And now a Word From Our Sponsor!!

Trust me!!, I’ve done this before!!


Still MORE VillageNews!!
International, National, Village!!

I’m yorHost, theSam!!

grass fire extinguished at localMilitary base!!, scapeGoat airmen blame a marked ball!! sshhuurree!!..

and out in theVillage!!, theGrassFires just go out at last Inhale!!

4 cans of MineYum!! greet theVillageCouncil!!

four itty bitty cans of food that is, after theLocoVillageCouncil decided to “Unencumber” voters gunning for their seats!!

...... what!?
that doesn’t make any sense.....
now if it were theVillagers!! gunning for their VPSO then, THAT I would understand.

sponsons of CleanWater declare there’s No Initiative!!

But then again, what the heck does a bunch of containers of water have to do with “work” in theVillage!?

Besides, theOnly time anyOne ever gets any work Initiative is when theSam!! is down by theWater and everyone conspires to throw theBoy!! in,


It happens every summer btw!!, when during River BoatRaces, theKidz all scoop up Sam!! and toss him in theLake!!

theFeds!! plan Leash sale!!

why?!, it looks like Hilarious!! is dropping back and thereby, Out!! of theRace!!

Biking w/ MattValli!!

Unless his “wheels” got stolen from his back porch too!!

Tat Who!?

theSam!! has Coho, Mayo and 7GrainBread!! on theBrain!! and some people got Salmon tattood on their butts!!

Alaska’s Unemployment rate holds steady!!

holds onto theQuestCards, theMonthlyAssistance, theKidCare and housingVouchers for as long as inhumanely possible!!

meanwhile, theDummo!! / DMO Sam!! holds onto theBottle!! till blackOut!!

Guess he wants to be Blinder than “3 BlindMoose” wines.


Leaving theVillage!!,

Read up on why more and more villagers!! are just fedUp and movingOut!!

is it to get away from substandard housing, schools, jobs and Living!?
or is it to get away from those pesky PublicSafetyOfficers!?

Beer Partners at odds over Matter!!

at odds over “liquid refreshment” matter that is,

besides, One wants to crack a Can and blend in Coffee, Tea, Juice and a shot of RedBull!!

Just mix anything IN so theVPSO!!’s will be fooled and won’t think that anyone is drinking alcohol, PLEASE!!



see!! an Alaskan lost in Flight!!
hear!! his frantic calls for Directions from ControlTower!!
watch!! as his CFI just sits next to him right there!! IN theCockPit, observing all theShenaniganz & shaking his head sadly!!

and theFlightStudent?? hasn’t even started thePreFlightCheck yet!!

They haven’t even left theGround!! much less even closed theCabinDoors.

And now a word from our Sponsor!!

TopRental Apt Rentals!!
....take it from us!! Really!!

TopRental Apt Rentalz!!
-your source AFTER theDivorce!!
-your play WHILE theWife!! is away
-your view to theMILF across from you!!
-your Spew!! after your Visa comes through!!

and if theSam!!'s found passed out on theLawn!! (again) just mow theGrass!! around him, water him good and drag him out of Shadow into theSun!! please,

then keep AWAY when a hotUniformedChick!! returns home,
scoops his 250lbs effortlessly over her 160lb ballisticVest clad shoulders and hikes upstairs with herMan!!

Or else you'll get scolded too,

from HIS sponsor!!


anchorage, alaska

