As an HeadStart attendee back in SouthDakota circa 1970/1971 I can attest to the facts that little kids really do love it when given theTreat!! that is known as an school fieldtrip.
I even remember theAirCraft/AC that we rode in, not details mind you, but it was an Moonie style, WingUnder.
Meaning that theWings were "Under" you thePassenger and that it seated about 4 to 6 of us at a time and if I remember theCockpit layout correctly.
It looked just like an Car!! And with my limited knowledge of AC, I do recall Moonie having an Line or two of AC of which theControls were just like an automobiles,
foot on theGas, foot on theBrake and move theSteeringWheel.
But I could be wrong and it was just an AC, typical of theTime that was SouthDakota.
Remember that most of theAC that we fly in today be it as Passengers, as Pilots, whether they be Civilian or Military use AirCraft.
Most of them are OLDER than you and me!!
My little group of kids sat around on the school bus waiting our turns and it was fun to watch theAirCraft power up its SingleEngine,
Taxi out to the runway and then speed up with an RRoooarr!! and take off, then fly around theAirport a few times before landing again.
Soon it was my groups turn and I was so excited,
oddly enough I was used to theSpeeding motions, as being an passenger in an Car for that and of that time frame (1970's) was nothing new to me,
My relatives sped around and were smooth drivers or else sped around and occasionally jerked theCar in handling,
When we had taken off and gained Altitude, all of us kids got silent.
No longer were we chattering to each other and squirming around, we were looking out theWindows and staring in Awe-open mouthed,
at theBeauty of theCountryside around us / below us, and we saw how small the people at theAirport were,
we saw how small theCars and theBus was. An experience like this certainly opened up some Possibilities in our developing minds,
I had recently arrived to theNaval Airstation base from PR "A" school.
PR was theNavy job/rate for "Parachute Rigger" or in Naval speak it stood for "AirCrew Survival Equipment Specialist"
I had done my homework when looking into theMilitary, and decided on breaking family tradition and went into theNavy,
All of my ancestors at one time had been in World conflicts and had gone overSeas to serve for UncleSam,
and lately my two favorite Uncles had served in Vietnam as combatMarines, they were frontLine Infantry when they served,
I could have taken the easy way, theExpected way of military service, but I had my eyes on something distant, something more harder to achieve.
As I stood at theAirlines waiting to be picked up two older White women, whom had been on theShortHop to theIsland with me and had their own vehicle waiting, opted to give me an ride toBase.
Apparently WhidbeyIsland, or OakHarbor is an military town and also an retiree haven, and these two Wives of Navy retirees knew theLife, as it were.
They dropped me off in front of theHangars that was my new AircraftSquadron, theOfficerOnDuty, including theMasterChief were surprised to see me show up on their doorstep.
"You didn't call us?, someone would have driven to pick you up" theLeading PettyOfficer on duty mentioned to me as he took me to assigned barracks onBase.
But before I left for housing I was briefly introduced to two of my fellow PR squadron mates,
it was quite obvious that they were upset about something, and one was gathering up extra flight gear as if he was going to take it somewhere-TO someone to use.
And some other Squadron mates, an blackGuy & a Mexican were laughing very hard to themselves, as I later learned that in theNavy,
when you are assigned to any particular job/rating, you work in that respective rating and your assigned Squadron might be in an large hangar with any number of OTHER aircraft squadrons,
So everyone (within each squadron) is usually in and out of each others "office" space/work rooms and there are very little secrets amongst anyone really.
I learned that first hour, Just by Looking at everyone laugh quietly, that an NavalFlight Officer-Most likely an Aircrew in MY new squadron had Pooped his pants while flying,
or rather, he'd been assigned to fly with another FlightOfficer and literally had theSshit scared out of him due to reckless, careless flying exhibited by theOther FlightOfficer,
and upon messing up his FlightGear, and after landing, theOfficer needed new Gear,
And then I show up on theDoorStep of my new squadron, and all this excitement is going on,
Actually, I'm glad that I found out nothing more than that,
I never saw theOfficers involved in that day's incident, but knew that it was an exciting event noneTheLess. And I'm glad that I never saw that soiled FlightGear and had to clean it up, or theAirCraft cockpit either.
Apparently even theFlightProfessionals in our military have good days and bad days. Things are not always "TopGun" perfect and glitzy, swift and sleek, smooth and flawless.
For later on I did find out that there were an few FlightOfficers that were not trusted by their fellow aviators,
as that respective Squadron that I was assigned to, had 3 Radar/Bombadier/Weapons Officers and one Pilot perAircraft!!
Seeing those FlightOfficers dressing for Flight each day, I did find out that they treated such service as any other day at theOffice.
In your own life right now,
You'll stand in line at theBank and see those nicely dressed bank tellers, men & women and even theBankOfficers in their Offices,
Or see those nicely dressed Waiters and Waitresses, theServers and other Food&Beverage professionals in theHighEnd restaurant you eat at, etc.
To them, what they do might be nothing at all to them, it's easy money, just getting by and some are looking for other lines of work,
But to theNavy FlightOfficers that I saw and met during my time in theNavy.
Those brave men and women were theFinest group of fighters I ever met.
Think twice if you don't believe that stepping into FlightGear and strapping on an multiMillion dollar Aircraft that carries thousands of pounds in highTech weaponry that- with just ONE aircraft,
could level, devestate any major city in theWorld today, their job isn't any more or less important than theGrunt or theSEAL, theRanger, theMarine etc.
I've learned that everyone mattered in theNavy, in theMilitary and it didn't matter if even I was just a lowly ParachuteRigger recruit turned Apprentice, turned Airman and soon to be budding PettyOfficer,
Granted, some flightOfficers did treat us lowly Enlisted with disdain and exercised theirPower over us in many unauthorized & illegal ways, but those men and women whom I met were less than 7 maybe 8 in my 4 yrs in Service.
I don't think of them much, only if nothing else than as examples of how NOT to treat other people.
I recall that oneFlightOfficer of mine used to enter theFlightOfficer dressing room and as he changed his clothes and into this FlightGear,
he'd throw his stuff around like an adolescent schoolboy throwing an tantrum because he didn't make theCut for team tryouts,
I'm telling you that a few of those repairs we PR's made on theThousand dollar FlightHelmets were stemming from abuse, being thrown into theLocker or smashed against theLockers or theWall in anger,
Those small hardShell visors, from similar NASA lightReduction, in fact, from old designs and defunct lines of gear that theMilitary opted to use,
were several hundred dollars each, they being roughly theSame sized as theFacePiece of an motorCycle helmet,
and yet, some MicrophonePieces and other electronics used in those Helmets and in theOxygenMask of each Aviator, you could find similar parts at RadioShack and get better results,
as an lowly PR apprentice I got to do Much of theWork in my flightSquadron PR shop and so I got to sew and repair lots of webbing, lots of nylon gear & clothing, sew on lots of Patches to many an precious FlightJacket,
I also got to help out theLineShackCrew and wash those expensively incredible warPlanes that were in my squadron, and I got to see theInnards of those birds too, while they were inside theHangars with thePaneling off,
seeing theFuel cells, theBared wings, theOpen NoseCones and exposed radar dishes and various antanae,
and I also got to help out theWeaponsCrews load up theBombs and Missiles-at least while on Land, I never did THIS job at sea on Warcruise or even at Sea on Exercises.
When you open your eyes & ears and shut your mouth in theService you learn much, as I did,
and you begin to see that theMilitary is it's own Culture, with it's own passageOf rites, it's own spoken & written languages,
it's own Food chain, of leaders and servants and it's own police & judiciary system.
It's not perfect, as in most things in life, but theUS military is strong and I'm indebted to many people for theOpportunity to have served.
I'm proud to include theListing, "US Navy Parachute Rigger" in my Footsteps slogan on back of my current business cards that I give out.
I'll reiterate for you newbies to my Blog.
Christian/LDS Returned Missionary,
Licensed Cosmetologist,
US Navy Parachute Rigger,
Licensed Massage Practitioner,
Village Public Safety Officer/VPSO
Security Officer
and now I can put "ParaTransit / MVTransportDriver"
At least 7 major activities that I'm proud of in my life time of, so far 40yrs this coming 9th August, and there will be more.
And each Activity has subActivities that I could post too, but wouldn't have room here in theBlog!!
Like, learning Weapons & Tactics while in theNavy, and learning an advanced hand-to-hand Combat system,
This is where I first learned and Embraced firstAid & CPR, and learning Diving and getting an basic scuba card, and also learning to Parachute,
And this Navy experience also taught me a Sense of Duty, to show up for my Assigned land-based BarracksDuty Watch, or to theSquadronHangars for AirCraftWatch or else out on theFlightLines for AircraftWatch,
You just do it, whether you're sick or not feeling well. It has to be done and though 99.999999999% of theTime nothing bad ever happens, You Never Know!!
Thus my time in theVillage!! later on as VPSO was a great time.
I made it that way and I did it by being on duty, being up for Days on end and walking around during BadWeather, of watching other people in theVillage!! and learning their habits,
for men & women are creatures of habit!!
And out there in theVillage!!, I was just one man, I'm sure that many other VPSO's and VPO's and CityPolice and StateTroopers
along with Other EMT's and First Responders Onduty treated their jobs with care and solemn reverance, as I did and still do.
As many others onDuty still do now, our Fine Military & Nation's Police forces.
I'm proud to have been a part of all that while in theNavy, and of later on during theActive VPSO years.
Now I'm all grown up!! and just days away from turning 40.
Where has the time gone!? It seems like yesterday I was out in theVillage!!
and last week I was in theNavy,
That last month I had just returned home from an 2 yr Church mission and saw Life ahead of me and set out to do much and indeed,
in 20yrs I have. I'm glad to have walked this road I've trod.
I'm glad that many friends and family walked it with me, I could not have made it this far in Good condition without my family and my friends,
I look forward to turning 40 and hope for another 140 more years at least!!
I plan on outliving many VillageChixxx!! if not just to look at their Diaries and journals and see if any SafeDeposit boxes inventory turns up with goodies that I can claim-as soleInheritor!!
I was going to include some Flight schooling experience as part of this Solo installment but I'll get to that later.
aaaaaaaannnnnnnnnddddddd moving on!!
Her skin was soft and warm to touch as my StudentHands slowly settled into theSoothing Routine of first;
Warming up theMajor muscles (MM) to be worked on and then as time allowed,
we students got more specific with hanging out upon certain areas of MM tightness that we felt,
Indeed, when theFairyTale was told of thePrincess that fell asleep on the pile of Mattresses could "Feel" the single pea placed under One of those mattresses,
she was right, because when you have your hands upon someone's body which in this case, was an during an MassageSchool Clinic event and an RealLive client was upon my Table,
I could feel MM tightness and hardness where none should be, and on a much deeper level I felt this strange feeling too,
an Energy, an "Vibe", an force or literal flow of Life that emmanated from each Client's body,
When you give your all mentally, physically to an Activity or to studying an subject and retaining, recalling and applying knowledge later on,
you feel tired, you feel worn out and for me an fresh student of MassageTherapy, That worn out feeling was a good sign,
because I got in Tune with my client's body and our energies meshed together working towards helping theClient "heal" and "recover",
helping them to Relax and be Calm and I too was rendered Calm and Relaxed as well after learning to Harness this new experience from each Massage that I did,
it truly is a gift that one must work for,
this ability to feel and sense, to Empathise with your Client and to start to picture in your head some things that they feel
In fact, that pretty much sums up theCareGiver qualities that you must possess; Empathy.
You must genuinely want to help people in what ever capacity or Vocation that you pursue in life, whether it's one job or many vocations.
msKikki, my studentApprentice, an Assistant to theClinic's Lead MassageTherapists on duty that day had her hands upon mine for a few minutes as I worked on theYoungGirl whom was my ClinicClient that day.
this Girl was very nervous, not just at having an Man touch her, but at theProspect of Massage itself, for massage was and still is an Redheaded step child of theHealing professions.
So much so an Outsider that not many Drs at the time were using Massage and seeing it as an necessary part of an Patient or an Client's healing
there was this Sexual activity, backRoom Parlor stigma attached to Massage,
Yet looking back on this memory of mine, of writing from the 1995 era during the current summer of 2007, Massage has come a long way and is slowly, surely gaining prominence in the Medical fields.
ms K was 38yrs old, an Udubb (UniversityOfWashinggton) student and was finishing up her time with theMassageSchool that I was attending, she was an former AirForce flightOfficer and had recently retired after 20yrs in service,
Her long brown Curly hair was pulled back into an loose ponytail and she dressed conservatively often, her youngFace belied her innerMaturity, if I remember how to use that word Belied,
She was young and Old. She was youthful and Aged with an Wisdom seldom found in young people. And though she was in her late 30's, to me that was Young even though she often looked thoughtful and looked Hard at times like VillageElders or like any Elders do.
Ms K was an wandering Soul from theEastCoast, and amongst thePopulation of MassageTherapists-most of which are overwhelmingly women, she stood out from theRest of her peers,
I first saw her a few months before when I had to skip some of my Regular dayClasses and attend some NightClasses to makeUP schoolingWork missed and I noticed that this one Particular group of Kidz learning MassageTherapy, sounded like they'd fit right in with an Porn film about Massage.
Granted, being sensual and sexual and intimate has it's place in life. At the time I felt that this grope... erh.. Group of kids were out of Line with their study sessions and circleTalks during that week I met with them.
their Talking and WhatIf's?! all had to do with meeting up with People and sexing them instead of just searching for Clients with only theBest of Intentions in mind for them.
their Talking and WhatIf's?! all had to dowh!! with meeting with People and with violating them instead of just reaching out in beneficial ways for Clients and helping them.
And ms K was sitting in theCorner quietly studying by herself and she too Noticed me that time I first walked in,
she had an relieved look upon her face, which at first I didn't understand, but later found out why and still to this day, I understand that look on People's faces and by now I act on that look-given to me,
I search, I dig, I nose into people's business and find out things.
Before I continue Blogging - Understand, that all this stuff IS Just Fiction!!
Some events are an Composite, an collection and an pairing of certain Real Life events and changing of these and Other events 2nd hand, an hodgePodge of instances and even Vocations!!
I speak of No one and yet, I talk of some people literally.
msKikki and I became steady friends after that Initial meeting of ours.
I did her hair and gave her some facials too, I even did her nails!!
And that speaks volumes of how much I LIKE you, because I absolutely hate feet, hate doing pedicures and anything else to any foot or hand nails, honestly.
feet are smelly, feet are just Icky!! Yuck...
When us Massage students learn to document our Sessions with EachOther and later on with OurClients,
We use an SOAP form, Soap is an acronym for Subjective, Observation, Action and Post-Action.
I listed msKikki's name, and the Date or dates we met and Massaged each other.
I listed her stats; female, age, heighth, weight, bodyType, hairColor, Race/Ethnicity etc,
and on theIllustrated HumanFigures printed on theSoap form I noted other Things that I observed or saw BEFORE I massaged her At That Time; like if she had skin rash, or if she wore her prosthetic leg or else Used her crutches, or if she carried an heavy backPack or an book bag,
Not that ANY of theAbove notations were her's, I'm just saying.
That you note any Postural observations, their demeanor for that session, if they're happy or sad,
Note what they might say to you or speak of, "Just got coffee at StirBucks!! before coming here
which might tell an Astute MassagePractitioner that within theHour to expect some stomach gurgling and INNER bowel movement as theCoffee moves along!! So take it easy on theAdbominal Massage
Or if she was complaining of chest tenderness and abdominal cramps, she might be having her monthly Period and take it easy on her tummy and around her breasts,
OH.. and don't be an Man!! and say anything dumb cos she might slug me!! Since girls on PMS were and still are Dangerous and unPredictable!!
Subjective also includes, what theClient complains of as far as any MM aches and pains for that day, if they turned an ankle yesterday at their kid's birthday party or if they were Gardening all week,
Note what bodyPart theClient touches and what they talk of theMost.
Objective / Observations were further notations of what you saw at that Time, each time you met with your client. And Objectives were also what you planned on doing for that Client.
If an Client complained of back pain from kneeling ALL Day in theGarden would you use Active & PassiveIsolatedStretching for that Clients back and Hips and Legs!?
Maybe not, but perhaps some specific DeepTissue on theLower back, upon theFascia and Lumbar and include theGlutes and Hams,
and throw in some Arm work too since theClient grasped an small Trowel all day ALL week and planted flowers and weeded too. hands and arms ache from all that grabbing.
So use some DeepTissue and some Friction-work and join it all together with some light, good oldFashioned SwedishMassage and work on her entire body. Which was basically what you DID. theAction taken.
The techniques you did, what you felt in theMM and where on theBody. So you'd mark and notate theHuman Body illustrations upon theSOAP form when you did theAction taken part of the Massage.
Thats what you do.
In that respect, I'm a fan of Massage. I like it when tried and true Modalities / Techniques are applied to an Client or To Me and nothing relating to the "Hokey" side of Massage is used.
During my Massage school time I've had my share of sitting through some Mandatory workshops seeing some Mystical modalities like an Strange Teacher talking to an DanglingPendulum suspended over theBelly of an Supine student lying on theTable.
Some students rebelled that day and walked out of theLecture, me too. Because in My Christianity-at that Time- I disliked anything to do with Witchcraft, Sorcery or theDarkside of theOccult.
And I still dislike stuff like that, but some Massage practitioners believe in Fairies, elves, gnomes, dwarves, spirits and seances and demons and theDevil and so on.
theScience that my little Finite mind could grasp only liked theBasic Swedish Massage, theLymphatic MassageDrainage techniques, theStretching of theLimbs and Body and what else we learned.
I rejected theEnergyWork of Rieki, theEnergyPendulum and of Crystals&Stones work.
You might as well as read TarotCards, rub rattleSnakes on theClient, brew TeaLeaves, cast humanKnuckle bones and bloodLet some poorChicken upon your Client if you wish to do anything else labeled "massage".
And Post was Plans that you had for future work on your client. Because any work done on them for their MM aches and pains didn't help them completely or alleviate or even Cure the problems for them,
instead you planned follow up visits and listed work you'd recommend or do on them.
And if another Massage Practitioner were to look at your SOAP notes, they should be able to know and understand what you previously did and could repeat and do other work you recommended.
I knew that msKikki bicycled around a lot and that she also did whiteWater Kayak. She was an Hiker and camped alot during summer.
So during one SOAP fillingOut time I listed DeepTissue massage as an action that I would take for that session.
As an example, with Kayakers, People who sit up in that small hardenedPlastic / composite Kayak and Paddle with both arms.
Their UpperThighs, part of the TFL group, theTensorFasciaLata, the upper parts of the Sartorius MM, the Upper part of the RectusFemoris, are really Hard!!
and their abdominals are hard from surface lying MM to include the underlying Illiacus MM and thePectineus and the Psoas Major & Minor, and theShoulders and Arms are tense to from paddling through theWater.
So just do something site specific for theClient and also Massage the rest of them too!!
I've seen and Experienced many Massage Therapists solely working on an Problem area and neglecting the rest of theBody, neglecting the rest of thePerson.
In about an month, of meeting 2 or 3 times a week with msKikki and massaging her legs, her tummy and her shoulders, You could feel the tightness and hardness in her MM just melt away,
It's like this, you take an huge pile of pencils or similar sized sticks Or even a bunch of toothpicks, and pile them up upon an pillowCase or under an clothe and as you rub and Massage that clothe,
feeling the pencils move underneath theClothe, under your touch, you feel and sense that thePencils or toothPicks all settle down, and most importantly, they all LINE up!!
In a sense, Massage helps MM tissue heal and repair, and align straight and smooth with the surrounding MM.
msKikki's body didn't just heal too from the beneficial touch given by me her friend. Her spirit also healed and she grew to trust me, grew to trust one More Man on this earth,
because she didn't really trust men after an series of bad relationships she had been in before we met.
I remember one meeting of ours we had, when she filled out an new SOAP form for me from her own set of Forms,
"But I already have what you first gave to me, as you never wanted to fill out any more after the first and I just filled out the SOAP's since then" I told her.
She shook her head and still kept writing on her new Form,
She looked beautiful in a pontyail and glasses, in short jeans and hiker boots at her feet, her legs pulled up and she was sitting on them in her Office / massage studio chair.
Her office was nice, she shared theRent with two other massage Practitioners and worked around their schedules,
being with her as an student, as an colleaugue and as an fried really made me happy.
So I sat quietly and listened to theClock on her wall hum, her Pen also making noise as she wrote,
then with an brief pause and an shudder of fear, she bravely handed me her new Soap form,
It had the same data, her name, weight, age, heighth, but in her Past medical history she listed an STD that she got from an ex boyfriend of hers-malicously of course, by dateRape.
And she wrote in her current meds she was taking to suppress her symptoms, and she listed more of her Medical history, to include hospitalizations and surgery.
Most of which was from extreme DomesticViolence abuse at the hands of a few of her exboyfriends culminating with her last friend, and she listed some broken bones from each indcident,
in her Vocation or Trades line she wrote that she stripClub Danced part time, and was just learning some type of Martial arts-hoping to Instruct someDay.
She listed an past pregnancy & abortion-from one Domestic beating and listed some drugs that she had been hooked on,
Drinking was her only Habit now, she wrote. But her AA meetings were helping her kick that habit.
I didn't know what to think, didn't know what to say while reading her Soap form. So I did what I often did at the time with my most Liked & trusted female friends,
I opened up my arms and moved towards her, she moved into my arms and we embraced for quite some time.
I honestly don't remember if we Massaged each other that evening. And no, we didn't have sex, then or EVER!!
But we moved things between us to an new level and strengthened theBond between us more as friends.
Now I knew why she was so adamant that we Massage on certain weeks of theMonth.
To hide her drug marked arms, to hide her bruises from her boyfriends rages and to hide her drinking,
to hide her STD skin outBreaks and then to deal with her PMS.
I love myKikki. I miss her.
Since we were former Military we talked long about just the basic things we had seen while Overseas respectively.
One day, while walking through theWorkspaces of some Navy shipmates of mine, I observed a group of guys gawking at some magazines,
to my virginEyes, porn was the1970's stuff I first saw, but I got an shock when I saw that theModels and participants on one magazines Personal ads page were good looking white women and they were with some egyptian or saudi men,
theWomen were kneeling under the saudi men with mouths agape, and theMen were defecating long solid pieces, yet no contact was made by theWomen,
just an few pictures of how hard they were and how racy and sexy.
I was really disgusted for a few days after that.
now adays thePorn is beyond that. With all manner of perversity and bad activities that no one should be a part of, all in the name of Shock and Hardness!!
msKikki just shook her head over an Latte one time, Yep.
I might have done that a time or two when I was overseas. Some of us FlightOfficer girls went out with some rich Italians and I first got into multiple partners then.
I'm sure that by now, you've seen me 'there', she looked at me. I nodded affirmatively.
Remembering that she did Gape wide, both Orifices, when I held her legs and moved her hips around, knees together and then let her knees fall apart little by little, stretching and loosening various hips, tummy, glute and back muscles,
and then I mentioned that I had not yet been with an woman to know of such things in That regard,
but by massaging them and eventually none of them were covered up and were totally nude and trusting in me, I saw much!! and said little or nothing at all of these, what I considered Sacred experiences,
mdKikki then told me,
"And that's what I see in you, did see in you that night those kids were talking about anal massage and that one music cd put out by that toool rockGroup.
I was sick of being there, then you walked in and I felt.... I felt safe", she sipped her Latte and then went off to order an other one,
looking at me from theCounter,
I mouthed to her "chocolateChip", and she bought some cookies for us to eat later.
We keep in touch via email, she and I.
We used to IM too but after she moved overseas for an Yr to help out with some Mobile Massage Response team we stopped IM'ing each other, as part of some international emergency and as part of the recovery process for theFirstResponders themselves,
an team of Massage therapists, Shrinks, PhysicalTherapists, and other counselors also respond to theScene and take care of theCareGivers!!
She thinks my Blogs theBomb!!, but that I could punctuate more and describe Nouns more and use more adverbs too.
I agree, but try and be happy with what you got. And I'm not much!!
that one time msKikki was helping out with theMassageClinic and walking from curtainEnclosedCubicle to enclosed cubicle watching,
whispering suggestions to herStudents, laying her hands upon theirs and guiding their Effluerage movements and grasping with them,
she quietly moved into theCubicle where I was working on an young teen schoolGirl.
This one Girl was new to Massage and was very nervous.
I could tell from our initial talk, before I left theCubicle so she could get undressed and upon the table, that she was really scared of theWhole experience.
But her best friends were next door and across theCubicle from us, so that calmed her down alot.
I laugh at the Newbie because inspite of her Nudeness, she had theSheet wrapped around her as she lay face down upon theTable and yet, she was Exposed!!
I covered her and started to work on her, using all my charm to calm her, reassure her and establish an connection somewhere with her and working from there,
I felt msKikki's presence by me and then she quietly introduced herself to theYoung lady on the table, saying she was an Instructor's Assistant was there just monitoring theStudents,
And msKikki laid her hands upon mine and guided me after she read my SOAP form, seeing what I had written and what I had planned on doing.
It's my assertion that if you do things right, no matter what you learn that when you are all Alone, hence going Solo!! and need help of some kind.
If your Instructors were Great!!, and if they were Clear and Concise, specific and direct with their Edicts to you.
That you will fall back on your correct, proper and thorough training.
That if you have digested theMaterial you've studied and even have done theWork a time or two,
embedding theExperiences in your Mind, in your Body, in your cells ready to store and pass onto theNext generation,
That you will never be alone.
We may be apart from friends and loved ones, we may be apart from our homelands, our roots, our heritage and yet we are so close.
We have what our ancestors gave to us and it's up to us to further develop what we have.
This current day and age is an Litigious society.
Everyone wants to sue someone else and make tons of money and retire and never work another day ever and that's not something worthwhile to aspire to.
We must Learn and Do, and only by doing things on our own of our own accord, do we grow and strengthen.
Going solo in many respects was theTest for me, learning hand-toHand and later on defending my life from some Muggers was my solo.
learning to fly an small aircraft and then having an FlightInstructor hop out last minute and sending me up There ALL Alone was scary.
I wanted to jump out of thePlane alongside theInstructor but I didn't.
And in so doing, of flying all by myself.
This small child, that so long ago sat in back of an Small Aircraft and vowed that one day he would learn to fly, then did Crawl from back of thePlane
and did grab theYoke.
And I flew.
It was theSame with theMassage experiences, with theHair experiences.
It was theSame with theVPSO experiences too, it was theSame with theChildcare experiences, that when you're on your own and You're theProfessional.
Accept it and take charge. Do the work at hand, do theBest you can and make great memories for everyone else involved.
And teach someone else so that one day, they too will one day be on their own and they'll hear your voice, they'll see you doing it and they'll follow.
anchorage, ak
As an HeadStart attendee back in SouthDakota circa 1970/1971 I can attest to the facts that little kids really do love it when given theTreat!! that is known as an school fieldtrip.
I even remember theAirCraft/AC that we rode in, not details mind you, but it was an Moonie style, WingUnder.
Meaning that theWings were "Under" you thePassenger and that it seated about 4 to 6 of us at a time and if I remember theCockpit layout correctly.
It looked just like an Car!! And with my limited knowledge of AC, I do recall Moonie having an Line or two of AC of which theControls were just like an automobiles,
foot on theGas, foot on theBrake and move theSteeringWheel.
But I could be wrong and it was just an AC, typical of theTime that was SouthDakota.
Remember that most of theAC that we fly in today be it as Passengers, as Pilots, whether they be Civilian or Military use AirCraft.
Most of them are OLDER than you and me!!
My little group of kids sat around on the school bus waiting our turns and it was fun to watch theAirCraft power up its SingleEngine,
Taxi out to the runway and then speed up with an RRoooarr!! and take off, then fly around theAirport a few times before landing again.
Soon it was my groups turn and I was so excited,
oddly enough I was used to theSpeeding motions, as being an passenger in an Car for that and of that time frame (1970's) was nothing new to me,
My relatives sped around and were smooth drivers or else sped around and occasionally jerked theCar in handling,
When we had taken off and gained Altitude, all of us kids got silent.
No longer were we chattering to each other and squirming around, we were looking out theWindows and staring in Awe-open mouthed,
at theBeauty of theCountryside around us / below us, and we saw how small the people at theAirport were,
we saw how small theCars and theBus was. An experience like this certainly opened up some Possibilities in our developing minds,
I had recently arrived to theNaval Airstation base from PR "A" school.
PR was theNavy job/rate for "Parachute Rigger" or in Naval speak it stood for "AirCrew Survival Equipment Specialist"
I had done my homework when looking into theMilitary, and decided on breaking family tradition and went into theNavy,
All of my ancestors at one time had been in World conflicts and had gone overSeas to serve for UncleSam,
and lately my two favorite Uncles had served in Vietnam as combatMarines, they were frontLine Infantry when they served,
I could have taken the easy way, theExpected way of military service, but I had my eyes on something distant, something more harder to achieve.
As I stood at theAirlines waiting to be picked up two older White women, whom had been on theShortHop to theIsland with me and had their own vehicle waiting, opted to give me an ride toBase.
Apparently WhidbeyIsland, or OakHarbor is an military town and also an retiree haven, and these two Wives of Navy retirees knew theLife, as it were.
They dropped me off in front of theHangars that was my new AircraftSquadron, theOfficerOnDuty, including theMasterChief were surprised to see me show up on their doorstep.
"You didn't call us?, someone would have driven to pick you up" theLeading PettyOfficer on duty mentioned to me as he took me to assigned barracks onBase.
But before I left for housing I was briefly introduced to two of my fellow PR squadron mates,
it was quite obvious that they were upset about something, and one was gathering up extra flight gear as if he was going to take it somewhere-TO someone to use.
And some other Squadron mates, an blackGuy & a Mexican were laughing very hard to themselves, as I later learned that in theNavy,
when you are assigned to any particular job/rating, you work in that respective rating and your assigned Squadron might be in an large hangar with any number of OTHER aircraft squadrons,
So everyone (within each squadron) is usually in and out of each others "office" space/work rooms and there are very little secrets amongst anyone really.
I learned that first hour, Just by Looking at everyone laugh quietly, that an NavalFlight Officer-Most likely an Aircrew in MY new squadron had Pooped his pants while flying,
or rather, he'd been assigned to fly with another FlightOfficer and literally had theSshit scared out of him due to reckless, careless flying exhibited by theOther FlightOfficer,
and upon messing up his FlightGear, and after landing, theOfficer needed new Gear,
And then I show up on theDoorStep of my new squadron, and all this excitement is going on,
Actually, I'm glad that I found out nothing more than that,
I never saw theOfficers involved in that day's incident, but knew that it was an exciting event noneTheLess. And I'm glad that I never saw that soiled FlightGear and had to clean it up, or theAirCraft cockpit either.
Apparently even theFlightProfessionals in our military have good days and bad days. Things are not always "TopGun" perfect and glitzy, swift and sleek, smooth and flawless.
For later on I did find out that there were an few FlightOfficers that were not trusted by their fellow aviators,
as that respective Squadron that I was assigned to, had 3 Radar/Bombadier/Weapons Officers and one Pilot perAircraft!!
Seeing those FlightOfficers dressing for Flight each day, I did find out that they treated such service as any other day at theOffice.
In your own life right now,
You'll stand in line at theBank and see those nicely dressed bank tellers, men & women and even theBankOfficers in their Offices,
Or see those nicely dressed Waiters and Waitresses, theServers and other Food&Beverage professionals in theHighEnd restaurant you eat at, etc.
To them, what they do might be nothing at all to them, it's easy money, just getting by and some are looking for other lines of work,
But to theNavy FlightOfficers that I saw and met during my time in theNavy.
Those brave men and women were theFinest group of fighters I ever met.
Think twice if you don't believe that stepping into FlightGear and strapping on an multiMillion dollar Aircraft that carries thousands of pounds in highTech weaponry that- with just ONE aircraft,
could level, devestate any major city in theWorld today, their job isn't any more or less important than theGrunt or theSEAL, theRanger, theMarine etc.
I've learned that everyone mattered in theNavy, in theMilitary and it didn't matter if even I was just a lowly ParachuteRigger recruit turned Apprentice, turned Airman and soon to be budding PettyOfficer,
Granted, some flightOfficers did treat us lowly Enlisted with disdain and exercised theirPower over us in many unauthorized & illegal ways, but those men and women whom I met were less than 7 maybe 8 in my 4 yrs in Service.
I don't think of them much, only if nothing else than as examples of how NOT to treat other people.
I recall that oneFlightOfficer of mine used to enter theFlightOfficer dressing room and as he changed his clothes and into this FlightGear,
he'd throw his stuff around like an adolescent schoolboy throwing an tantrum because he didn't make theCut for team tryouts,
I'm telling you that a few of those repairs we PR's made on theThousand dollar FlightHelmets were stemming from abuse, being thrown into theLocker or smashed against theLockers or theWall in anger,
Those small hardShell visors, from similar NASA lightReduction, in fact, from old designs and defunct lines of gear that theMilitary opted to use,
were several hundred dollars each, they being roughly theSame sized as theFacePiece of an motorCycle helmet,
and yet, some MicrophonePieces and other electronics used in those Helmets and in theOxygenMask of each Aviator, you could find similar parts at RadioShack and get better results,
as an lowly PR apprentice I got to do Much of theWork in my flightSquadron PR shop and so I got to sew and repair lots of webbing, lots of nylon gear & clothing, sew on lots of Patches to many an precious FlightJacket,
I also got to help out theLineShackCrew and wash those expensively incredible warPlanes that were in my squadron, and I got to see theInnards of those birds too, while they were inside theHangars with thePaneling off,
seeing theFuel cells, theBared wings, theOpen NoseCones and exposed radar dishes and various antanae,
and I also got to help out theWeaponsCrews load up theBombs and Missiles-at least while on Land, I never did THIS job at sea on Warcruise or even at Sea on Exercises.
When you open your eyes & ears and shut your mouth in theService you learn much, as I did,
and you begin to see that theMilitary is it's own Culture, with it's own passageOf rites, it's own spoken & written languages,
it's own Food chain, of leaders and servants and it's own police & judiciary system.
It's not perfect, as in most things in life, but theUS military is strong and I'm indebted to many people for theOpportunity to have served.
I'm proud to include theListing, "US Navy Parachute Rigger" in my Footsteps slogan on back of my current business cards that I give out.
I'll reiterate for you newbies to my Blog.
Christian/LDS Returned Missionary,
Licensed Cosmetologist,
US Navy Parachute Rigger,
Licensed Massage Practitioner,
Village Public Safety Officer/VPSO
Security Officer
and now I can put "ParaTransit / MVTransportDriver"
At least 7 major activities that I'm proud of in my life time of, so far 40yrs this coming 9th August, and there will be more.
And each Activity has subActivities that I could post too, but wouldn't have room here in theBlog!!
Like, learning Weapons & Tactics while in theNavy, and learning an advanced hand-to-hand Combat system,
This is where I first learned and Embraced firstAid & CPR, and learning Diving and getting an basic scuba card, and also learning to Parachute,
And this Navy experience also taught me a Sense of Duty, to show up for my Assigned land-based BarracksDuty Watch, or to theSquadronHangars for AirCraftWatch or else out on theFlightLines for AircraftWatch,
You just do it, whether you're sick or not feeling well. It has to be done and though 99.999999999% of theTime nothing bad ever happens, You Never Know!!
Thus my time in theVillage!! later on as VPSO was a great time.
I made it that way and I did it by being on duty, being up for Days on end and walking around during BadWeather, of watching other people in theVillage!! and learning their habits,
for men & women are creatures of habit!!
And out there in theVillage!!, I was just one man, I'm sure that many other VPSO's and VPO's and CityPolice and StateTroopers
along with Other EMT's and First Responders Onduty treated their jobs with care and solemn reverance, as I did and still do.
As many others onDuty still do now, our Fine Military & Nation's Police forces.
I'm proud to have been a part of all that while in theNavy, and of later on during theActive VPSO years.
Now I'm all grown up!! and just days away from turning 40.
Where has the time gone!? It seems like yesterday I was out in theVillage!!
and last week I was in theNavy,
That last month I had just returned home from an 2 yr Church mission and saw Life ahead of me and set out to do much and indeed,
in 20yrs I have. I'm glad to have walked this road I've trod.
I'm glad that many friends and family walked it with me, I could not have made it this far in Good condition without my family and my friends,
I look forward to turning 40 and hope for another 140 more years at least!!
I plan on outliving many VillageChixxx!! if not just to look at their Diaries and journals and see if any SafeDeposit boxes inventory turns up with goodies that I can claim-as soleInheritor!!
I was going to include some Flight schooling experience as part of this Solo installment but I'll get to that later.
aaaaaaaannnnnnnnnddddddd moving on!!
Her skin was soft and warm to touch as my StudentHands slowly settled into theSoothing Routine of first;
Warming up theMajor muscles (MM) to be worked on and then as time allowed,
we students got more specific with hanging out upon certain areas of MM tightness that we felt,
Indeed, when theFairyTale was told of thePrincess that fell asleep on the pile of Mattresses could "Feel" the single pea placed under One of those mattresses,
she was right, because when you have your hands upon someone's body which in this case, was an during an MassageSchool Clinic event and an RealLive client was upon my Table,
I could feel MM tightness and hardness where none should be, and on a much deeper level I felt this strange feeling too,
an Energy, an "Vibe", an force or literal flow of Life that emmanated from each Client's body,
When you give your all mentally, physically to an Activity or to studying an subject and retaining, recalling and applying knowledge later on,
you feel tired, you feel worn out and for me an fresh student of MassageTherapy, That worn out feeling was a good sign,
because I got in Tune with my client's body and our energies meshed together working towards helping theClient "heal" and "recover",
helping them to Relax and be Calm and I too was rendered Calm and Relaxed as well after learning to Harness this new experience from each Massage that I did,
it truly is a gift that one must work for,
this ability to feel and sense, to Empathise with your Client and to start to picture in your head some things that they feel
In fact, that pretty much sums up theCareGiver qualities that you must possess; Empathy.
You must genuinely want to help people in what ever capacity or Vocation that you pursue in life, whether it's one job or many vocations.
msKikki, my studentApprentice, an Assistant to theClinic's Lead MassageTherapists on duty that day had her hands upon mine for a few minutes as I worked on theYoungGirl whom was my ClinicClient that day.
this Girl was very nervous, not just at having an Man touch her, but at theProspect of Massage itself, for massage was and still is an Redheaded step child of theHealing professions.
So much so an Outsider that not many Drs at the time were using Massage and seeing it as an necessary part of an Patient or an Client's healing
there was this Sexual activity, backRoom Parlor stigma attached to Massage,
Yet looking back on this memory of mine, of writing from the 1995 era during the current summer of 2007, Massage has come a long way and is slowly, surely gaining prominence in the Medical fields.
ms K was 38yrs old, an Udubb (UniversityOfWashinggton) student and was finishing up her time with theMassageSchool that I was attending, she was an former AirForce flightOfficer and had recently retired after 20yrs in service,
Her long brown Curly hair was pulled back into an loose ponytail and she dressed conservatively often, her youngFace belied her innerMaturity, if I remember how to use that word Belied,
She was young and Old. She was youthful and Aged with an Wisdom seldom found in young people. And though she was in her late 30's, to me that was Young even though she often looked thoughtful and looked Hard at times like VillageElders or like any Elders do.
Ms K was an wandering Soul from theEastCoast, and amongst thePopulation of MassageTherapists-most of which are overwhelmingly women, she stood out from theRest of her peers,
I first saw her a few months before when I had to skip some of my Regular dayClasses and attend some NightClasses to makeUP schoolingWork missed and I noticed that this one Particular group of Kidz learning MassageTherapy, sounded like they'd fit right in with an Porn film about Massage.
Granted, being sensual and sexual and intimate has it's place in life. At the time I felt that this grope... erh.. Group of kids were out of Line with their study sessions and circleTalks during that week I met with them.
their Talking and WhatIf's?! all had to do with meeting up with People and sexing them instead of just searching for Clients with only theBest of Intentions in mind for them.
their Talking and WhatIf's?! all had to dowh!! with meeting with People and with violating them instead of just reaching out in beneficial ways for Clients and helping them.
And ms K was sitting in theCorner quietly studying by herself and she too Noticed me that time I first walked in,
she had an relieved look upon her face, which at first I didn't understand, but later found out why and still to this day, I understand that look on People's faces and by now I act on that look-given to me,
I search, I dig, I nose into people's business and find out things.
Before I continue Blogging - Understand, that all this stuff IS Just Fiction!!
Some events are an Composite, an collection and an pairing of certain Real Life events and changing of these and Other events 2nd hand, an hodgePodge of instances and even Vocations!!
I speak of No one and yet, I talk of some people literally.
msKikki and I became steady friends after that Initial meeting of ours.
I did her hair and gave her some facials too, I even did her nails!!
And that speaks volumes of how much I LIKE you, because I absolutely hate feet, hate doing pedicures and anything else to any foot or hand nails, honestly.
feet are smelly, feet are just Icky!! Yuck...
When us Massage students learn to document our Sessions with EachOther and later on with OurClients,
We use an SOAP form, Soap is an acronym for Subjective, Observation, Action and Post-Action.
I listed msKikki's name, and the Date or dates we met and Massaged each other.
I listed her stats; female, age, heighth, weight, bodyType, hairColor, Race/Ethnicity etc,
and on theIllustrated HumanFigures printed on theSoap form I noted other Things that I observed or saw BEFORE I massaged her At That Time; like if she had skin rash, or if she wore her prosthetic leg or else Used her crutches, or if she carried an heavy backPack or an book bag,
Not that ANY of theAbove notations were her's, I'm just saying.
That you note any Postural observations, their demeanor for that session, if they're happy or sad,
Note what they might say to you or speak of, "Just got coffee at StirBucks!! before coming here
which might tell an Astute MassagePractitioner that within theHour to expect some stomach gurgling and INNER bowel movement as theCoffee moves along!! So take it easy on theAdbominal Massage
Or if she was complaining of chest tenderness and abdominal cramps, she might be having her monthly Period and take it easy on her tummy and around her breasts,
OH.. and don't be an Man!! and say anything dumb cos she might slug me!! Since girls on PMS were and still are Dangerous and unPredictable!!
Subjective also includes, what theClient complains of as far as any MM aches and pains for that day, if they turned an ankle yesterday at their kid's birthday party or if they were Gardening all week,
Note what bodyPart theClient touches and what they talk of theMost.
Objective / Observations were further notations of what you saw at that Time, each time you met with your client. And Objectives were also what you planned on doing for that Client.
If an Client complained of back pain from kneeling ALL Day in theGarden would you use Active & PassiveIsolatedStretching for that Clients back and Hips and Legs!?
Maybe not, but perhaps some specific DeepTissue on theLower back, upon theFascia and Lumbar and include theGlutes and Hams,
and throw in some Arm work too since theClient grasped an small Trowel all day ALL week and planted flowers and weeded too. hands and arms ache from all that grabbing.
So use some DeepTissue and some Friction-work and join it all together with some light, good oldFashioned SwedishMassage and work on her entire body. Which was basically what you DID. theAction taken.
The techniques you did, what you felt in theMM and where on theBody. So you'd mark and notate theHuman Body illustrations upon theSOAP form when you did theAction taken part of the Massage.
Thats what you do.
In that respect, I'm a fan of Massage. I like it when tried and true Modalities / Techniques are applied to an Client or To Me and nothing relating to the "Hokey" side of Massage is used.
During my Massage school time I've had my share of sitting through some Mandatory workshops seeing some Mystical modalities like an Strange Teacher talking to an DanglingPendulum suspended over theBelly of an Supine student lying on theTable.
Some students rebelled that day and walked out of theLecture, me too. Because in My Christianity-at that Time- I disliked anything to do with Witchcraft, Sorcery or theDarkside of theOccult.
And I still dislike stuff like that, but some Massage practitioners believe in Fairies, elves, gnomes, dwarves, spirits and seances and demons and theDevil and so on.
theScience that my little Finite mind could grasp only liked theBasic Swedish Massage, theLymphatic MassageDrainage techniques, theStretching of theLimbs and Body and what else we learned.
I rejected theEnergyWork of Rieki, theEnergyPendulum and of Crystals&Stones work.
You might as well as read TarotCards, rub rattleSnakes on theClient, brew TeaLeaves, cast humanKnuckle bones and bloodLet some poorChicken upon your Client if you wish to do anything else labeled "massage".
And Post was Plans that you had for future work on your client. Because any work done on them for their MM aches and pains didn't help them completely or alleviate or even Cure the problems for them,
instead you planned follow up visits and listed work you'd recommend or do on them.
And if another Massage Practitioner were to look at your SOAP notes, they should be able to know and understand what you previously did and could repeat and do other work you recommended.
I knew that msKikki bicycled around a lot and that she also did whiteWater Kayak. She was an Hiker and camped alot during summer.
So during one SOAP fillingOut time I listed DeepTissue massage as an action that I would take for that session.
As an example, with Kayakers, People who sit up in that small hardenedPlastic / composite Kayak and Paddle with both arms.
Their UpperThighs, part of the TFL group, theTensorFasciaLata, the upper parts of the Sartorius MM, the Upper part of the RectusFemoris, are really Hard!!
and their abdominals are hard from surface lying MM to include the underlying Illiacus MM and thePectineus and the Psoas Major & Minor, and theShoulders and Arms are tense to from paddling through theWater.
So just do something site specific for theClient and also Massage the rest of them too!!
I've seen and Experienced many Massage Therapists solely working on an Problem area and neglecting the rest of theBody, neglecting the rest of thePerson.
In about an month, of meeting 2 or 3 times a week with msKikki and massaging her legs, her tummy and her shoulders, You could feel the tightness and hardness in her MM just melt away,
It's like this, you take an huge pile of pencils or similar sized sticks Or even a bunch of toothpicks, and pile them up upon an pillowCase or under an clothe and as you rub and Massage that clothe,
feeling the pencils move underneath theClothe, under your touch, you feel and sense that thePencils or toothPicks all settle down, and most importantly, they all LINE up!!
In a sense, Massage helps MM tissue heal and repair, and align straight and smooth with the surrounding MM.
msKikki's body didn't just heal too from the beneficial touch given by me her friend. Her spirit also healed and she grew to trust me, grew to trust one More Man on this earth,
because she didn't really trust men after an series of bad relationships she had been in before we met.
I remember one meeting of ours we had, when she filled out an new SOAP form for me from her own set of Forms,
"But I already have what you first gave to me, as you never wanted to fill out any more after the first and I just filled out the SOAP's since then" I told her.
She shook her head and still kept writing on her new Form,
She looked beautiful in a pontyail and glasses, in short jeans and hiker boots at her feet, her legs pulled up and she was sitting on them in her Office / massage studio chair.
Her office was nice, she shared theRent with two other massage Practitioners and worked around their schedules,
being with her as an student, as an colleaugue and as an fried really made me happy.
So I sat quietly and listened to theClock on her wall hum, her Pen also making noise as she wrote,
then with an brief pause and an shudder of fear, she bravely handed me her new Soap form,
It had the same data, her name, weight, age, heighth, but in her Past medical history she listed an STD that she got from an ex boyfriend of hers-malicously of course, by dateRape.
And she wrote in her current meds she was taking to suppress her symptoms, and she listed more of her Medical history, to include hospitalizations and surgery.
Most of which was from extreme DomesticViolence abuse at the hands of a few of her exboyfriends culminating with her last friend, and she listed some broken bones from each indcident,
in her Vocation or Trades line she wrote that she stripClub Danced part time, and was just learning some type of Martial arts-hoping to Instruct someDay.
She listed an past pregnancy & abortion-from one Domestic beating and listed some drugs that she had been hooked on,
Drinking was her only Habit now, she wrote. But her AA meetings were helping her kick that habit.
I didn't know what to think, didn't know what to say while reading her Soap form. So I did what I often did at the time with my most Liked & trusted female friends,
I opened up my arms and moved towards her, she moved into my arms and we embraced for quite some time.
I honestly don't remember if we Massaged each other that evening. And no, we didn't have sex, then or EVER!!
But we moved things between us to an new level and strengthened theBond between us more as friends.
Now I knew why she was so adamant that we Massage on certain weeks of theMonth.
To hide her drug marked arms, to hide her bruises from her boyfriends rages and to hide her drinking,
to hide her STD skin outBreaks and then to deal with her PMS.
I love myKikki. I miss her.
Since we were former Military we talked long about just the basic things we had seen while Overseas respectively.
One day, while walking through theWorkspaces of some Navy shipmates of mine, I observed a group of guys gawking at some magazines,
to my virginEyes, porn was the1970's stuff I first saw, but I got an shock when I saw that theModels and participants on one magazines Personal ads page were good looking white women and they were with some egyptian or saudi men,
theWomen were kneeling under the saudi men with mouths agape, and theMen were defecating long solid pieces, yet no contact was made by theWomen,
just an few pictures of how hard they were and how racy and sexy.
I was really disgusted for a few days after that.
now adays thePorn is beyond that. With all manner of perversity and bad activities that no one should be a part of, all in the name of Shock and Hardness!!
msKikki just shook her head over an Latte one time, Yep.
I might have done that a time or two when I was overseas. Some of us FlightOfficer girls went out with some rich Italians and I first got into multiple partners then.
I'm sure that by now, you've seen me 'there', she looked at me. I nodded affirmatively.
Remembering that she did Gape wide, both Orifices, when I held her legs and moved her hips around, knees together and then let her knees fall apart little by little, stretching and loosening various hips, tummy, glute and back muscles,
and then I mentioned that I had not yet been with an woman to know of such things in That regard,
but by massaging them and eventually none of them were covered up and were totally nude and trusting in me, I saw much!! and said little or nothing at all of these, what I considered Sacred experiences,
mdKikki then told me,
"And that's what I see in you, did see in you that night those kids were talking about anal massage and that one music cd put out by that toool rockGroup.
I was sick of being there, then you walked in and I felt.... I felt safe", she sipped her Latte and then went off to order an other one,
looking at me from theCounter,
I mouthed to her "chocolateChip", and she bought some cookies for us to eat later.
We keep in touch via email, she and I.
We used to IM too but after she moved overseas for an Yr to help out with some Mobile Massage Response team we stopped IM'ing each other, as part of some international emergency and as part of the recovery process for theFirstResponders themselves,
an team of Massage therapists, Shrinks, PhysicalTherapists, and other counselors also respond to theScene and take care of theCareGivers!!
She thinks my Blogs theBomb!!, but that I could punctuate more and describe Nouns more and use more adverbs too.
I agree, but try and be happy with what you got. And I'm not much!!
that one time msKikki was helping out with theMassageClinic and walking from curtainEnclosedCubicle to enclosed cubicle watching,
whispering suggestions to herStudents, laying her hands upon theirs and guiding their Effluerage movements and grasping with them,
she quietly moved into theCubicle where I was working on an young teen schoolGirl.
This one Girl was new to Massage and was very nervous.
I could tell from our initial talk, before I left theCubicle so she could get undressed and upon the table, that she was really scared of theWhole experience.
But her best friends were next door and across theCubicle from us, so that calmed her down alot.
I laugh at the Newbie because inspite of her Nudeness, she had theSheet wrapped around her as she lay face down upon theTable and yet, she was Exposed!!
I covered her and started to work on her, using all my charm to calm her, reassure her and establish an connection somewhere with her and working from there,
I felt msKikki's presence by me and then she quietly introduced herself to theYoung lady on the table, saying she was an Instructor's Assistant was there just monitoring theStudents,
And msKikki laid her hands upon mine and guided me after she read my SOAP form, seeing what I had written and what I had planned on doing.
It's my assertion that if you do things right, no matter what you learn that when you are all Alone, hence going Solo!! and need help of some kind.
If your Instructors were Great!!, and if they were Clear and Concise, specific and direct with their Edicts to you.
That you will fall back on your correct, proper and thorough training.
That if you have digested theMaterial you've studied and even have done theWork a time or two,
embedding theExperiences in your Mind, in your Body, in your cells ready to store and pass onto theNext generation,
That you will never be alone.
We may be apart from friends and loved ones, we may be apart from our homelands, our roots, our heritage and yet we are so close.
We have what our ancestors gave to us and it's up to us to further develop what we have.
This current day and age is an Litigious society.
Everyone wants to sue someone else and make tons of money and retire and never work another day ever and that's not something worthwhile to aspire to.
We must Learn and Do, and only by doing things on our own of our own accord, do we grow and strengthen.
Going solo in many respects was theTest for me, learning hand-toHand and later on defending my life from some Muggers was my solo.
learning to fly an small aircraft and then having an FlightInstructor hop out last minute and sending me up There ALL Alone was scary.
I wanted to jump out of thePlane alongside theInstructor but I didn't.
And in so doing, of flying all by myself.
This small child, that so long ago sat in back of an Small Aircraft and vowed that one day he would learn to fly, then did Crawl from back of thePlane
and did grab theYoke.
And I flew.
It was theSame with theMassage experiences, with theHair experiences.
It was theSame with theVPSO experiences too, it was theSame with theChildcare experiences, that when you're on your own and You're theProfessional.
Accept it and take charge. Do the work at hand, do theBest you can and make great memories for everyone else involved.
And teach someone else so that one day, they too will one day be on their own and they'll hear your voice, they'll see you doing it and they'll follow.
anchorage, ak