man AboutTown!!, theSam!!
if only Walking or Busing to theNextJobInterview!! d:oD

Alaska's Most....
Shined Down Officer!!, theSam!!
that's cos he refuses to polish his Boots every day,
cos he doesn't mind getting his uniform dirty while in Village!! service.

Alaska's Most....
Best Kept VillageSecret!!, theSam!!
if only we could have kept him "there" in the first place,
but then again, "they" didn't want him there and so,
sent him here to theCity!!

Alaska's Most....
Banned man!!, theSam!!
though lately, he just rolls it on to keep perspiration away,
as he drank theSpray with OJ & Stoli already!!

Alaska's Most....
'want'ed, theSam!!
sir, you'll have to Leave, Mgmt wants you to go!!,
We want you to... you'll need to go, Now!!,
I want you to leave, get out!!,

will all former villageOfficers pleaze exit theBuilding!? they're giving out free cheeseCake in the parking lot!!

Alaska's Most....
Critically acclaimed person!!, theSam!!
yep, pretty much all critics either exclaim things about him and yet,
no one claims him!!

Alaska's Most....
Buttered Up!!, theSam!!
if he doesn't have Locust-like hordes of Villagers 'round him on PayDay!!

then he's eating well at any Deli & CoffeeShop and adding butter to his butter battered ButterBread!!

living well may be his best revenge, but his getting a heart attack will be theVillagers!! justice.

Alaska's Most....
Talked about VPSO!!, theSam!!
mehh... and if no one Is, then you can be sure that He IS!!

Alaska's Most....
In theDark!!, theSam!!
I mean... completely clueless, oblivious and quite obvious,
totally unphased, in a daze and a warm fuzzy Haze about...Once a week!!

Alaska's Most...
HeavyMetal'd Villager!!, theSam!!
cos he's still got the 1970's Almalgam tooth fillings in his head,
AND, he dropped his ElectricGuitar down further to a C.

Alaska's Most....
Warm & Fuzzy villager!!, theSam!!
not because of drinking, but because he's pretty much dressed FOR winter
DURING winter and everyone else pretty much depends on Alcohol to keep warm!!

and yes, theVillageChixxx!! still cavort about in hardPacks!! (cliques) wearing NO jackets, sporting lightTops, snuggy jeans and sharing ONE pair of shoes.

Alaska's Most....
Physically pphhtttttttt!!, theSam!!
see Above paragraph about eating butteredBread & VanillaSteamerz withWhip!!


samuel l flyinghorse
anchorage, alaska



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