Directors Cut!!

this message is brought to you by theSam!!

Location: theVillage!! road,
time: 1530hrs,
Scene: theVehicleStop and Alcohol confiscation,
take: 17

Premise: an isolated Village!! road, a Man in Brown, a carLoad of Celebrating VillageChixxx!! transporting 12 cases of Beer, 6 bottles of Vodka, 10 Whiskey bottles, a sack of Groceries, two jugs of Milk and a box of popTarts.

theCar!! approaches, theOfficer flashes his 2MillionCandlepower SpotLight at theCar to stop but instead theCar!! slows down, cracks a window and a box of popTarts and 2 jugs of milk slide out theWindow!!

theCar keeps rolling and speeds up, out of sight.

theOfficer just stands there in openMouthed Shock!!

"aaaandd Cut!!"

An Painter grabs his satchel of spray paint cans and runs over to theNearby bushes,

..."more brown and a smidgeon of green on top, values of gray and yellow close to theGround...." he quietly mutters to himself, always seeing Colors in his sleep and then Realizing that he's out of Gold, runs back to theSupply truck.

theCameraMan shrugs out of his HarnessPak and drinks 6 large water bottles in a row.

Spatial awareness and foreground compositioning, in and out of manual and auto focus, his FOV / field of view-Vision still "saw" theLens sights and holo frames long after he stopped looking through theHoodedEyePiece,

his fingers endlessly toggling theSwitches on hisSonycam, he adopted theShoulderTop rest and used an Rifleman's stance to carry his Rig around on Assignment.
He swore that he could sense when theScene was about to get better or worse and just as theCar!! came down theHill,

he felt that twitch in his arms that told him, this was a good scene.

theSoundWoman was paying out her mike lines and reWrapping them per bundle, as in closed sets and endless power supply she never worried about Microphone placement,

but out here in Isolation, she had endless Nady battery packs to power up in theSupplyTruck and on location, they always planned theScenes and hid or emplaced Microphones amongst theScenery to get better sound, then in theStudio,

they'd Layer each soundByte again and again to give it more "OOmphh!!" and to help out when theActors or else, theVoiceActors would reRecord theDialog in Privacy of soundProofed cubicles,

All they really worried about out here in theVillage!! was theGirls!! or theBoys!! playing their Music too loud when a scene called for some VIM / vehicle in motion footage and driving, sitting, idling by, other than that, nothing exciting happened to theSoundman's gear.

theSetDressers had todays hardest assignment,
Make theVillage!! road look like NO ONE had driven on it EVER!!

Take rakes, shovels and even carpeting to throw out and walk on and scrape over theScenery and smooth out all theFootPrints that theCrew & Actors made while Waiting or when helping out behind Scenes,

and even when they discovered Moose & calf tracks, back at theScene when they broke Set for a weekend to fly out of and back to theVillage!!, everyone took pictures took cast impressions of and videod thePrints (for future movie making reference!!)

and then slowly theTracks were covered and filled in, tamped out and blended in with brooms, theCarpeting was then slung by 6 people and 2 more CrewMan walked out on the Carpet to work on surrounding tracks and so on,

at least 40 feet out was cleared then the rest of theTracks coming from theForest were spray painted in to blend and that was that!!

Off to theSide the bored City police officer sat and watched everyone from behind MirroredShades.

Per most of theMajorCity's outside!! theMunicipal codes required thePresence of varied SafetyOfficials per movie set,

it didn't matter if Disney was making cartoons and needed actors to shoot and scan to computer or whether it was an allNight Porn shoot.

So out in theVillage!! theCompany sent out some local LEO's to supervise theEvents with Peace&Safety in mind for all,

Mostly theOfficers didn't mind such odd duty, because it was supposed to take their minds off theWork that went on in theCity!!

But many an CityOfficer returned to his / her fellowOfficers with exciting Tales of drugBusts and Violent Assaults and GunCall events that they were asked to assist in from theVPSO's and VPO's.

soon it was considered an important duty when and if theMovie makers set their schedules 6 months to 2yrs ahead and faxed out requests for Police safety presence in theVillages!!, there was an long waiting list rated by Seniority to go.

OfficerMike still pondered last nights episode when theTiny Cessna circled theVillage!! and then sunk out of sight 2 miles away towards theSouth,

he watched theVillage!! from theBalcony of theVillageLodge!! and wondered just how many of the 6 vehicles that suddenly drove out to meet theAircraft, had anything to do with theProbable drug shipment coming in,

and just how many Vehicles were full of curious Lookers!?
Probably none,

as theChildren still played in the streets below and some kids still threw their football back and forth while some girls built sand castles in theOpen ditches and trenches that marked theWaterLines and mains that were being worked on while theWeather was good,

Soon a couple of cars, that had left hastily, slowly returned and drove through theVillage!!

Some cars would pull up in front of certain houses and someone would run out, $ bills and bottles would exchange hands and even an small package too,

Drugs, no doubt he thought, and he made a mental note to inform theVPSO when ever it was that he returned to theLodge later during the early morning hours,

Tell him what to look for in hiding places and point him in the right directions of DRE / drug recognition expert information and certified training,

as now adays if theCourts didn't see that you got a certificate to Hug your Mom or were never educated in blowing your Nose, they threw your arrest or indictment out theWindow if any of your Charges against theAccused had anything to do with,

Whatever hugs you did or any nose-wiping, blowing or dabbing you did during theArrest event.

Today OfficerMike watched theScene many times and thought it simple enough if he were there alone, and doing this VPSO job, certainly he had enough experience and training to do the job,

but what was laid out before him was incredible, theVillageOfficer saw theVehicle approaching, which meant theBadGuys also saw theVillageOfficer and if they had bad intentions in mind

they had theAdvantage because theVillageOfficer was standing roadside, often in front of theVehicles he / she intended to stop and could get run over,

as one VPSO from the 2000yr era almost did when he attempted an Road check point & stopped an BootLegger from entering theVillage.

But theBootLegger sped past theOfficer and narrowly missed hitting him. This BootLegger was one of the really bad ones, whom openly possessed and sold, distributed alcohol in theVillages!! where he went to and charged no less than $100 per bottle or container.

But 2 days later when theBootLegger was still partying with friends and family in theVillage,

someone paid theParty house a visit and took all theRemaining booze. It was rumored that theBootLegger was Alone, staggering to his Pickup when he was contacted.

He had staggered and weaved while in a drunken state and ever after, even in his sober moments, his damaged knees and ankles still kept him staggering and keeping balance was hard for him,

he never went out to theVillage!! again, and in fact, he quit drinking thereafter. Soon he had picked up an guitar and started to sing praises to theLord.

Only he knew whom he saw that evening in theYard, all alone and no friends around to help him.

And another aspect of theJob, as played out by an Actor in front of him, was theFact that theVillage!! officers weren't even armed!! (at least not openly)

and that bothered him too, he and his Agency friends took time to compare notes of their Village visits and then they practiced Shooting tactics just specificly for theOccasion,

as if they had to take over things if theSafetyOfficers in theVillage!! needed help, but then someone would always remind them, that

1. thePeople in front of them on theRoad were just ACTORS!! and they were only onSet to protect everyone there, and not to worry about theVillage!! and events going on there.

2. they were not to openly interfere with Village!! events unless they were attacked or otherWise in danger, and

3. when in doubt, refer back to rule # 1.

And theCityPoliceOfficers would always say that they were preparing for AfterHours when theWhole filmCrew had to stay a few nights and work, that they'd help out as needed.

Round and round with theUpperBrass they went, but everyone knew that theVisiting CityPolice Officers would help out if needed and so they prepared.

CityPolice OfficerMike saw again and again theDynamics of it all.
An approaching vehicle, theSightLines and danger zones to be in.

He saw theHiding places around theVehicle if it were disabled and unable to move,
then One could theoretically hide to theSide of, behind, or in front of theVehicle.

yet the Safest place to be was actually right beside theVehicle and then in front of it, as theVehicle could have unfriendly passengers hiding in theTrunk or in thePickup bed when trouble started.

He observed theSurrounding trees and which ones he'd hide behind,
he even envisioned where he would preplace a weapon or supplies if needed were he there alone IRL / in real life doing theRoad checkPoint stops.

He even looked at theSet Patrol Vehicle and wandered where he'd park it and facing in Which direction-Away from or Facing theVillage!!

This was his 2nd visit to theVillage!! and he wondered if he'd get to participate in a local LEO event or not.

Everyone on theSet had picked up their areas and gathered equipment, dressed down from theCostumes and were loading up theTrucks to drive back to theVillage!! when an small black car crested theHill and everyone stopped working to look.

The bass music could be felt and theTrees seemed to reverberate and drop needles from theDrivingBeat,

the Music stopped suddenly and theDrivers window rolled down slowly,
and Young man behind theWheel, wearing mirrored shades and sporting arm & body tats smiled at everyone as he slowly moved theVehicle passed theMovie trucks and some of theActors & actresses nervously smiled at him,

Nobody saw thePatrolVehicle as it left theTurnOut a 1/4 mile away from theMovieSetUp stage area,

and by the time theVPSO sped up to and intercepted theBlack car, everyone was getting excited to see what would happen,

because in real life, what they were acting out, was taking place and oh what a treat!!

theYoung VPSO positioned his PatrolVehicle in the middle of theRoad to block all traffic, he carried in one arm an cradled Shotgun with 6 TKO slugs in theSideSaddle carry that was fastened to theUpperReceiver.

For technically, theVillageOfficers needed such weapons for "BearSafety and to dispose of unwanted SledDogs", and of course, theWildLife that theVillageOfficer faced today had teeth and had claws too, so OUT came theShotGun from her scabbard.

"turn off your Vehicle and everybody step OUT, PLEASE!!" theVPSO spoke.

he was known for sounding childish and whiny as he made fun at you and in the same sentence, his voice would drop a couple of Octaves and testosterone powered any commands he gave to you,

Some friends of his hated theCompliments-n-Ultimatums that were given in this manner, which probably explained why theVPSO was still Single!!

theYoungMan / VehicleDriver stepped out from his vehicle cursing as too, his vehicle occupants muttered quietly,

"Open theTrunk" theVPSO commanded. No one moved so theVillageOfficer moved and shoved theDriver aside, safely away from theDriver side of theVehicle and looked briefly.

Seeing no Trunk release mechanism theOfficer looked at all partys standing and asked to no one in particular,

"I have theKeys to theTrunk in my arm right here, does anybody want me to use them?!"
and a flurry of voices spat oaths and defeat.

"come on man...
"ohh... shhhittt....

One vehicle Occupant, an VillageChick!! well known to this particular Village!! reached into theGlovebox and pressed a button.
"pphhucck Yooo Sam!!" she stuck her fingers up to ennunciate her words.

theTrunk popped open and for a second theVPSO danced greedily and cackled softly.
Happy that his long hours waiting and glassing theVillage!! roads via Binoculars eventually paid off.

And when he saw theBlack vehicle, as reported by an City based phone caller warning him of an BootLegger driving out to theVillage!!, he figured that it would be best to not bother theFilmCrew as they worked, but to wait for any vehicles to come closer to him,

then at theLast minute he decided to stop theBlackCar close to theFilm crew, for his Safety and for that of theVehicleOccupants too,

as out there in theWilderness, oft times theOnly thing that Criminals respected was Power and Force, and being armed and in control was Priority if one wanted to survive.

By now a handful of Movieset Actors and even PoliceOfficerMike had wandered down theRoad a hundred yards to see what was happening at theTrafficStop.

They saw theVPSO walk up with his Shotgun, saw him gesture, saw everyone get out,

They saw everyone standing, saw theOfficer look inside theVehicle,
they heard him talking to everyone and then he moved to theTrunk and handled his shotgun like he was going to use it,

then theTrunk popped open and a young girl swore openly and flipped theOfficer off, cradled her bared breasts and shouted angrily before she started walking down theRoad to theVillage!! sobbing & weeping.

A couple of Set girls took off after theCryingGirl and kept her company.

Later that Night, there was only one person signing his name on theArrest reports, as he didn't ask anyone for Witness statements,

while a couple of young men and theAngryVillageChick!! sat in theHoldingCell under a male & female Guardianship for the hour till theStateTroops would fly out to pick up the ArrestWarrant Prisoners,

theVPSO took thePolice Officer to theVillageDump and they shot up theAlcohol via Glock pistols and an Remington shotgun with Slugs.

From that One TrafficStop event, many visiting Actors and theMovieDirector including his people had witnessed an actual Village event,

one that was seemingly dull and ordinary, but so dangerous and unpredictable too.

Certainly most people were upset about having someone elses car searched and the implied threats of use of force upon theVehicle and even by carrying an firearm openly in front of everyone to begin with!!

but this was and is theVillage!!
it takes a special breed of Officer to stand up to everyone else,

it takes an strong person to act upon Orders from theLocalVillageElders using a wide latitude of options and discretion while NOT breaking any laws.

"Keep theAlcohol out, keep our Village safe. We don't need that Alcohol in here and my Grandkids don't need to be awake all night when everyone parties next door!!" theGrandParents and other Villagers all collectively said and still say.

And theEmmy Award goes to!!!!.......

theSam!! in theDocu-Drama
'A few more ice packs'

At 245 theSam!! still fits into his old Village BDU pants and is, in fact, doing many of his own Blog!! stunts.

"Uh.. except for the part of theEmptyingTheBottle!! upon Mels head", theInjured!! shuddered visibly.

"reasons such as that is why I now have Blog stunt doubles, see,
when you take away Alcohol from an cute, intoxicated 120lbs,
5' 6" female with handgun problems, estrogen issues and she just loves men...

(wait.. maybe she hates men, has estrogen proble.. or is it, handgun..
No she fired cleanly and without hesitation at my Truck.. anyhow)

But thePoint being, you just don't do it!! ever!! Not without severe painful, lifelong consequences." theBodyCast!! made a face and twitched his nose, trying to get theFly off it

and his buddy theVPO lay in theNext hospital bed with both arms in cast unable to move his legs.

"More Tylenol please....."



no VillagePublicSafetyOfficers were harmed in theWriting of this Installment,

though One was captured feeding roadside on PopTarts and Milk, shot with Tranquilizer and tagged, collard then set free to keep on Patrolling theMentedRd,

but he was harmed previously by theVillage!! so don't hold us WildAminals accountable ok?!

No villagers!! were abused in this Installment, but many people were angry at Auntie Emm!!, as she drank and passed out again and in an REM sleep bout, she once again "Nodded" to theSam!! and therefore secured exclusive house SearchingRights for theOfficer,

Don't try this at home folks, unless you want to be Ostracized and Cold-Shouldered!! by your VillageRelatives!!

samuellflyinghorse, hunkpapa Lakota
anchorage, alaska

( . )Y( . )


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