Take Her Back!!

this Post is aponsored by:
theIraqi authorities whom have consulted theOfficers!! in theVillage!! for advice upon imposing vehicle bans.

-"Just park theVehicles and release them at $100 to theTitledOwner!!" said one VPSO. an CURRENT state drivers licensed owner to be exact.

Another Officer up theRiver agrees....
-"Mmpnnthhpp, thhpaphhmmppehhhthmm..."

*Sips boxed milk*

"andn;mjthth hemmmttpphhmm... andnd ;lhhhh amumrhtphhtpp..."

*an VillageChick!! spoon feeds more Tator salad into theMaw!!

"so afterh den days all thyorhapmmmthhtm..mmmptththphph!!" theChew!! continues.

theVillageChick!! next to him with a covered plate of spaghetti,
her mood turning sour upon Reflection glances over at theImpoundedCars!!

and seeing her Chevy Pickup STILL sitting after 3 months,
Smacks thePlate!! over theOfficers head and storms away.

"mmph umppth... Anymore bread!!??" herMan follows her expectantly.

However, theFrench!! whom were warning of Violence to Lesbians in Crisis declined to help Sponsor this Post

"they should just leave those Lesbianese alone!?" objected several boys-n-Brown!!

"send 'em out to theVillage!!,
like those ones from theAlaskanPrincessLodges!! did back..."

*speaking Officer notices Glares all Around from his Peers*

"back when the.... when... WHAT!?" theHandsUp!! waved in question.
"was it supposed to be a secret?!"

ATM at Loosiana truck stops giving out too much money!!
"I'm all out of Printer paper GranmaDorey!!" I fumbled for a pen in my BallisticVest.

theAnnoying!! blip-Chirp from theBuilt-in speakerPhone called out every 2 minutes and had been Chirping now for 3 days.

3 days of not being able to sneak around looking for Importation activity,
3 days of doing more Receipt writing than ArrestReport writing!!
3 days of rest though and I could use plenty more of that!!

Even I pushed the "VPSO" nameTag for help and spoke to Customer service in theCity!!

"We'll send more papers out to you ASAP sir!! msTeller reassured me,
"do you need anything else?, Balloons, KeyFobs?, Mousepads?

I see that you're completely OUT of WithdrawalSlips and have never ever used your DepositSlips, in fact, theOnes!! you sent back to us are still here" her coolMetallic voice suddenly sounded.....Distant.

"Pens!!, I need more Pens please!!" I was still unzipping, reaching, searching my pockets for an Pen to write with.

msTeller giggled and before she hung up theLine said to me,
"behind the CourtSubpeona's you were handed via theStateTroop!! as he picked up your Prisoners, flying theHelo!! on his way back to theCity!!"

"Oh...." I mused quietly,
She knew everything, THEY knew everything.

I should call back and ask where my LIFE had gone!!
But they'd tell me matter-of-factly, just like they always do any other time.

That my LIFE had gone theWay of VillageSobriety when I signed up to be VPSO. And I sadly shook my head.

Ever since theAVA/MFANG merger with theI/T org (inebe/Transient) and had the backing of YVCInc (doh!!) us VillageOfficers!! were more and more moving into extended CustomerService territory in the most extemporaneous of Issues!!

Everyone and anyone, at any time of day or night, interupting my work to ask for $!!
I should stop giving out Money.

"Nothing in yet Sam!!" theSchoolTeacher!! called out sweetly from her HousingModule.

I stopped in my tracks for a second.

How could she.... How did she know?!

I was only headed to thePostOffice that day and had never ever formally met theTeacher!! EVER,

had just seen her in passing and always out of conversational range too.
except for times like this,

when I was considering dropping into theSchool!! to check Email or else was going to thePostOffice!! for my weekly visit her Voice would call out to me from noWhere!!

Better to play it safe and listen to her, I thought.
theWomen!! here, at least theGoodOnes are always right anyway.

I guess I could walk back to theOldVPSO office, which was located in theOldVillage CouncilOffices Bldg,

I remember that when I first arrived in theVillage!! earlier that Winter. I took note of everything.

Every house and even drew up an Map of theVillage!! and noted namePlaques tacked up by the doors too.

Most of theNames on each house were first names really.
Alexis, Toms, Evans, James, Peteman, Peters, Kate, Lorrie etc.

As I passed each Village house and looked at the dwelling my mind wandered,
I thought that most AlaskanNatives had colorful names like my Lakota people did.

Even in my family's Community back home, dwelt similar Native families in homes set upon small Quiet streets with hard packed dirt and gravel and this being Winter time,

I still knew theIce back home was several inches thick on the ground and covered Innocently with soft snow, as upon theSame snow and ice I now trod.

Treacherous was even an simple walk in the winter, I adjusted my steps accordingly as I continued my walk across theVillage!!

Even an simple walk held a Lifelong lesson.

I thought of the names in my home town.
the English translations of one name "Walks Left",
for one family, was from an Ancestor that,

as theCamp migrated weekly over thePlains, he was an advance Scout and would often favor going on Ahead and to theLeft of where theCamp was headed.

Often 2 other Braves would accompany him as they searched, and sometimes the 2 Braves would backTrack and completely circle theCamp as it moved and would read Sign.

Often they were followed by theCrow, or Arikara from the southland, Them!? Up here so far from home?

This Tracking tactic had saved thePeople from a few skirmishes with theWhiteSettlers at that time, but in time theFlow of Whites was unavoidable.

another family I knew, "yellowLodge",
was really meant to be SmokeyLodge!!

for theLakota are not immune to irony or humor as some people might think.
For an Ancestor of the current yellowLodge's was known to... um.
Not be an fantastic Cook!!

But she was a great Looking lakota woman!!
her hair was long, soft and coalBlack. her eyes were light brown in color and she was tall as most Lakota often are.

She grew up learning theWoman's work of setting up theTipi and of preparing the food for her Lodge, her house,

and of doing the "Home making" things like sewing clothes from skins and furs, for providing matronly comfort to her family and later on to her new Husband,

theCamp eventually named her Tipi "yellowLodge" for her fire often was too much or too little,

and what buffalo skin toughness that made some Lodges last for decades if properly cared for and set up, her family had to replace her Lodge every 2 years.

her cooking was ok, but she just never mastered Fire tending, even until her 98th Winter, but by then her grandChildren were setting up theLodge and taking care of her.

and "Makes himPlenty"

I shook my head at that one. And still tried to get the memory of an gradeSchool buddy from my mind that was an descendent of "Makes him".

For long ago theLakota were nomadic, an Warrior society, with behind theScenes matronly leadership and even further behind theScenes was "makesHim"

Always at the back of theHuntingParty,
his bows were NEVER broken by an ElderWarrior on the hunting excursions,

for such actions were swift, final and often harsh upon theFamily of an eager young Warrior about to experience his first buffalo hunt,

but was breaking formation and getting ahead of the more Experienced hunters who knew which Bulls and Cows were ready to give themselves to thePeople

For to have an Bow broken was to do without food at least until the rest of theCamp was distributed buffalo meat and hides after each hunt.

And his lance was never seized and kept by an Warrior for touching theEarth.
For the lances, often tipped with hard Obsidian that was Hand-chipped for an entire Moon cycle before it was sharp, deemed fit enough to kill an enemy of thePeople, was an sacred thing really.

Like all civilized people of Today 2007 Never ever point an Firearm at someone, for theLakota back then, it was the same with an Lance, to never let theTip get near anyone,

always pointing Up or away from loved ones, and theShaft always in the hands of Competence, always in the hands of someone On Duty watching theCamp.

But for Makes himself, duty was more about getting rest and being away from theProdding of his Mother!! and later on, from theProdding of his Wife.

for it was his 18th spring when he met her, his wife at theGathering,

where theAllies of the Lakota, at that time, would meet on the West side of what is now called theMissouri River,

far and wide it was but now, it is damned up and theFlow is slowed down at several places in NorthDakota and it doesn't flow as powerful through what is now SouthDakota,

and if Makeshimself were alive today and saw that "walkable" river bed now he'd take his Wife back to her People!!

for makesHimself once swam that River!!
it was dark, muddy and treacherous but his friends of Youth were looking for some fool hardy venture to be proud of and so,

they all elected to cross theRiver with their War ponies just after the winter break, when the snow was gone, for theWater was cold year round anyway.

It took them only an hour to awash to theOther side miserably wet, cold, demoralized and theBoys heard an stifling of Laughter as they gasped for breath and their Ponies shook off water.

One horse would have kicked his rider from spite but was too busy eating as much green grass as possible, knowing that they had to return across that big cold river!!

MakesHimself looked up from his missing Moccasins into theEyes of his Children, or rather, at that moment he saw his little ones in the Eyes of the young woman.

he doesn't remember crossing back to theWest side at all, in fact he didn't recall much of the year after that!!

he only remembered her face, her hair, of that short afternoon by theRiver before he and his friends had to return home.

he floated along all year till the following spring when once again, only 2 of his 8 friends Swam back across and looked for those beautiful Native girls.

They were there, gathering food and as always, laughing and giggling at theMen for swimming an river so big.

But theMen didn't even notice theCold, never thought of the danger, of the swirling whirlpools that could take man and horse down forever,

they saw theLodge sized depressions in the water and swam around them, stopped and looked, swam some more. Pulled their Warponies alongside and swam some onto their Destiny.

That return visit to theHome side of theRiver, makesHimself, "spider"-theCamp trickster and sneak artist, and "Runs beside theHorse"-theWar party athlete would take back 3 beautiful sisters to their own People!!

and would always chastise not only themselves, but each other for such foolishness!!

Spider was very good at sneaking into Enemy camps and looking around, and at one time had come back to homeCamp with a few nicely made skin shirts, of which he later would present to an enemyWarparty leader as proof that hisOwn camp wasn't so secure, so don't bother Us!!

oh.. and from his own Rations pack he pulled theDeer stomach with left over pemmican, handDried meat that was only made by 2 very Important family's within theEnemieCamp!!

message delivered.

and Runs beside, had the annoying habit of often leaping off his own Galloping mount and sprinting on ahead to leap on behind another rider!! then would pantomine Sleeping much to theAmusement of theWar party.

Over two centuries later, Spider's seed would serve UncleSam quietly in theTunnels of SoutEast Asia and in theDeserts of Afghanistan & iraq.

While Runs beside's seed, would run from ReservationPolice alot and philandered the rest of theTime!! Mounting, dismounting other men's "Mounts" and sleeping alot.

I looked at theOld VPSO reports that day and thought the same of the names laid out in text before me,

wondered about each man and woman's story and of where they came from, how they got their names and the personalities behind theFaces.

Fate peeked in theWindow that day, of theOldVPSO office building and saw me try on an unUsed Police jacket that was in storage. Fate saw that I wanted to try on new things and shrugged its shoulders,

took a good long look around theVillage!! and noticed an 4door, runDown car drive by on the next street.

"We'll start there" Fate said to me.
Since you didn't get anything today at thePostOffice,
I'll look after you by sending you some Male!!"

"Thanks alot Fate" I sighed.

"You're very Welcome Sam!!, Fate replied.

"and in time you'll wish that You too had never ever crossed this Great River divide to see theEyes of theWomen and theChildren."

"Some will want to go back with you, but you must not take anyone with you when you return home. Besides, Your mother would shoot you"



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